
Hell's Eternal (Dropped)

*The last time I wrote a book was in second grade and language arts were always my least favorite classes. So don't expect gold.* A guy dies then meets a ROB who turns out to be a sadist. After which he gets a couple of wishes, and bada-bing bada-boom he ends up in one of the deepest parts of hell next to a certain insane angel. Sounds fun right... yeah... no. [A/N: I don't own the cover, if you're the original author and want me to remove it, please contact me.] [A/N: I do not own Marvel. I am only playing in their universe(s)]

FlammableFire · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

C3 Rubies and Sapphires

"Ah, it seems he is about to arrive, and with his arrival so too does our entertainment begin!" The now glowing strawberry jello said with unconcealed glee.


Following our sorry sap of a soul down the slide. It was a shame that he could not see because if he could he would find that this slide, like any good slide worth the plastic it was made from, had many portholes and windows that allowed one to see outside.

Through these, he would have seen views that could only be described as heaven. Swirling colors that did not even exist in his previous world, great contraptions that looked big enough to build entire planets.

Among them were even a few things that he would have recognized. One was a giant cube with strange alien markings. Another was a giant flying... pickle? And of course, a seemingly ever-present telephone booth.

Not everything that could be seen was beautiful or awe-inspiring though. Among the many heavens were just as many hells, Cthulhus, and other Lovecraftian horrors. Horrors to vile and fear-inducing that it could make even your worst nightmares shake in fear.

Fortunately, the little soul could not see and thus was spared from such a fate.

Yes in fact he was completely unaware that such things existed just outside the seemingly fragile plastic walls and was instead immersed in thought.

'I suppose at this point it would be normal to curse my fate and yell at ROB for making me go through such a hellish trial. However, I am not so idiotic to curse at an OMNIPOTENT being, that is likely watching me at this very moment, like some retarded and ungrateful mc from a novel.' He thought with part helplessness and part exasperation.

'And while this trial is likely to be extremely painful and drive me to partial insanity, it's not like it's without any boons. If I take advantage of the time lock I will be able to learn part of the knowledge I gained from my wish and I'll also be starting out much stronger than I would have if I was just thrown into a normal person.' He stopped monologuing to try and remember just what the Ghost Rider was capable of.

'Hmm. Even the movie version of Ghost Rider was op as long as the opponent had a soul and even then was only able to use a fraction of its power because it was bound to a human host. On top of all that, this version seems to have a more powerful origin, being the Archangel Zadkiel, shown by the fact that Mephisto was only able to capture him because he was weakened.' He surmised.

'I won't even be the "Ghost Rider", I'll be the being that gives the Rider its power. I also don't know if this au has the same power level as the vanilla MCU...'

As the soul was lost in its delusional fantasies he did not realize that his trip down the multiverse slip-n-slide was about to end... Not that he could have noticed if he was paying attention anyway, considering that he was blind and deaf at the moment.


In a seemingly endless room, where the only light came from a fire that burned endlessly in the sporadic cracks running through the uneven ground.

The only thing in this abyss-like landscape was a single man with pitch-black hair and skin dirtied by soot. The only peculiarity was that he had crimson feathered wings that could easily span twice his body height on either side.

The other thing to be noted was that he had chains wrapping around his body, especially around his wrists and ankles, keeping him in a hunched position while on his knees. One could see that they not only restricted him but also sucked the energy right out of him, channeling it to the anchors in the ground, leading it to an unknown place.

The man was completely still, not even breathing. If it weren't for the immense heat coming off his body one would think him dead.

As for what was going on in his head? It was anyone's guess, but given his current state, it couldn't have been good.

Suddenly a wave swept through the chamber. At first glance, it would appear as though time froze but in actuality, the time within the chamber was sped up infinitely.

This did not apply to the chains, however, and as a consequence, they stop siphoning energy from the man. One would think that he would jump in joy as he may be able to break them should he regain some strength, but no, he did not even twitch.

An outside observer, after some thought, would probably deduce that he is too traumatized to notice, too insane to care, or that he thinks this is just another ploy by his friendly neighborhood torturer Mephisto.

Shortly after the wave swept through, the end of a yellow slide appeared just a few paces away from the man. Immediately after which a light golden dot came out and went straight into the man's head.

Then as the slide disappeared as silently as it appeared, what could only be described as a force field surrounded the man's head, light blue in color.

--- [A/N I'm going to try writing in the first person. Let me know how it sounds.]

The first thing I felt after exiting the slide was heat and then my whole... body... was pushed against something until it gave way and I entered.

As soon as I entered I could feel a repulsive force but I was prevented from exiting by what felt like an even stronger barrier, as there was no give like the last. This I assumed was how ROB would force the fight between me and Zadkiel.

At first, I just waited because I thought that I would be attacked as soon as I entered his soul space, but to my surprise, I wasn't.

Since nothing was happening I decided to try and "look" around me, and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. So I decided to find a way to, with all the information that I had previously stuffed inside my proverbial closet.

While I was at it I also looked for anything that could help me in the coming challenge, as I doubted that I would get such a golden opportunity in the future.

After what felt like a few days I finally found something that could let me see within this "soulscape" as well as a few rudimentary methods of attack and defense, as I was too week to use anything else.

'I know now that ROB must have led me to that technique I used to stuff all the information away before. I seriously doubt that it would take me any less than a day if I had looked for it on my own.'

I then proceeded to try and "see" what was around me and when my "eyes" finally opened whatever part of my soul that allowed me to think nearly stopped functioning.

What laid before me was easily the most beautiful and most tragic thing I have ever seen.

Imagine the most immaculate rubies and sapphires to have ever had eyes laid upon. There were thousands, no, millions ranging from as small as a pebble to as big as a skyscraper all swirling in orbit.

They were all orbiting around a rubie that easily dwarfed everything else in the soulscape. Its size was comparable to a mountain, and I don't mean just a big hill. This centerpiece was at least a dozen times taller and a few dozen times wider than the biggest orbiting piece.

But aside from all that, the reason I said it was also the most tragic was that I could tell this is not how it was supposed to be.

I could tell that Zadkiels soul was originally sapphire, not rubie, and there were at least 100x more rubies than sapphires, this signified just how corrupted he had become.

But if that was not enough I could also tell that there should not be anything orbiting his soul either, it was originally just one piece, one sapphire. If they were to all combine again the centerpiece would at least double if not triple in size.

It was unlikely for there to be any sanity left in him, if there is I would guess that the only shred left would be in the few sapphire chunks that still remain.

Another thing that caught my attention was that the orbit of all the pieces was very slowly getting faster as if the energy was increasing, although I was not sure I could only suspect ROB was responsible somehow.

I was quickly brought out of my reverie when I was nearly smashed by a nearby pebble-sized rubie.

Unfortunately for me, I am not even the size of the smallest piece in orbit. I'm about the size of a grain of sand and I'm guessing my soul isn't even as big as a normal human in this MCU.

My only advantage is the knowledge I have in my closet, the fact that I can burn my soul as much as I want thus gaining around a 10x strength boost, and his lack of attention which hopefully lasts a long while.


Well, I have to say writing in the first person is a bit easier for me since I can just put myself in his shoes. So I think I will do that from now on unless I need to narrate something.

As always, be sure to rant if I fuck up.

P.S. Here is a pic of what I imagine his wings like, just crimson instead of white.