
Hell's Parade

"Hear the march of dead men, Crying for the end of their suffering, Never shall they know peace again, For here all are punished for deeds done, Weak are crushed into dust, Strong broken down till no more, Only can the will of battle live on, Here in this place of damnation, So beg and plead for eternity, None will ever hear your screams of agony, For you have entered Hell's Parade."        How long will the darkness last. Ever since my birth as the man Raziel, I have found the world to be chaotic. Nothing comes fairly, someone always paid a high price. Could God truly have wanted this to be his legacy to mankind?      When my death came I was sure I would never be able to ask him why I came to be. In life I was merciless to all before me. I warred against my fellow man, spilling his blood upon the sands of time. I never asked to be forgiven, for I felt that I was doing what was needed of me. My mind clear and decisive with each blow given. Had I known what was to come maybe I would have chosen differently, but what would have been exciting about that? I have passed from the living and have no regrets. Here is my eternity where others fear to be, and I call home with a smile.   Within Hell lay the souls of many who have condemned themselves. Among those are ones whom find comfort in the chaos of others. To them life was hell, and they have been granted the ability to control their destructive nature. With this power one warrior fought his way to surpass all. Here is the story of Hell's strongest General.

Hell_Bound · Action
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7 Chs

Fear of What's to Come


Tartarus was the deity of souls, the Greek pit for the monstrous Beasts of Hell. I finally remembered what my good friend Icarus said, "Out of all the old Titans I see Tartarus as the closest to balance as one could become." As anyone would reply, "How so, that seems a little like saying Lucifer is still friends with God."

He shocked me with his response, "Not at all, think of him as the superior gate keeper. For even in Christian faith Lucifer is bound to Hell and cannot leave in his true form until the gate opens. A power strong enough to hold Heaven's once greatest General; would have to be living to be capable of balancing itself against any of his attempts to force his way free. For I believe that in your faith your God is occupied with more important things than sitting at a gate tightening the chains every time they loosen."

My very view changed in that moment of understanding. To believe that my question was answered about that very thing by another faith. Not that I was jumping face first into a Polytheism religion; just that it was a simple way to say everyone gives him acknowledgment whether they know or not. And in Icarus's faith, for a god to have power they need energy from followers through their faith and prayers.

Why though was I on his personal list, and how was it all three of us being judged in union? I was truly confused for I thought one suffered for their own sins. Now I can understand Leon with me we did most of our sinning together, but Lilith was not very much in the same league as us in our level of debauchery. Well there wasn't any time to ask, for just like the Cyclops, we all disappeared.


We arrived at a new temple that looked to be the oldest one here. As we were trying to gain our bearings a low tone voiced came from the shadows, "Here be the beginning of your fate, for all whom walk the path ahead shall no longer know the flesh". To be honest the character that followed out behind the voice was far from average. Lengthy arms creped from behind Lilith, as it continued it wore the face of a woman made of porcelain. At second glance the she beast was twice my height and thin to the bone.

Could this thing be what spoke a moment ago? No, what stood before us is definitely a female of sorts for as we continued to stare she spoke, "So you three are our new contestants in our Pit of Hell Marathon." Confused as to why she wouldn't come further into view I began to study her. I could see what seemed to be a tail leaving from her pelvis into the dark she appeared from. Once more the deep voice echoed from the darkness behind her, "Here you will prove your worth to stand before our Beloved Soul King. Now for your first test, Us".

Worried of what "Us" was I stepped back surprisingly into a spear lodged in the chest of a desecrated skeleton. Completely disfigured and still covered in some flesh it began to move. Startled Lilith jumped into me as a child came stumbling from behind our lengthy entertainer. Both the long limbed hussy and the hidden monster spoke, "We are one and ever hunger for the perfect flesh. Now we have what we want now you must Die!!" As they finished the female creature slowly started to move forward. Now I saw why she hide, as she continued from the shadows what had been believed to be a tail was actually very disturbing. The beast with a deep booming voice stepped out revealing that they were attached.

What caught me off guard was that they seemed to be attached by fucking each other. For where his manhood should have been was the start of the long leash attached to the Bitch's cunt. A truly disturbing pair for his back was hunched and his spine was covered in blades. He took to a form that reminded me of Anubis, long boney snout companied by piercing red eyes and razor sharp claws. Now this was intoxicated beauty met raging hard ass.

"Are you prepared for your damnation in the pit of Tartarus?" Whined the porcelain bitch as she led her hound into the center of the large hall. He bellowed deeply and the rest of the fallen souls arose ready to tear us apart. Shaken by the sheer number of battle hungry souls before us I tried to focus on the duo. However, the souls began to circle the room with determined rage in their eyes.

My heart sank as I recognized a face among the angry horde. My dearest friend and brother Armand was staring deep into my soul. It has been a lifetime since I had seen his face last only but a boy. Where did our dear father go wrong in our creation, or did our neglect in life drive our madness. What brought you here my brother so deep into hell; so far gone not to see me before you. I cast out this fate for you, I shall free your soul from these wicked beasts of pure madness. For they decided to invite my wrath holding you hostage in such a state. You deserve to rest, if my fears were true then you survived only long enough for me to wish you were with me. I wished I had time to say it, but as I saw him they advanced.

My saving grace was Leon, whom had found a shield before the hollow warriors awoke. He blocked an unseen spike fired by the quilled coward. Set back to my opponents I realized their flaw. The cunt came forward in a sway so as to gain momentum. As she spun her hips to turn in a circle the hound leaped into a ball holding the cock line to have some control. He came in like a giant mace, and decided to give us only a demonstration. For he barely scratched Leon's shield and drove Lilith to stagger towards the angry dead.

As their haunted souls reached to drag her into the whirlpool of chaos I quickly grasped at her waist. With Luck giving me a chance I was able to use a nearby drape to swing off a broken piece of the tower. Catching her just before she was swept away by the madness. The heat from the souls was the purest form a wrath I had ever felt. The surge to kill filled me to the brink of going insane.

Upon landing I rolled and charged the long limbed winch. With beauty and a grand timing from luck I cleaved the right leg, barely missing the pecker. She screeched in agony as I ripped her leg the rest of the way off. To my liking this infuriated the bladed beast into finally coming to me. As he began to rush me like a flail spinning in the air, I gripped the dolls leg like a club. It actually was well balanced and served quite the beautiful blow I never saw coming.

The enraged hound came like a bull seeing red. He fired two more blades to distract me as he wiped himself to the open side of me. I used the leg to block them, which almost back fired when the three-limbed porcelain hag screamed as the blades pierced. Nearly dropping the still sensitive leg I barely dodged him slicing me in half.

Leon rushed to spear the she-bitch right between the eyes as I kept her master busy. Before he made contact she caught the tip, keeping momentum Leon vaulted over her while splitting her hand. Landing on his ass, Leon was caught off guard by the pierced skeleton from before. It was swinging its sword at him wildly as if trying to speak. Lilith with the whip ripped the skeleton in half unsure if Leon was in danger. She helped him stand as Leon kicked the skeleton's top half further from them, just in case it was still alive.

Once I spotted Lilith and Leon I tried to keep the tantrum throwing pup's attention. I taunted him with, "You know what sounds like fun, beating the bitch of a man with his dolly's leg. So come here you worthless Mutt!" Without remorse for my death wish, I ran to the far side of the tower. Our way out still blocked by the maddened souls of those lost here. I prepared my scrawny club which still seemed to have a blade in it.

He quickly charged me not caring about his woman as Lilith decided to engage her. As she got close, the legged doll swung at her feet tripping Lilith and began to crawl at her. Leon charged at the horrid she beast's head, bashing her into the ground with his shield. A wail of pain and outrage echoed throughout the temple as she grasped at her broken porcelain mask.

Hearing her horrid screams the hound went berserk and wasted no time trying to end me so he could save his doll. Spinning like a boulder downhill he launched himself into the air. As he came down upon me I swung my spiked club, once again startled by the cry of the doll feeling her leg. Surprised as it came flying from my hands, stuck upon the hound, I grabbed for my sword.

Lilith attempted to restrain the now faceless hag's sliced hand so as to distract her. Leon, as the she beast cried from me swinging her leg, pinned her free arm with his spear shoving it into the temple floor. As I rushed to cut the flesh bond the mutt came once more. He jumped over me to cut off my path. This however was not the right choice for him. Upon landing he broke his dolly's leg, in turn placing him on to his own penis.

As I watched in pure shock on how things played out, his spikes severed their bond for us. They both let out their most chilling screams of agony. The mutt began to shrink into a shriveled husk. This was the opposite of his lover however. She began to look young, full of beauty, and her porcelain mask repaired. Even the half of the bond that had still been connected disappeared. What had been worse was that her hand had healed, and her leg continually tried to get free from the mutt's corpse.

The revived doll threw Lilith into the air, and swung for Leon's head. I was able to catch Lilith, but in a manner I would have preferred to have avoided. She saved herself from landing on the hound with a well-timed kick, pushing herself away off of a spike. This however put me as her next thing to crash into. I didn't realize that Lilith was falling towards me till she screamed, "Raziel, MOVE…. Oh shit!!!"