
and the dream continues

With an astonished look on her face Harumi looked around while the five ladies around her readied everything. They didn't talk much while they did all sorts of things. Two women put the futon away while one lays a beautiful white and red kimono at the small desk. The colors are so vibrant and the embroidery in gold is exquisite. At the hem there is an intricate plum blossom pattern stitched that scatters gratefully the more you go up. Harumi didn't really know what she should do so she just stood there. Finally all the maids escorted her to an adjoining room what turned out to be a bathroom. there was small stove with a large pot in a corner. In de large pot the water was already boiling. Without any warning they took her clothes of and put her on a small stoom. Harumi knew this was a dream and all, but she still felt embarrassed. She couldn't remember when she bathed with someone in the bathroom with her far the last time. With her arms she tried to cover her private parts while two ladies washed het back and her hair. After that she was escorted to the big tub that stood in the middle of the room. As fast as she could she went in the water and submerged herself almost completely. The water was a bit cloudy thanks to the soap they put in the water what comforted Harumi a bit. Her chin was nearly touching the surface of the water while she sat there.

After the bath they dried her and brought Harumi back to the previous room. They coated her whole body in some sort of lotion that smelled vaguely at vanilla, a quite pleasant smell. After that they put her in the beautiful kimono and did her hair. They put it up and stuck all kinds of different hairpins in it. Some with beautiful flowers while others had some dangly things on them. Harumi tried to ask what they were doing but all she got were vague answers so after a while she stopped asking.

After what felt like an eternity they were finally done. the five ladies admired there work before they led her outside where more people were waiting. An older couple and two children, plus other staff she assumed from looking at there clothes.

"Don't tarnish the Saito name." The older man said with a stern expression on his face. Harumi still didn't know what was going on so she just nodded before walking to the older lady.

"Good luck, and we love you." The woman said with tiers in her eyes. She squeezed Harumi's hands tightly. She got a familiar motherly feeling from her and she found it extremely hard to let go of the woman.

the next chapter is here! This chapter is a bit longer than the previous ones, leave a comment saying what lengt you prefer more (Or even langer parts). Hope you enjoy!

emmertcreators' thoughts