
Hell's Parade

"Hear the march of dead men, Crying for the end of their suffering, Never shall they know peace again, For here all are punished for deeds done, Weak are crushed into dust, Strong broken down till no more, Only can the will of battle live on, Here in this place of damnation, So beg and plead for eternity, None will ever hear your screams of agony, For you have entered Hell's Parade."        How long will the darkness last. Ever since my birth as the man Raziel, I have found the world to be chaotic. Nothing comes fairly, someone always paid a high price. Could God truly have wanted this to be his legacy to mankind?      When my death came I was sure I would never be able to ask him why I came to be. In life I was merciless to all before me. I warred against my fellow man, spilling his blood upon the sands of time. I never asked to be forgiven, for I felt that I was doing what was needed of me. My mind clear and decisive with each blow given. Had I known what was to come maybe I would have chosen differently, but what would have been exciting about that? I have passed from the living and have no regrets. Here is my eternity where others fear to be, and I call home with a smile.   Within Hell lay the souls of many who have condemned themselves. Among those are ones whom find comfort in the chaos of others. To them life was hell, and they have been granted the ability to control their destructive nature. With this power one warrior fought his way to surpass all. Here is the story of Hell's strongest General.

Hell_Bound · Action
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7 Chs

Endless Meal

The temple itself was made of red stones. It gave off the smell of burning flesh in the dead of winter. Lit by floating flames Lilith and I crossed my new favorite bridge. As we got closer to the doors leading inside I could make out faces in the stone walls. They gave me the feeling of being watched. It seemed that they had been sentenced to forever keep the temple standing. I was mesmerized by the thought of the souls being used as mortar because of the shear pain they were in. Now I was curious of the verdict that would be passed down upon my sins in life. With that in mind I wasted no time entering the magnificent temple.

     The floor was supremely soft and wet. The urge to look down came over me, just as I went to Lilith grabbed me. "No don't look, or it will consume you." she said franticly. Gazing into the distance I realized that it was blood moistened flesh. Now even more curious I stepped up to the nearest soul and asked, "Can you tell me what the floor is made of?" He looked at me with the look of "what" planted firmly then proceeded to gaze down. As he did I couldn't believe my eyes the muscles below him turned to teeth, and began to shred him into pieces. Blood, flesh and bone created an on spot gore geyser.

      Now even more thankful to Lilith I turned to her with a grin. "Holy shit, never thought I would say thanks in this place". She hugged me too quickly to step back. With relief she said, "Many passed by me only you turned around. I owe you more than that". Remembering what we were supposed to be doing I gestured for us to move brushing her from me. Giving me the look that she wanted to hug me longer, she let go and started walking.

      The look reminded me of the love I once had. Sweet was the oils she used as perfume. Like a summer flower her beauty blossomed most wonderfully. My lover's name most fitting, Delphinium. Caught in the moment Lilith called to me, "Get ready, there are more guards and I'll take the whip." she said calmly.

     With a sigh of relief to use the spear I rolled the whip tight. Since she was fitted with the guard's clothes I acted like an obedient corpse. Holding the whip behind me for her as we walked with the spear to her left, we made our way. I will admit that I was glad she remembered about the floor and guards. Something seemed off though about the situation. Her calls to timely and convenient. Being the untrusting type I was prepared to end Lilith at any moment.

      To a point I hoped that I wouldn't have to for a sacrifice was always handy. As we got closer to an iron gate she placed her hand on my shoulder. Beyond the gate were three times more to face than to cross the bridge. Two wielded my favorite combo, dual hand axes. In the farthest corner was an archer, equipped with an English Longbow. Have to say wasn't too fond of that being in play. The last three had long swords and shields, thankfully they were hardened steel. If I could get a shield before the archer loosed an arrow I would be in the clear. Now I could fail and wind up with an arrow in the ass.

      With combat strategies running through my mind Lilith gripped me tightly. Now we both were getting prepared to make a move when engaged. Shocked like a lightning bolt to the nuts the guards never moved as we passed through. After getting out of view and hearing distance I snatched Lilith by the throat. "What the fuck just happened? We didn't have to fight as if you're really here to get me judged." I exclaimed with rage. With pure fear in her eyes she whimpered, "I don't know I swear. I was expecting to be charged. I can't even stand to be in this place". Loosening my grip I said with doubt, "If this happens to be a lie I swear you'll wish I left you in that tree". Understanding my mistrust she replied, "I will prove that I'm not lying". With the look of "you dug deeper" she became silent.

    Handing her the whip I took both the sword and spear. With the want to turn around to take the axes we moved forward. After a few steps around the bend Lilith stopped. "What are you doing?" I asked assertively. With a look to the roof she turned and took off back the way we came. The only thought to come to mind was that she had finally coward out. In a moment of rage I charged after her. Hearing a loud crack from the room full of guards I picked up the pace. As I came into view she was using the archer as a body shield.

      Amazed that she chose to come fight rather than have me distant and angry, I joined the party. One of the axe men spotted me and immediately charged. Thrilled to have my favorite toys in range I smiled ear to ear. As he came close I prepared the spear to keep him confused. While he tried to judge distance I shifted the sword into reach. Once more he charged timing it with his fellow axe man. Both in route I spun the spear counter-clockwise hoping to catch one. My luck running low I missed both, but kept them distant. With the chance to get closer to guard Lilith I side-stepped for distance.

      As I came to her side Lilith used the bow to strangle the archer. Once his body dropped she loaded three arrows. Taking to heart my old friends training tips I lowered myself and raised the head of the spear. One of the shield bearers recognized the position and stepped back. The others advanced to close the gap. As a group they stepped forward once more, and Lilith let the arrows fly catching both axe men. Both drop with arrows from their foreheads and the third pinned in a shield. Distracted by the arrow I slashed his legs causing him to fall forward. Faster than I could blink he received an arrow in his back. Placing two more into him he let out his final breath.

     Focusing on the last two I aimed my spear towards the closer remaining opponent. As I heard the draw of the bow I stabbed at his feet. With perfect timing Lilith pierced his forehead with the last arrow. Now came the fun part in a quick sprint I dove for the axes as the last shield went to run. Once he turned I released a beautifully balanced axe. With the clang of metal through armor he dropped with a wonderful thud. While picking up two of the axes I questioned, "So is this what you meant?" With a look to the side Lilith nodded. Planted with a grin I said, "Damn, now you didn't have to go get killed to prove a point. Gotta say though haven't known you that long". Giving a sigh she replied, "I get that, but I don't like being hated". Unable to keep face I busted out laughing, "God, if I hated you the last thing we would be doing is having this chat. Shit, let alone would I have saved your red headed ass".

     With a giggle and a wide smile she showed her charm. It was hard for me not to see the beauty she had. Lilith was truly starting to grow on me, but love was truly far from my mind. Without realizing from spacing she had grabbed my hand and began to direct us forward. Upon grasping what had happen I removed my hand from her's. While pulling away she gripped tighter then released with a look of sorrow. "Okay what?" I said confused as to her reaction.

     She replied looking away, "I just can't help it". With a begging tone "Help what exactly? Cause I don't remember giving any desirable looks". Lilith glanced over with puppy eyes, "You make me feel safe. In this fucked up place I actual feel okay next to you". Trying to keep from dying twice because of laughter I replied, "Look, no matter how comfortable you get with me I'm dead because of love betraying me. Besides that this is nowhere near the time for distractions for either of us". Giving the look of understanding and final acknowledgment she continued, "Well at least now I know something about you". Keeping the tough guy mood I popped back with, "Yeah well don't expect a novel of details like you gave me". She gave a gorgeous grin as she pointed to a set of stairs.

    Now we were getting somewhere. With a display of humor from our loving hosts a sign read, "Last chance to run and pray, but don't expect it to save you, your still fucked". I couldn't resist turning to Lilith to say, "So did you pray?" and began to laugh at the look she gave. It was the "Are you kidding me asshole" accompanied by a punch to the arm. Which made me respond with, "Maybe you wouldn't have become a tree ornament". Her face turned red as she began to laugh at herself, "You're an ass." she replied starting up the stairs.

      Must say, the whole time I had been with her not once had Lilith walked in front of me. Graceful she was in her stride, and her sway so inviting. Dear god, I nearly tripped over a step getting caught in its hypnotism. To distract me from my urges I asked, "How far to where we get judged from here?" With a sigh she said, "Not far, but do you really want to receive a punishment?" Passing my curiosity about the sigh I responded with, "To be clear, I would have come here anyway even if I didn't run into you."  Avoiding the desired answer she fired back, "Well if you get one that is direct we will be separated, and I will be tortured by who knows what". In a brief moment of thought I wondered what she feared. Giving up on asking why I stepped past her.

    We came to an open feast hall at the top of the stair well. Bountiful was the food upon the table. The smell brought my stomach to its knees, for so long had I not seen such delicacies. Many seats along the grand red wood table were vacant. Towards the end however sat behemoths. Large gluttons shoveling endless quantities of food down their throats. Quickly I lost my appetite seeing their grotesque forms. Huge piles of fat sitting in their own shit and piss.

Covered in uneaten bits of food along with sores, pockets of puss, and preferring a horrid stench. Lilith stayed as far from the table as possible as if to say "You sit, you stay".