
C42 Mark My Words!

'Besides, if what I envision actually works, it could become much more, and thus, actually deserving of being soul-bound to me.'



I fired an incredibly dense and pure beam of energy at a tiny metal plate.

Also, I'm doing this in Hell since it's too—



I'm 'borrowing' another realm as well, as I'm trying to gauge the energy absorption limits of the new metal I've made.

I could've used my own power, but it doesn't take kindly to being absorbed by other things and would've skewed the results.

I'm trying to make a metal that has all the upsides of Vibranium and Proto-Adamantium but without the tradeoffs.

If I had to describe the difference between the two, I'd say:

Vibranium is extremely strong and able to absorb kinetic energy that can later be released.

It also amplifies magical energies, though differently and to a lesser degree than uru, and is likely the most useful metal in existence, as it can be used for almost anything.

As a plus, it's also non-magnetic.

Proto-Adamantium gives up most of that magic manipulation and trades it in for an astronomical boost in physical properties and protection against most mundane energies.

As for usefulness, if its lesser analogs are anything to go by, it has many uses but nowhere near that of Vibranium.

'In actuality, as long as your goal isn't absolute durability and strength, Vibranium is the superior metal for most applications.'

My ultimate goal with this new metal is composed of multiple parts:

One; make a metal just as strong as Proto-Adamantium while still being as 'magical' and 'useful' as Vibranium.

Two; increase its magical conduciveness to at least that of Uru's, and perhaps, add additional attributes, like a version that's more flexible or even biocompatible like Adamantium Beta(Wolverines metal that can heal along with his own healing factor).

Three; bring the metal to the next level by boosting all its properties even further and removing, or at least dampening, its one weakness, reality-warping.

'So basically, I'm trying to make the best conceivable material in existence—just for laughs?' I rub my chin while looking at the crater, 'Totally sounds like me.'

My progress isn't bad, either.

In just a couple months, I've managed to remove most of the limitations, though it's still not the best of both worlds.

But it's still better than nearly everything.

For just that tiny bit of metal, it took a fair amount of this realm's power to overload and explode.

Another month or so, and I'm sure to accomplish part one of my goal.

Part two I plan on completing in the next world since it'll have some helpful materials I can draw inspiration from and shouldn't take me all that long to complete.

For part three, well, that's the main reason I'm going to the next world.

"Mm," I remember something, 'I'll have to stock up on vibranium before I go, or I'll have nothing to work with.'

Unfortunately, making something like Vibranium isn't like making a body.

One is manipulating molecules, and the other is manipulating sub-atomic structures to make an entirely different element.

That means, at least for now, I still have to get it the old-fashioned way, and that's the main purpose for the company that I made with Doom.

'Though, thinking back, it seems like using a sledgehammer to open a can of soup. It works—but can openers work too.'

Looking up from the barren landscape; a Hell dimension that I've killed off but won't absorb for—certain—reasons.

I think, 'Doom should be done dealing with Wakanda by now.'

He's not going to take control of all of the Vibranium like he did in Doomwar; instead, he's just making Wakanda more—open—to the idea of cooperation.

Specifically with Latveria.

I think back to the start of it all, a couple months ago...


On the news.

"Breaking News! A small country within sub-Saharan Africa was found to be more advanced than even First-World Countries!"

"Videos and documentation of advanced technologies were released by an anonymous party on the internet. They've been authenticated and can be confirmed as genuine."

"The identity and motive of the party who released them is unknown, but one thing's for sure."

"There's a new superpower on the block, and he isn't one to be pushed around easily if what's shown on the videos is anything to go by."


Just like that, Wakanda was thrust onto the world stage, unprepared, and with an isolationist populace that didn't particularly like going from completely hidden to being in every nation's news.

With the stage set, all Doom had to do was put a few things in motion that would force Wakanda into a disadvantageous position.

Things like making sure every nation on Earth knew about Vibranium and quickening the eventual journey of one Erik Killmonger.

Doom, of course, would never be suspected; he isn't a rookie.

And above all, Doom has never done anything villainous in this universe, at least not as he has in others, so when he eventually extends his hand, there will be much less distrust.

In fact, there may even be mutual understanding.

Doom has yet to reveal himself to the world and Latveria can now be considered more advanced than the rest of the world, even if it doesn't look like it at first sight.

Wakanda may be advanced, but having the whole world eyeing you like a prize is not something comfortable.

So what would they do when another country reveals itself to have similar circumstances, and they propose cooperation between one another?

Better yet, when that country also specializes in advanced material construction, including metals, and may just be able to help each other in more than just the political field.

By working together, they'd be untouchable to the rest of the world and would be able to continue their lives relatively unchanged.

Add yet another factor, like Wakanda just getting out of a civil war, and they'll have every reason to accept.

'Which is exactly what happened.'

Refocusing on the present moment, I teleport back home.

It's late at night, but the condo is empty.

'They'll be done with high school in another month, but they still have to catch that fanboy who keeps killing my naysayers.'

I tilt my head, 'Not that I care if people who dislike me are killed, but it actually makes me look worse if they are.'

I tilt my head the other way, 'Not that I care about that either.'

Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I sit down on the couch, 'Though, I do wonder who it is that would hunt down a bunch of normies for me.'

I haven't used any of my abilities to find out either, as I rather like not knowing something for a change.

Leaning back, I start thinking of possible ways to improve the formula while waiting for the two trouble makers to get back.

'Hopefully with something to show for it this time...'


"You would defy me, betray ME!?"

'Sitting' on a giant throne was a black shadow.

"I will! A pawn I am not! My destiny is my own to rule!"

In front of it was a red-haired woman who was yelling defiantly.

"HA! YOU!? Rule your own destiny?" a derisive snort came from the shadow, "You say you're not a pawn. Do you think me blind, that I haven't noticed who your 'victims' are? That they're all related to that—that—THING!"

She clenches her fists, "You! Don't—"

"You say you're not a pawn yet doesn't killing only those people make you one?" the shadow crept forward, revealing two large red eyes that stared down at her, "Did that 'Thing's' insanity rub off on you?"

"He's beautiful! PERFECT!" the woman seemed to have lost her composure, acting more erratic, "Don't—don't you dare demean him! Even if you're my father, I'll—I'll—"

"You'll what?" the shadow receded, seemingly losing its interest, "It's a shame, really. You held such great promise, such potential."

She wanted to respond, but the shadow kept talking, "All of us put so much energy and resources into making you. Yet you turned out to be defective."

At this point, she had lost all restraint and attacked the shadow, but it ignored her existence—and attack.

"Hmm, perhaps your brother will do better..." then it disappeared, though not before sending her crashing into a nearby pillar.

Stumbling up from the ground, she shuffled to the throne, "Hope—you better hope," her eyes showed a deep obsession and longing.

Falling on her knees, she continues, "Hope that I don't die and return to Hell."

Then she looked up at the weathered throne, "Because if I do, I'll kill you and give him your—" her eyes clear up and widen as if having an epiphany.

"Yes! That will make me worthy," standing, this time with more strength, she walks up to the throne, "that will make him love me!"

"I will find my way back to Hell, and when I do, I'll take your head—then your throne!" she lifts her fist and strikes the throne, reducing it to rubble. "After that, I'll take the others!"

"Then, I'll give it all to him," her eyes go back to being filled with obsession, "he'll accept me then."

Standing tall, she continues, "Mark my words! I will concur Hell for my beloved! For I am—"

She fell to the floor after someone hit her on the back of the head.



Yeah, I had some writer's block, and the first part turned into more info than story.

Also, I'll probably only write a chapter every two days from now on, as I don't plan on spending all summer in the fantasy world inside my head.

Even though I may want to...


From now on, I'm going to start employing more 'Author's Authority' in regards to metals, as I can only put so much research into one topic.


Descriptions and reference pictures for the sisters will come soon.

I actually forgot...

For a long time now, I've known how they're supposed to look, but I never described them.


Just a warning, though. They look very similar to the MC.

For two reasons:

One; it makes sense.

Two; I found the reference pictures before they were even 'born,' and they just so happened to look a lot like I imagined the MC.

I tried looking for different pictures as a reference, but I honestly couldn't find anything better.

I didn't want stereotypical anime girl pictures either, which cut down on choices.

But I will tell you that I'll normally refer to them by name like I've been doing, and not description, so you could imagine them however you want.

Next chapter