
Hell's One : The 'Colonials' Make Their First Move

How the hell is this even possible ?!

We're in a futuristic alternative universe, its got a cyberpunk feel to it somehow.

I look around myself and I see buildings building itself up from the ground as if the ground itself had the materials needed.

It was a fascinating view indeed but....there was a blaring problem that I, Hatem and Amelia could never miss, the rags of society still dominated its grounds.

We walk through this night city and we just find hundreds of drug-addicts everywhere.

One of these idiots grab onto me and said, "HEROINE *gasps for air* HEROINE, GIVE ME HEROINE!".

I just kick him off me and give him a good old spit right at his ugly ass face.

"OI Sanders, boys...give em a good ol' beating, show em that you don't mess with the Colonials !", that ugly hobo said.

We were in an alley so there wasn't any real witnesses, this will all end in a breeze, I'll wipe them all out like how I always do, SIMPLY ANNIHILATE YOUR TARGET!

The "Colonial" group surround us in high numbers, they were all holding regular pipes and wooden bats, this'll end in no time, but out of nowhere... devil horns pop out of all of their heads, they were all devils !

I couldn't believe it, this will be a lot harder than I thought but... how will I be the one to pass judgement onto this rotten world if I can't even kill these gangsters ?!

At The Council Of The ICC ( International Criminal Court )...

"Hear me all members of the State Party, we'll need your assistance by providing us military personnel to commence our operation, Operation : God's Judgement", Antoine Carranza ( president of the ICC ) said, "all in favor of this operation of invading the US to wipe out a big percentage of the devils' population, please raise your hand and we'll respect your decision no matter what, we know this is a massive risk, some might call it 'unethical' but... in terms of war, ethics are meant to be broken to achieve one's goal, that's all I have to say, the decision is in your hands".

Out of the 123 member states, only 10 members of the state party raised their hands to join in on this operation.

Operation : God's Judgement, made to annihilate the existence of devils on earth, military personnel will kill the devils and then become a devil themselves but they've pledged on joining solitary confinement after the war to get rid of their demonic urges.

It'll be a war of devils against devils but the only difference between them is their interests and what they wish to do to our modern society, just how corrupted are we ?

Who are the true devils in this war ?

Are both sides devils ?

Is there a side to support in this pitiful war ?

Humans....or Devils...or are they the same ?!

"We'll annihilate the devils in the US, and then move on to the countries in Europe and then to the countries in Asia and so on, we'll progressively end them all, I see this council meeting as a declaration of WAR!!", Antoine Carranza said as he raised his left arm in the air.

(The countries that are on his side : Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands and Portugal)

All these countries have agreed to send military personnel to take part in Operation: God's Judgement.

They thought that victory would be the only outcome...until this incident had occurrd...

The court house complex started shaking and rubble was falling off the celling of the building.

"Everyone stay calm and collected please, this may be a terrorist attack by a devil gang, we can handle them!", Antoine Carranza said.

Antoine Carranza realised that this attack could be led by the same person that started the American genocidal act.

Soldiers group up in a snake-shaped formation infront of Antoine and Ibanez.

A fire chain cuts through the complex's door open as if it was butter, beyond this door were a bunch of devils with bandanas on.


The soldiers run towards them in 3 adjacent lines to be on the defensive cover.

One of the terrorists cuts through all the soldiers in one clean cut with his fire chain !

"It's a true pity, don't you think?", one of the terrorists said, "it doesn't mean shit that you've got 10 countries on your side, a single devil can wipe out a whole damn army, the power ratio of devils to humans, is just beyond your control".

All members of the State party get down on their knees in hopelessness, Antoine and Ibanez also get on their knees as soon as they realise that this is real danger now!

Back At The Night City...

We're still surrounded by these 'Colonial' guys, they're progressively closing in on us but...it all ends here.

I build up heat around my foot and release a ton of Fire energy to the concrete ground.

It would travel in all directions around us causing it to basically kill whoever it touches.

I surround Hatem, Amelia and myself with a fire force field and I watch as the fire distribution completely annihilates them, some of them are turning to ash but, not all of them died instantaneously.

I put down the force field and command Hatem and Amelia to go ahead and fight the remaining gang members.

Since I used Mind Manipulation on Amelia, she can now manipulate the movement of Dark matter in any way she wishes, she has become a true menace.

Amelia releases Dark Matter towards the gang members, as soon as the Dark Matter orb touched the remaining gang members, they completely explode !

A truly gruesome sight indeed !

Hatem grabs an aluminium piece from his pocket and creates an auto rifle, he fires them all while they suffer from Amelia's Dark Matter.

There was only one gang member left, he tried to escape us by dragging his body across the ground.

I grab him from his collar, "ah, your the same old ugly ass hobo that I spat on...you Colonials disgust me", I said.

I throw him onto the ground and Hatem uses his Room Renovater to surround his body in concrete from the alley floor, and then I set the concrete body on fire.

"I'd always recommend not fighting true devils but, the fires of hell have decided that we are the devils here", I said as we walked away from the alley.