
Birth Of A Demon

It was never expected that one of the greatest family of merchants the Vulkans would end in an single night.

The Aerth is a huge planet with more than double the landmass of earth. its been a more than 4500 years since interplanar travel device was invented and humans left earth which was already on the brink of extinction. But when they came to Aerth they came to know that earth was nothing but a low tier planet. The energy of Aerth was completely different the age classification was different here on earth 0-12 was classified as children and 13-18 as adolescents and 19-55 as adults more than that was considered as borrowed time. But on Aerth it was different 0-12 was children 13-19 was adolescents these two classifications was the same but from now on the difference starts 20-150 was adults and 150 above were senior adults.

with the new energy known as qi was introduced by ancient families which were secluded on earth took the people of earth by storm . they said earth didn't have enough qi but Aerth has abundundace of it . This led to the era of cultivations which started the same cycle of ambitions and greed.

Drake Vulkan was the ancestor of the Vulkan family he was the one who created the Vulkan family from nothing and now the Vulkan which survived for 1000 years ended in a single night. Its is said that the Vulkan family was betrayed by 3 major families and ceased to exist.

{"1 Month before the the massacre of the Vulkans"}

Owens Vulkan (the head of the Vulkan household) got his hands on a book called the THE WAY OF THE DAEMONS he shared this with his close friend Lear Rothschild (head of the Rothschild household). The book had nothing but 9 pages but each page was like 100 pages thick, the info it gave was close to none as the language was the one no one understood. But thing was certain it was something strong as the feeling it gave was something different. Even the name of the book was not translatable but Owens called it THE WAY OF THE DEMONS since it was his.

{"On the day of massacre"}

the whole Vulkan territory was in ruins and a thick sword was pierced inside the chest of Owens, his wife's body was near him a bit cold and unmoving. Owens looked in the eyes of his once a close friend Lear and asked him why did he betray him the answer Lear gave was simple he said it was fine that Vulkans were the richest of the 4 major families but if they became the strongest that would be the problem. Lear then began to explain a bit more he said the balance should not be broken the Vulkans can be richest but not strongest. of the four major families Rothschild and Valencia were the strongest in terms of power level and cultivation then comes krakens and the last one was Vulkans but the wealth Vulkans possessed was more than the combined 3 families.

Owens sadly laughed and said we saved each other during our younger days we had each others backs now you betrayed me for this, you could've asked me I would've have given you it was as simple as that today was my sons 2nd birthday and you made this his family's funeral day.

Owens then looked at Patricia Valencia(head of Valencia household) which was beside Lear and asked Valencia has always been neutral why did u help him Patricia's eyes was full of sorrow and she said I am sorry I didn't have a choice , then there was an annoying laughter which was heard from behind her it belonged to Will kraken (head of kraken household) he said to Owens that he didn't like him anyways now 40% of his wealth belonged to krakens it was the deal Lear gave to will it was decided that Lear and will get 40% each and 20% will go to Patricia and Lear added something more to the deal of Patricia which was unknown.

Owens laughed and clicked a button from his pocket and said my death is certain but my heir will live on i made sure to get him out of here, the things that happened here is recorded it will be with him i made sure to insert a chip in him when he was born to not have him kidnapped, then he said to the 3 household heads do you know why I am saying that he is alive its because you all shall live in fear that he will come for you guys Owens coughed heavily and said he will come for you and that was the last thing he said as the blinking of his eyes stopped and that marked the end of his life and the recording which was sent to the chip of the boy

This is my first novel please be patient guys i will improve i promise

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