
C20 And Here. We. Go.

Half an hour and a few explosions later, a burst of mad, hysterical laughter came from my lab.


"It worked!!"

All I had to do was fill the surrounding space with soul energy, making it like a cushiony jelly that held everything in place while creating a counter pressure to keep everything from collapsing.

I'm holding in my hand what will become my new body. It's just a drop of blood now, but to me, it's a seed. All I need to do is start the growing process.

'If I use my current body as nutrients, it shouldn't take that long either.' Maybe It would only take a month to grow to full maturity then.

While the genome is unlocked, it still takes a high amount of energy to fully activate. And I can't just create a body as I did with Johnny because I'm not recreating a body that already existed. I'm making an entirely new body, one that has never existed to my knowledge.

'I don't even know what it's going to look like.' Probably similar to what I do now, but—better?

'As long as there are still just two wings. More than that always looked stupid.' Just make the one you got better! I think quality is more important than quantity—usually.

'Let's start. I don't want to wait for any longer than I already have.' Loosening my feet, I walk to the center of the lab and create an egg-like capsule.

'I do have feathers after all: so an egg isn't inappropriate.'

After putting in the blood, the egg started to glow golden—just like everything else using my soul energy. 'I have a feeling that my new body will have something to do with gold. If not for the influence of my own soul, then because God was obsessed with it.'

Before I start, I have to be sure of the security of the realm. Exercising my in-realm omniscience, I detect no intruders or problems. 'Actually, there is something else I must do.'

Music. 'I need to turn it up, this will be a long and boring process.' I already—acquired—yes acquired, an internet connection from Earth and I have been using it very wisely.

Back to the main event.

"You—" I'll have to give them actual names soon, "You two, defend the realm to the highest degree—wait—no. Instead, focus all of the realm's energy on protecting the incubation chamber and the integrity of the tree. Let NOTHING pass!"

It's better to focus solely on protecting the egg. Anyone strong enough to actually harm me can enter the realm, even on full defenses.

"And Here. We. Go." My body explodes into particles of light that enter the egg, making it vibrate and glow brighter.

During this whole process, I will be entirely focused on my body, making sure everything develops correctly. This means that the outside world is left to my engines to handle. They will be on their own this time. 'I wonder what they'll do to someone if they try sneaking in…'



"The boundary strength decreased so much in such short a time," a hooded individual placed all his attention on the screen in front of him. "But Midsummer's Eve has already passed!"

[A/N: Yep. I checked. In the novel, it should be mid-August or so.]

"No matter. Perhaps, this is my chance!" hurrying to a completed demonic circle, the figure readied some equipment before stepping onto it.

"I will free you. I'll bring all of hell to ruin if I must!" the man pushed one of the buttons on a device attached to his belt.

The circle started to glow red, and soon after the man was as well. Then, with a loud bang, he disappeared, leaving nothing but red sparks behind.

He reappeared in midair, above a seemingly endless expanse of trees.

Falling to the ground, no panic was shown. His fall only slowed as he softly touched the ground.

"This—is different," he started to walk amongst the trees.

"And, there are no demons, usually I would have run into a horde by now," reaching a stream of acidic water, he stopped.

"No bones." Looking up at the black and red abyss of a sky, he continued, "I must find her soul, but the landscape has changed too much, I don't know where to look."

"Then I will search everywhere," he looked back at his surroundings and started to walk upstream

"Something as petty as distance will not stop Doom."


On a castle balcony overlooking a large sulfur-covered field is a large demon with horns bigger than its head, "Satana."

"Yes, Lord Satan," Next to him stands a young woman, only a couple inches over five feet(1.524m).

She has red eyes adorned with long, pointed eyebrows. Her hair was pure white and had horns equally so, though they were much smaller than the demon next to her. The horns started at the top of her forehead, curled back, and then around to the front, pointing forward.

"You can call me father, you know," 'Satan' speaks with a touch of amusement while looking at her.

"I—yes—Father," she looks down, hiding her embarrassment.

'Satan' turns to look out at the field below, "I have a task for you."

Satana's head tilts back up when he said this.

"Mephisto has gone silent, and his realm's been acting strangely. I want you to go and find out what's happened."

After speaking, he stretches out his hand to the side, where a trident appears, "Take this trident, with it your powers will increase and should something go wrong, will allow you to escape."

Taking the weapon, she inspects it with great curiosity.

"After you have completed this task, you will resume your training," he turns to face her once more, "then in a few years, you will be sent to Earth, where your last test shall take place."

She thought through his words before nodding, "I understand!"

He nodded as well, "Good. I trust you know how to get there. This is as much a test as it is a task, don't disappoint me."

"Yes, Father!" With that, Satana turned around and ran through the doors behind them.

'Satan' watched his daughter's back for a moment before turning to the field once more, "Hmm, perhaps I can get something out of all this. After all—he has plenty to be taken."

--- [From now on, I think I will make the narrator a little bit smarter. Let me know how it looks.] ---

"That should be everything," a black-haired man said to himself.

This man was Loki.

He murmured to himself while his eyes moved like they were going through a mental list, "Armor, sword, equipment, potions, 'that' thing, and—"

Loki turned to the side and grabbed a wooden cross, "Yes—err—let's hope I don't have to use it."

He wasn't entirely confident that it could do what it's, supposedly, capable of.

"Well—that man was adamant in its ability," shrugging, he packed it away.

Loki was unsure if he would have access to his dimensional storage at all times while in a realm of Hell, so he is carrying much of it with him.

"Well. No sense in waiting," taking a piece of paper covered in runes, he tossed it in front of him.

When the paper made it three feet, it burst into fire, and a reddish-blue portal appeared. Loki didn't bother waiting and walked straight in.

The portal spat him out directly above a large branch, which he almost fell off of due to his momentum.

"Too close," he whispered.

Climbing back on top of the branch, he looked around.

All he saw was an endless expanse of trees, "This—is going to take a while."

--- [A/N: This time, I will add thoughts. Let me know how it looks.] ---

Coming out of her personal armory, Satana was dressed in red full-body tights. They covered everything, as she didn't have much to show off yet.

'How can I be a succubus if I don't have anything to attract pray with?' She frowns while looking in a mirror.

'Maybe I'm just a late bloomer,' a smile appeared on her lips. "I still have a couple of years before I'm an adult, after all!"

Her eyes widened as she remembered something, "Ah! I have a mission!"

'Focus! Focus!' she scrambled for her weapons and the trident. 'I have to go to that creepy guy, Mephisto's realm.'

"That guy is always so—weird," she says with a strange face. 'I think he's a pervert too—'

"Argh! I did it again. Focus!" taking a deep breath, she finished gathering everything.

'That's everything. Time to go.'

She gave the trident a few test swings, and then, with one final slash, a red crack appeared in front of her.

"Whoa," she looks at the trident, "I like this thing!"

She looked back at the crack, 'That should put me in the air. That way, I can get a good view.'

She then ran forwards and jumped in. After going through—she directly faceplanted into a tree.

"Uugh. My horns!" she lifted her head out of the dent. "A—a tree? Why is a tree up this high in the air?"

Before she could think further, the bark started to heal, pushing her body out and leaving her with nothing to hold.

"Huh. No, wait!" With nothing to grab, she started to fall.

However, she didn't fall more than three feet as there was a branch directly beneath her.

"Oof!" Landing on her back, she didn't move and only had a wry smile, 'Way to go, Satana! You're off to a great start!'

Clumsily sitting up, she finally got a good look around.

Shock was her only expression, 'This is a Hell dimension?!'

Standing up, she looked in all directions, 'Since when is a—jungle—considered Hell?'

Over in one direction, she could sense a great accumulation of energy, "That must be the center of the realm, and where that creep is."

Looking off into the other directions, she thought, 'I should scout the rest of the realm first.'

Stretching her back, she gets ready to jump down, "It's gonna take a while, though."

--- [A/N: I thought the last two scenes were better. I'll probably do it like that from now on.] ---


Update: I commented pictures.

Lucifer/Marduk Kurios - This was 'Satan,' and he already took Satana to Hell, leaving Daimon behind.

Satana Hellstrom - She is still young, and it's before she goes to Earth for the first time, besides the first years of her life.


I came up with an analogy for the soul engines, but it is kinda gross.

An engine is kinda like growing another arm with its own brain. If you consider that a clone, then I guess they are clones.

I think the engines are much closer to a symbiotic lifeform rather than a clone. They will eventually develop their own intelligence and sense of self, just like anyone else.

The only difference is that they are made FROM him, instead of being an external lifeform that is symbiotically living with a host.

AH-HA! He basically, made the soul version of a symbiote!

But, instead of coming from an alien planet, they are made directly from his own soul. AND instead of being purely symbiotic, they are also like puzzle pieces to his soul.

In essence, he took a piece of his soul that wasn't holding or doing anything, except being used as fuel, and then made it into a symbiotic lifeform that could help him with certain tasks. Like using Soulfire or Netherworld Energy.

Hahaha, I'm a genius!

Next chapter