
Hell's Fate

Why should Luca care? This world never accepted him in the first place! He was simply outcast by society and all realms whether it be a demon, human or heavenly realm! And so he decided to forge his own fate. So he changed. From Human to Spirit. From Spirit to Demon. He had many forms along the way, many names along the way, many relationships along the way. But no matter what he tried to sever it all. Thread by thread he sliced apart all connections so all that remained was nothing. And so they had nothing but fear. Fear of the fate that 'it' wanted to create.

Eldaweirdo · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Your Choice

I've stood here and stared at my wrist many many times, I can just feel it even though it was the first time I've ever done it. It's like déjà vu except it just isn't, there's something different about it. I'm just standing in our living room simply staring at the time passing over and over again, it's a mysterious feeling...

But I don't like it.

I hate it so much.

It's the worst feeling ever, it's like having a thousand cuts on your palm, it's just this uncomfortable disgusting and horrifying feeling constantly irritating you second by second and day by day it brings down hell upon you. It's as if you were stuck in a constant loop of horrifying pain and you just want to punch down at it and stop it once and for all.

These numbers on my wrist keep on going down just like a clock, it feels like they have been there for a few months now but they only just appeared. I don't know why they appeared but I want to know, I really want to know. I feel like I'll regret everything, my whole life if I don't figure out what it is but I don't know how to. I simply have no power over it.


While I was immersed in my own thoughts I suddenly heard footsteps approach our door.

Is brother home again?

I slowly approached the hall from the living room. It was too quiet, way too quiet for an apartment near a main street. Step by step I gradually approached the door yet it seemed to stretch on for eternity...

"Hehehehe..... Are you sure you want to continue little girl..."


"I said are you sure you want to continue.... Don't make me repeat myself little girl..."

I can't move, not because I've been forced to stand still no. But because that voice isn't human...

What the hell is that voice, what the hell!

"Now now little girl just because my voice isn't human doesn't mean I'm not human you know..."

"Ho-How did yo-"

"Don't talk."

I couldn't talk anymore. It was impossible. Literally impossible. It's too goddamn scary I don't want to stay anymore I don't want to stay please stop...

"You don't want to stay.....? Hahahaha...HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"

"Who said you had a choice you little shit! You chose to do this yourself don't you remember?!?!?"

"Your the one who sentenced your own last remaining family member into an endless horrifying loop don't you remember?!?!"

"He's tried saving you many, many times and yet you remained stubborn! All you had to do was accept your own death from the start but instead you chose to be able to see your brother over and over again every day by simply repeating the same thing over and over again but sacrificed his sanity instead!"

"You ruined your own brother and you simply don't realise it. I have to say this though you did quite well being able to act the same every time your brother continues on with his loop fighting to save your life while your still here having the time of your life!"

Stop... Stop... I didn't do that I would nev-

"But you did do it."

I never wanted this...

"If you don't want this to continue then that would ruin my fun then wouldn't it? I may just accidentally ruin your family even further you know....?"

Why... Just why...

"I said don't talk. Now that you have remembered I have a little offer for you."

What is it...

"End your life and I shall give him a chance at saving you, continue and I shall end yours and keep him in constant loop believing that the 'you' he's seeing is the real you"

That's not even a choice then! That's just you playing with our lives for your own satisfaction! You've been doing over and over again for the past ninety nine days now! Just why are you doing this?!?

"For fun of course, hell get's pretty boring after staying in there for hundreds of thousands of years you know? Of course you also have no choice in this and I'm simply using you for my own fun, of course your only one of many courses I have throughout the day so don't think that your special or anything like that you little shit."

Just what will you give my brother in exchange...

"You don't need to know, also what's in this change in attitude of yours, all of a sudden your trusting in your brother, and here I thought that I would get to enjoy you two for another few thousand years..."

My change in attitude huh... I guess you could say I've been like this the whole time and plus who said I didn't trust in my own brother...

"Of course I don't really want to be a part of this game of yours but... I want my revenge."

I said so out loud for the first time since the start, I don't know whether he let me or not but I could finally speak. Just this voice alone is this threatening if so then what if he was truly in front of me...

"If I were in front of you, you would die the moment I would appear. You wouldn't even have the chance to see me before you died."

And you are telling me this because...

"Because I want some fun that's it, now don't talk to me again you little shit."

God damnit...

"Hahahaha!!! You say God before me and you even damn him? You truly are an interesting one!"


"You've finally learnt on your one hundredth life to shut up, now the question that remains is whether you will back out in the end or not. I guess I shall find out soon enough"

One question... Just why are you giving us an offer in the first place...

"Why? You don't need to know. But don't worry you shall find out only if your brother is able to find out for you. You truly are an interesting one you know... Out of all the toys I have you are the only one that is able to talk to me without fainting a few times in the middle of it, I am truly interested to see whether that brother of yours is as capable as you!"

"Oh well I shall get going now after all this is your precious final moment with your brother, I shall see you in hell... But before that I shall give you an extra gift, enjoy it Hahahaha!"

And it was gone, whatever it was, was gone. The fear had all but disappeared just like a dream and yet this dream has been going on for one hundred days now... But it's all about to end...


I was back again, with all the noises of the street caressing my ears once again instead of that horrifying voice, I was back again in the middle of the hall and I could hear my brother slowly approaching the door again.

And so I simply stood in front of the door and waited.

I waited for the final lock to be unlocked, waited for the final creak of the door handle as my brother would twist it. I have listened to these same noises for the past one hundred days now over and over again I should be used to these noises by now but this time I couldn't hold myself back and tears began gushing out, all my tears filled with regret. There was nothing I could do anymore for my brother, I'm the reason this happened and so I have to be the one to end it...

After standing silently for half a minute I wiped off all my tears.

And heard the final creak.

I put on my smile again and shouted in the same voice that my one and only brother loved, he was my brother yet I let him suffer over and over again. It was impossible to apologise and so the only thing I could give him now was the best last day with his sister as I possibly could.

"Hello Lil'Nee... Brothers back again!"

"Ah! Welcome back brother!"

I leave it all to you now Luca...


What is this...

What am I seeing...

Just why am I seeing this...

Someone please tell me...