
Heir To All

Because his sister was remarried by the god of war, Chu Linguang was swept out of his girlfriend’s house, and countless people were waiting to see their Chu family jokes. At this time, Chu Linguang signed the Heir of Everything Agreement.Inherit a mansion! Inherit the top supercar!Inherit one of “The Shennong’s Treasure”!Inherit a pair of perspective eyes!Inherit one of the Xueba skills!Inherit the planet!… - Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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850 Chs

Dad, Chu Linguang is so strong!

Chu Linguang's palm seems to be random, but in fact, as the heir, any palm, any movement of his thoughts, is a forceful move.

The tyrannical palm instantly drowned the old king and defeated his black handprint on the spot.

Let the old king leave the tower for the first time since his appearance.

Because it was caught off guard.

Unimaginable, Chu Linguang's palm was so terrifying.

His body was shocked and flew directly upside down from the iron tower. When he landed, although he stabilized his figure, the shock in his eyes still lingered.

He even widened his eyes and looked at Chu Linguang in disbelief.

It's hard to imagine.

Dahua has more outstanding young people than Ning Xuanyuan and Ye Chen, and the other is younger and immature.

"After taking the pill, it can temporarily stabilize your qi and blood, and I will save you for a while."

Chu Linguang said to the dumbfounded, or completely dumbfounded Gu Ning.


Gu Ning tremblingly took the pill in Chu Linguang's hand, watching the old king being knocked into the air by Chu Linguang, he felt as if he was extraordinary and nothing extraordinary.

I thought, what Chu Linguang said just now was not even a joke.

Not only will he not die, but he may even enter the realm of transcendence.

But at Gu Ning's age, when the wind and waves came, he looked dull and could not imagine that Chu Linguang could fly the old king with one palm.

Those who had fought with the old king before, suffered all the hardships.

Even Ye Chen, Sun Yaze, even Ning Xuanyuan, the old man outside Guo Chenguan and others who were almost beheaded were all petrified.

"My brother..."

Chu Xinyue covered her mouth and was speechless for a long time.

"He may be able to take down the old demon."

Ning Xuanyuan hesitated for a moment and said seriously.

"Brother Chu really won't let us down."

Guo Chen sincerely appreciates it.

"I'm afraid the old devil might not expect it, and he will fall into trouble with a young man!"

The old people outside the customs are gloating.

Zhao Tianyou and the others all found it exciting. In the northern border, the morale was overwhelming for a while, and Chu Tianqiang and his wife looked at Chu Linguang with strange expressions.

As for the Southern Territory.

After the shock, there were all kinds of gossip, and countless voices came to mind one after another.

Zhao Xun'er was even more eclipsed. He had known that Chu Linguang was very powerful, but he did not expect that the power that Chu Linguang showed at this moment seemed to be equal to or even better than that of the old king.

Is it possible that he can take down the old king.

This kind of thought made Zhao Xun'er feel suffocated.

Ji Wuli behind him, Zhao Yingying, ASRock, Hua Qingyue and others all had their hearts twitched, and they only felt that the sky was spinning, and there was a bad cry in secret.

"Dad, Chu Linguang is so strong!"

Ning Oriole even rubbed his eyes and exclaimed.

Lao Ning Wang would be too late to answer for a while.

"Have you investigated him before?"

Sun Yaze asked Ye Chen.

"It should be some adventure, but it won't be too strong. The old king was not prepared for the palm of the hand just now. It can be done by you and me."

Ye Chen stared at Chu Linguang for a long time.

Blade Battle King, Ye Qiyang and others died in the hands of Chu Linguang. He had investigated these things clearly and knew that Chu Linguang was not easy, but he did not expect that Chu Linguang seemed to be comparable to him.

Even better.

This is unacceptable to him.

Can only comfort myself.

On the side, Sun Yaze nodded in sympathy, never thinking that in the world, someone could surpass him.

"Retire and cultivate."

Chu Linguang faced Guning Dao who had swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill.

Guning nodded and walked aside.

Chu Linguang also took out the silver spear and turned to look at the old king.

The old monarch had calmed down his inner surprise at this moment. He was caught off guard just now, and Chu Linguang found the cheap. After looking at Chu Linguang carefully at this moment, he learned that Chu Linguang's realm was far below himself.

It's good to be strong in the gods.

But by no means extraordinary.

However, if such a young **** realm powerhouse is not killed, he is afraid it will be a nightmare in the future.

"On the day of my sister's big rejoicing, you dared to break into Dahua and ruin the wedding ceremony. No matter what, today, Chu Linguang, I will kill you, so as to behave like you!"

Chu Linguang said while wiping the tip of the gun.



The crowd cheered.

Everyone felt enthusiastic, and compared to Sun Yaze's previous rants, Chu Linguang's sentence must kill, and with the palm of the hand, everyone felt that Chu Linguang was not aimless and utterly uttering.

"Today Dahua suffered a heavy loss. In addition to the death of the two gods in my hands, a little evildoer like you must be added."

With confidence, the old king took off again and flew above the iron tower.

Stand in this position.

Once Dahua has other strong players, he can detect it immediately and make a response plan.

Secondly, I also wanted to look down on everyone from a condescending position, and completely crush Chu Linguang.

He was able to stand on the iron tower and hit Sun Yaze, Ye Chenning, Xuanyuan, and even Gu Ning. It was not difficult for him to kill a Chu Linguang.

"Today I will use you to test how strong my "Xuanming Spear Technique" is!"

Chu Linguang didn't talk nonsense, the silver spear shook, and his body jumped up, the first Xuanming spear method, dripping water through the stone, burst out instantly.

The spear advanced forward, bringing up a piece of spear, covered with spear head and spear light, as if it could penetrate everything, and attacked the old king with the simplest and most direct moves.

The old king who had just returned to the iron tower could feel the fierce force of this shot from a long distance.

But he is an extraordinary powerhouse, so he didn't panic, and he shot out a round sash to cover himself firmly.

This layer of defense of the old king seemed to be just a release of strength, condensed into a gangway, forming a substantial circular gangway.

In fact, Ning Xuanyuan and Ning Xuanyuan's three-foot air light are both very defensive martial arts.

The old emperor's practice is the black court secret method basalt qi.

It is indestructible and great in cultivation. With this layer of basalt gas, it can withstand missile attacks. It is a very good defensive martial art. Even the former Black Law King Mrs. Han is not qualified to practice.

Even more don't know, where is the flaw of the basalt qi.

So the old king is extremely confident.

Even Sun Yaze's flying immortal outside the sky, Ning Xuanyuan's Fang Tian painted halberd, can only pierce the qi, and then the strength quickly recedes, and it can't hurt him at all.


However, the horror of Chu Linguang's shot was its penetrating power.

The long spear hit the qi, smashed and smashed, and instantly broke through the qi defense, and the horror spear pierced directly at the old king's face door.


This scene made the old king unexpected and even shocked.

I only felt pain on my cheek, as if it had been scratched by an iron piece, and a black handprint rushed out and slapped at the gunlight. At the same time, his own strength rose rapidly, the old king's sharp eyes, locked Chu Linguang with a silver spear.

It seemed that he was about to **** away with his spear with his bare hands.


But what made the old king feel incredible was that Chu Linguang's shot was not only amazing in penetration, but also powerful beyond his imagination. The forward spear and spear rushed to his throat.

And continue to advance.

The most effective way to deal with it for a while is to retreat quickly, leave the tower, and keep away from Chu Linguang, otherwise it will definitely suffer.

So everyone saw that the old emperor, who had just leaped over the iron tower, hadn't got a firm foothold, followed Chu Linguang's shot, and flew out again.

When he landed and stood firm.

Everyone saw scars on his cheeks, and the flesh and blood of his face were pierced by gunshots. Although it was only a small wound, the eye-catching wound and the blood flowing out still made the old king's face dull.

Even more unimaginable time.

Instead, Chu Linguang stood on the iron tower at the moment, holding a silver spear, he was majestic, as if possessed by a spear god, awe-inspiring and inviolable, in sharp contrast with the old king.

The old emperor who had previously flaunted his might has become a clown at the moment.


"kill him!"

"Good job!"


When everyone saw this scene, they were all very encouraged. Even the soldiers from the Southern Territory were full of enthusiasm. Dahua finally had a strong man able to surrender the old king and let the old king lose his weight.

All feel so cool.

"Is this still our Lin Guang?"

Li Ruolan couldn't believe it.

"It looks familiar, as if it is."

Chu Tianqiang replied.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Listening to the conversation between the old couple, Ning Xuanyuan and others all laughed.


Ye Chen gritted his teeth and couldn't help but stared. Those soldiers who cheered for Chu Linguang, even at this moment, saw Zhao Xun'er who looked pale and stared at Chu Linguang.

Ye Chen almost slapped it over, and it was expected that this woman was thinking about it again.

As for Ji Weuli and others, it is even more needless to say.

"You can make me suffer twice in a row. Today you are dead in my hands, which is enough to be proud of."

The old king was embarrassed and angry.

I couldn't help but jumped into the sky again, and the sky-shaking seal was shot one after another. The most terrifying part of this set of seals was that the layers were stacked and endless. The strength of the old king was after the extraordinary.

Able to do it in the shortest time.

Dozens and hundreds of earthshaking seals were photographed at once.

The superposition of so many sky-shaking seals suddenly increased the strength of the normal seal palm technique several times, and was accepted by the Black Court as a secret martial skill.

The old emperor also relied on this set of seals and palm techniques to sweep across the world and cross the world. It is hard to meet an opponent, whether it is Ning Xuanyuan or Ye Chen, they have suffered from it.

Face is damaged at this moment.

The old king attacked with anger, and the violent aura swept the audience in an instant. Ning Xuanyuan and others' complexions changed drastically. In their sight, dozens of hundreds of heaven-shaking seals suddenly attacked Chu Linguang, instantly drowning Chu Linguang.

So that everyone could not see, the figure of Chu Linguang standing on the iron tower.

At this moment, Ning Xuanyuan wanted to rise to the sky to help Chu Linguang fight.

But at this moment, the spear light flashed out from the infinite group of earthshaking seals, as if torn a hole, and then one after another spear light appeared in everyone's sight.

It's like, hundreds of spear lights, so that the layer upon layer of earthshaking marks, in an instant, is riddled with holes.

With these spear lights gushing out.

Ning Xuanyuan and others could only see countless silver spears pouring out, picking, stabbing, chopping, slashing, sweeping, or blocking, all of which swept away from the ground in an instant, wanting The old king back on top of the iron tower.


The old king's eyes widened and he screamed, only feeling his scalp numb.