
Hell's Kitchen

UPDATES SLOWED DOWN TEMPORARILY DUE TO HEALTH REASONS (will go regular again soon).. Meet Chef Victor Delacroix, a culinary genius with a chilling secret! By night, he was known as "The Butcher", a ruthless serial killer and assassin wielding a blood-stained meat cleaver. His grotesque talent? He gains the abilities and attributes of whatever – or whomever – he eats. This macabre skill set made him one of the most feared figures in the criminal underworld. Fed up with his gruesome life of crime, Victor decides to vanish from the radar and start fresh. He moves to the capital and opens an exclusive restaurant called "Hell's Kitchen." His dishes are unparalleled, attracting an elite clientele: the wealthy, the corrupt, and the morally bankrupt, each harboring their own dark tastes... In Hell's Kitchen, every dish tells a story, and every meal is an experience - often literally a slice of life. Yet, his patrons are blissfully unaware of Victor’s true identity as The Butcher, concealed behind the charming facade of a master chef. As Victor tries to carve out a new existence, the ghosts of his past start to close in. Sinister patrons with dangerous appetites, old enemies seeking revenge, and the lure of his own monstrous cravings threaten to drag him back into the abyss. The line between his dual lives blurs, and each night becomes a battle to keep his sinister nature at bay. "Hell's Kitchen" is a twisted tale of redemption and temptation, where humanity and monstrosity collide. In a world where darkness is served on a silver platter, can Victor ever truly escape his blood-soaked past, or will the shadows consume him once again?

deadmandreaming · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Blood & Wine

Victor walked into the dimly lit back kitchen, the smell of blood still hanging in the air. He stopped short when he saw Yuno's mangled body on the stainless steel table, a grimace forming on his face. Lucien was washing the blood off his hands, a detached look in his eyes.

"What happened here?" Victor asked, his tone stern.

Lucien glanced at him, his expression unreadable. "Yuno sold us out. I took care of it."

Victor sighed, shaking his head. "You really did a number on him. You've ruined the meat. It's only good for grinding now."

Lucien's jaw tightened. "I did what was necessary."

Before Victor could respond, Elise sauntered into the kitchen, her eyes flicking between Victor and Lucien before settling on the bloody mess on the table.

"Well, this is quite the scene," she said with a smirk. "Mind if I borrow Lucien for a moment?"

Victor raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Sure. Just make it quick."

Elise motioned for Lucien to follow her to a quieter corner of the kitchen. "Look, I know you're not thrilled about me being here," she began, her voice surprisingly soft. "But I have a suggestion that might help us... get along better."

Lucien's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What are you getting at?"

Elise pointed back at the dwarf's body. "Now that service is over and the others have left, how about we have a 'romantic dinner,' cheffed by Victor? You know, to make peace."

Lucien scoffed, but Victor, overhearing their conversation, perked up. "That's actually a wonderful idea. A good meal might help smooth things over."

Lucien looked between Elise and Victor, weighing his options. Finally, he sighed and nodded. "Fine. But no tricks, Elise."

Elise grinned. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Victor ushered them out of the kitchen and turned his attention to Yuno's remains. "Let's see what we can do with you," he muttered to himself.

He began by carefully butchering the usable parts of Yuno's body, his movements precise and practiced. As he worked, he fell into his usual monologue, explaining each step as if he had an audience.

"First, we need to grind the meat. It's a shame it's come to this, but ground meat can still be quite versatile," Victor said, feeding chunks of Yuno's flesh into the grinder. "Once we have a good consistency, we can start preparing the meatballs."

He mixed the ground meat with breadcrumbs, eggs, Parmesan cheese, garlic, and a blend of herbs and spices from the country of Veridonia, kneading the mixture until it was just right.

"The secret to a good meatball is the balance of flavors," Victor continued, shaping the meat mixture into perfect spheres. "Too much breadcrumb, and it's dry. Too much egg, and it falls apart."

As the meatballs sizzled in a hot pan, Victor prepared the tomato sauce. He diced fresh tomatoes, onions, and garlic, sautéing them with olive oil before adding a splash of red wine to deglaze the pan. The rich aroma filled the kitchen.

"Now, let's combine everything," Victor said, transferring the browned meatballs into the simmering sauce. "Let them cook slowly, absorbing all those wonderful flavors."

While the meatballs finished cooking, Victor boiled a pot of water and added spaghetti, making sure it was perfectly al dente.

Finally, he plated the dish, twirling the spaghetti into neat nests and topping each one with a generous helping of meatballs and sauce. He sprinkled freshly grated Parmesan and chopped basil over the top for a finishing touch.

Victor stepped back, admiring his handiwork. "There we go. Veridonian spaghetti and meatballs, made from the finest—well, the most available—ingredients."

He carried the plates to the dining area where Lucien and Elise were waiting. Setting the dishes in front of them, he smiled. "Bon appétit."

Lucien eyed the meal warily, but Elise dug in with gusto, a mischievous glint in her eye. "This is delicious, Victor. You've outdone yourself."

Lucien took a tentative bite and had to admit, despite the source, it was quite good. He glanced at Elise, who was enjoying her meal, and then at Victor, who looked pleased with himself; maybe this dinner wouldn't be so bad after all.

Victor left the dining area, a satisfied smirk on his face as he headed back to the kitchen to clean up. He knew better than to hover during this pivotal moment.

Elise took another bite, savoring the flavors. "I have to say, Victor's cooking really is something else. Even under these... unique circumstances."

Lucien took a sip of his blood-filled glass, watching her carefully. "So, what made you leave our old life behind?"

Elise leaned back, her expression softening. "Honestly, I was tired. The constant danger, the endless missions—it wears you down. I wanted something more, a chance to enjoy my hobbies and passions. When I heard about Hell's Kitchen, I was ecstatic. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to start fresh."

Lucien arched an eyebrow. "And what exactly are these hobbies of yours?"

Elise chuckled. "Believe it or not, I enjoy making cocktails with alchemical ingredients. Mixing potions and drinks, it's... soothing. Plus, it's a great way to unwind."

Lucien couldn't hide his surprise. "You, making cocktails? That's... unexpected."

Elise shrugged, smiling wistfully. "We all have our surprises. Look, I know we didn't have the best relationship back then. I was manipulative, always playing my own angles. But I'm willing to prove that I've changed."

Lucien regarded her thoughtfully. "Why should I believe you?"

Elise met his gaze steadily. "Because I'm here. I wouldn't have come if I didn't genuinely want this to work. Give me a chance, Lucien. Let me show you I can be different."

Lucien took a long sip from his glass, then nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll give you a real chance. But if you betray us..."

Elise raised her glass of wine, a glint of determination in her eyes. "I won't. You have my word."

Lucien clinked his glass against hers. "To new beginnings, then."

"To new beginnings," Elise echoed, taking a sip.

They settled into a more relaxed conversation, trading stories from their past jobs.

"Remember that time in Vesperia?" Elise began, a nostalgic smile on her face. "We had to infiltrate that masquerade ball. You were disguised as a duke, and I was your..."

"Scandalous mistress," Lucien finished, laughing. "I remember. We nearly got caught by the guards when you decided to... 'improvise'."

Elise laughed, shaking her head. "Hey, it worked, didn't it? We got the information we needed."

Lucien smirked. "Barely. You always did have a knack for theatrics. And then there was that one time with the enchanted chicken."

Elise burst out laughing. "Oh gods, the enchanted chicken! How could I forget? We were supposed to steal that artifact, but instead, you ended up chasing a clucking chicken around the entire mansion."

Lucien groaned. "That chicken was faster than it looked. And it kept laying explosive eggs."

Elise wiped a tear from her eye. "And the look on that mage's face when he found you covered in feathers and yolk... priceless!"

Lucien chuckled. "Yeah, and then you had to distract him by pretending to be an exotic animal tamer. I still can't believe he bought that."

Elise grinned. "Guilty as charged. And what about you? Any fond memories?"

Lucien thought for a moment, then chuckled. "There was that job in Nocturne City. We had to take out that corrupt politician. You posed as his secretary to get us access."

Elise snorted. "And you hid in his office, waiting for the perfect moment. You were so patient, I almost fell asleep."

Lucien nodded, smiling. "But it was worth it. We got him, and no one ever suspected a thing. Although, I still remember that you turned his coffee into a truth serum and he started confessing his deepest secrets to his cat."

Elise doubled over with laughter. "Oh, that was gold! His cat was not amused."

Lucien raised his glass. "Here's to the good old days, then. May our future be just as... eventful, but in better ways."

They clinked glasses once more, blood and wine. For the first time in a long while, Lucien felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could change for the better.

Aaand that's the recipe Yuno chose! Can't wait to see the next!

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