
Hell's Eternal (Dropped)

*The last time I wrote a book was in second grade and language arts were always my least favorite classes. So don't expect gold.* A guy dies then meets a ROB who turns out to be a sadist. After which he gets a couple of wishes, and bada-bing bada-boom he ends up in one of the deepest parts of hell next to a certain insane angel. Sounds fun right... yeah... no. [A/N: I don't own the cover, if you're the original author and want me to remove it, please contact me.] [A/N: I do not own Marvel. I am only playing in their universe(s)]

FlammableFire · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

C38 Nick Chopper?

I look back at the 'MK1,' "I should have enough time to make a battle-worthy version."


"Zad—there's a circle in the sky."

He looks up, "Yup. I'm going to go and have some fun up there. You two can stay down here and play, but be sure to hide your identities."

Then he disappears around a corner as screams start to emanate from everywhere in the city.

"He's not taking us with him," Sera pouts.

Lana does as well but tries to remain positive, "At least we can kill some stuff too."

They smile at each other before disappearing around a different corner.



'I find myself apathetic towards it.'

Not the embodiment of it—I haven't met her yet—but the phenomena, or action, of it.

This invasion is worse than the movies and has already reached a thousand deaths with the first few moments.

I can watch as the old and young alike are slaughtered and feel nothing for it.

'I'm really not—'

I watch as a pregnant woman is skewered, an old man loses his head, and a kid is disintegrated. Then I see their souls leave for the afterlife,

'—not that human from so—so long ago, anymore. Am I?'

I know this isn't normal.

Even a million-year-old war veteran will feel a minuscule amount of something when seeing mass death—innocent death—right in front of them.

'Yet, I feel—absolutely—nothing.'

Not even the slightest amount of sorrow, anger, hatred, nor do I feel any joy or happiness from it.


'It's like I'm watching grass grow, but I have unlimited patience.'

I continue watching for a while as I hover high in the sky, invisible; this is all done by my suit.

"Huh," I shake myself from introspection. 'What a strange phenomenon, but it matters little.'

"If I don't care about something, then I don't care. No need to get all worked up about it."

'Now, what should I do?'

Thanos sent many more Chitauri this time, but it's still, surprisingly, lacking; I expected more. Perhaps one of his 'children,' or those space dog things.

The only thing I can think of is that Loki, if he's the one leading this, played down the strengths of Earth, influencing his final assessment.

Even so, the Avengers will need a lot of luck to pull it off without astronomical casualties, as the enemy is simply too numerous.

Of course, Doom is definitely watching this and would step in if only to make sure Thanos didn't succeed.

'Hmm, should I save them at the end and claim victory like some attention-seeking manwhore?'

Very tempting—but I think I'll do it in a more—tasteful manner.

'Maybe with some tunes too.'

I stop hovering and fall.

"Haha, okay, who am I joking? Of course, I'm going to have some music."

While falling, I hit a few flying soldiers. They don't survive, nor do they alter my course.

Eventually, I near a leviathan.

"Levi-tan! I've come to grant your wish!"

'I was surprised to find that anime here.'

"I'll turn you into a magical—"

Crashing into it, it immediately starts plummeting to the ground.

My enchantments are replicating the effects of Juggernaut's 'Irresistible Force' and spreading it over a larger area: so I don't go through its body.


'Ah, fuck puns. I'll just turn on music.'

The leviathan landed, dead, in the middle of a street.

This, of course, attracts the attention of the soldiers.

They start to shoot, but all the projectiles are redirected back to the surrounding enemies.

As they're killing their own, I release a few dozen metal plates. They attach to various lights or exposed wires, extracting as much electrical energy as possible.

After a few dozen are killed and realizing ranged battle doesn't work, the soldiers start to engage me in close-quarters combat.

"~Like a record, baby~"

I play with them for a bit until a leviathan shows up from around a corner. Seeing it, I release a grenade-like wave of miniature plates, which kills all the soldiers.

After that, they all group up with the others I released previously.

Then I point at the leviathan once it gets a bit closer.

All the plates gather in a cylindrical form, as if an extension of my arm, and shoot an intense beam of electricity at the beast.

"~Mama said knock you out~"

It burns through its head, into the brain, knocking it out of commission.

I nod, 'The electrical energy wasn't converted, so it can't be used for many things, but it's still a powerful weapon.'

After this, the plates combine into twenty or so balls which then go off, acting like drones.

They'll charge themselves off of any energy they find while killing soldiers and alerting me of any leviathans.

Like this, I continued 'safe-guarding' a portion of the city the others are unable to. I did see a couple of them, but it was from a distance, and talking isn't really an option right now.

'Not that I want to talk with them.'

I'm in my own little world right now, having a blast—literally—and I don't want to be disturbed.

For this battle, I've limited my powers just like I do with the girls: meaning I've been fighting with 'everything' I have.

Otherwise, it would feel like I'm playing with paper children—which is still kind of the case—but it's much better.

'Why didn't I do this before!? This is almost as fun as rampaging through Hell!'

After some time, the invasion stepped up a notch as more leviathans started pouring out from the wormhole.


'The Council will probably send that nuke soon if they haven't already.'

Thinking of nukes, a very dangerous smile starts to reveal itself underneath my helmet, 'Oh, I really shouldn't.'

"But I'm so going to, heh, heh," I look up at the sky, full of leviathans, ripe for the taking.


"Stark, you hear me? You have a missile headed straight for the city!"

"How long!?"

"Three minutes—max. The payload can wipe out Midtown."

Untangling himself from the soldiers, "Jarvis, put everything we got into the thrusters."

He quickly flies off into the sky, heading to the nuke.

On the way, he hears Natasha say she can close the portal, then Steve telling her to go ahead.

"Wait! I've got a nuke coming in and it's going to blow in less than—than a—what the hell?" His eyes squint, looking ahead.

"Stark, talk to me! What's going on?" He can hear Steve.

"The nuke, someone beat me to it. It's that tin man Clint was talking about, the guy who covered one end of the city."

"Great, what's he doing? We can't keep this portal open for much longer, or we'll be completely overrun."

Tony quickly nears the person, "He's, um, oh—I like the way this guy thinks, assuming he can pull it off."

"What's going on, Tony?"

"He—caught—the missile and is refitting it onto a leviathan that he's controlling—somehow," he answers while zooming in on the metal disks hovering around the beast's head.

"Jarvis, scan those. I want to know how he's controlling that whale."

"Sir, I've already tried. All I can find is that those discs are giving off electrical pulses, though I cannot detect how, as the scans show they're solid metal."

Nearing the man, he asks, "You sure you know what you're doing there, Nick Chopper?"


'Very funny, Tony the 'Fe Male.''

I don't look at him, "It's elementary, Mr. Stark," I reply with a disguised voice, similar to Ultron's.

"Yeah, well, we're sorta in a hurry so—"


I pretty much just swiped the missile straight out of the sky, removed the rocket portion, then implanted the payload into the leviathan.

"Giddyup," I tap the top of the beast. This made it start fly-swimming towards the portal.

I also improved the blast strength with some—magic...

"How long can your people hold?" I ask.

"—Another minute or so."

"Perfect," I say as the 'drones' I deployed earlier return, disassemble, and start revolving around the beast, adding extra thrust.

It only takes ten seconds to reach Stark Tower, where I jump off, after attaching more plates to it, "This is the end of the road."

Landing next to the Tesseract, I look up at the leviathan.

It turned straight upwards, then the plates formed a cone shape that reached towards the portal with the beast at the bottom.

Then, it was flung through the portal like a slingshot.

The plates used all the stored energy to launch it, leaving only enough to return to me.

With the beast through, I watched as it reached the fleet, which had several motherships instead of only one, and exploded, taking them all with it.

I said, "You can close it now," but it seems Natasha was still a bit disoriented from all the changes, as It was barely five seconds from the time I landed next to her to when the leviathan exploded.

Seeing the blast quickly reach the portal, I just reach in to grab the Tessaract.

She finally wakes up now.

Including Tony, who caught up with me, "Hey, you can't do that! It'll—"

My hand enters like the force field doesn't exist and pulls it out, "Do what?"

Selvig may be smart, but he's too far my junior to make something that can stop me.

My suit floods with blue energy as I take the chance to charge it before throwing cube to him, "You should keep an eye on that. It's pretty dangerous."

He catches it, holding it just fine as I made sure it was put back into an inert state.

"So—who are you?" Natasha asks.

"I'm—" I turn my head in the direction of the approaching Thor and Cap, but looking past them.

"I guess they thought one wasn't enough."



Longer notes this time.


Nick Chopper = The Tin Man's real name.


I kept misspelling leviathan as levitan for some reason, and it reminded me of Serafall Leviathan.

I had to write it to get it out of my head.


Perhaps I didn't explain clearly, but the MC has a high degree of mastery over his powers and isn't neglecting them. I'm just not going to write a training montage.

It may not look like that sometimes, but remember that his 'powers,' if they can be called that, have a tremendously high—or even none existent—'level cap.'

Also, Thanos can't snap him at this point. Even if he could, he would just pop back into existence like anytime he 'dies.'


If I had the chance to re-write this, I would definitely start him off as much weaker.

I didn't really think ahead when I came up with his wishes; I just tried to make the 'smartest' wishes, not ones that would make a good story.

I could have just made ROB add more restrictions or something to preserve the MCs 'smartness.'


This whole 'world domination' thing, which you'll learn isn't actually world domination, is just a side thing from our perspective.

It won't take center stage and is only meant to add a bit of flavor, not be the whole dish.


His not using all his power isn't me fabricating suspense. To me, it just makes sense to limit yourself and add more challenges to your life when you've reached his level.

Keep in mind, all the stuff he's doing on Earth is basically a side project to him.

Does that mean everything is meaningless? Yes. It's meaningless in the same way our lives are meaningless.

Do we not live only to breathe and pass on our genes so the next generation can do the same? Does anything we do truly hold any meaning beyond what we give it?

The MC does all that shit because he wants to, and that's all the meaning he wants or needs. Philosophical questions can kiss his ass.


His main method of growing stronger is in Hell.

He could just stay there all the time, growing in strength, but that would be boring for me, you, and him.

AND, there are legitimate reasons he isn't doing that as well—which you can't know—not yet.


So far, people have guessed what TYPE of thing he's after, but no one I've seen has come close to guessing where he wants to go.

I want to go to the next world, so they will probably be 'revealed' fairly soon.

But if the guesses keep going the way they are, then I'll be able to surprise everyone.
