
Heir of the Supreme God of Death

Lu Xiufei, a powerful Immortal, was attacked by the Immortals most powerful of the True world Immortal and after several days of intense battle, he his was killed by the woman who loved, but before he died his destiny changed because of the intervention of a powerful being. 10 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 20 PS = 2 Extra Chapter 30 PS = 3 Extra Chapter

Fabiooorr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Attribute Increase

"Today was a very good day..."

Alexander muttered in a low voice as he calmed himself with the warm water in the bathtub.

After dinner at the restaurant he insisted on taking Iris and Ivye for a walk around the city and of course Aliya, Athena and Alexa also went.

Everyone had a great time of course, Iris and Ivye had the most fun, there were a few men who tried to woo Aliya and Alexa but they were all killed by Alexander leaving all the men who wanted to do the same pale with fear.

Of course he killed these men without Iris and Ivye noticing because he didn't want to leave the girls traumatized by seeing such a bloody scene.

"Yu, why haven't I advanced to the next stage yet?" Alexander opened his eyes and asked curiously.

He had killed many beasts before and after entering the city, but he was surprised to see that even after collecting so much life energy he was not able to advance to the next stage.

"What happened?" He was a little worried and asked as quickly as possible.

Yu said and became silent once again.

Alexandre was stunned and blamed himself for having forgotten something so important. He sighed softly and asked: How long will he be sealed?."

"Damn it!" Alexander became dizzy at the amount of time his Vital Core would be sealed.

He was worried because without his vital core it was more than impossible for him to advance to the Advanced Stage of the Astral Life Realm and thus increase his combat power.

"Hmm? Tell me which are!" Alexander's eyes sparkled with anticipation, he was actually very eager to get stronger.

It was uncomfortable for someone like him, one of the three strongest beings in the true Immortal world, to be so weak at the moment.

"Ho! How can I do this?" Alexander was surprised and asked.


Strength: 120 (+)

Defense: 167 (+)

Speed: 150 (+)

Vitality: 1200 (+)

Mental Power: 300 (+)

>Accumulated Vital Points: 990


"I see... Then I can increase my strength like this..." Alexander said with his eyes shining with happiness.

He wasted no time and began to increase all of his attributes starting with physical strength. Alexander added twenty more points to his physical strength, thirty to his mental power, thirty more to his defense, and all the remaining points to his speed.


Strength: 140 (+)

Defense: 197 (+)

Speed: 169 (+)

Vitality: 1200 (+)

Mental Power: 330 (+)

> Accumulated Life Points: 0


"I... Haaaaaa!"

He was surprised to feel the vital energy traveling throughout his body and soon a wave of outrageous pain attacked his body and mind making him scream loudly in pain.

Luckily he had put up a soundproof barrier in the bathroom or Aliya and the others would have already run to see if he was safe.

"Crap!" He cursed and clenched his teeth tightly to contain the screams of pain that threatened to escape his mouth.

The muscles throughout his body contracted and opened, but were soon closed by his vital energy. The process lasted more than ten minutes, but to Alexander it seemed like an eternity.

The pain he felt was as intense as the pain of being skinned alive, but from his glowing eyes it looks like it was worth it.

"I became much stronger than before." Alexander murmured as he felt his body getting stronger.

His whole body was stained with blood and the blue water in the bathtub turned bright red, he sighed and got out of the bathtub and discarded the water with the blood.


"I need to be more careful next time…" Alexander thought and sighed, disappointed in himself.

"Husband! What happened to you!"

While he was thinking about something the bathroom door opened and Aliya came in using only a towel to cover her body, her beautiful face turned pale when she saw him covered in blood, she screamed loudly and ran towards him.

Alexander smiled softly when he saw her worried expression and felt very happy that he had chosen this beautiful elf as his first wife.

"It's okay…" He caressed her beautiful face and said in a soft and loving voice.

"Why are you covered in blood? I won't accept that you dare lie to me!." Aliya asked worriedly and warned sternly.

Alexander hesitated, but upon seeing her worried expression he decided to tell the truth, making her very angry.

"Damn! You always do this! What would happen if something went wrong and you died? You want me to be a widow so soon!" She screamed loudly as she punched him hard.

Alexandre just defended himself from the punches and remained silent, he his didn't have the courage to fight back because he knew he was wrong and seeing the tears coming out of his wife's eyes made his heart hurt.

"Don't be angry... I've been through worse..." He grabbed her hands and pulled her into his arms.

"Um~ I'm still going to hit you"

"I will be waiting for my punishment, Mistress~"

Aliya cuddled into her arms and said in a shy voice, Alexander laughed softly and played with her, making her embarrassed enough to dig a hole and hide in it.

"My wife is so cute~" He said out loud seeing her red face and shy expression.

"Um~ don't bully me!"

Aliya buried her face in his chest and said softly, Alexander swallowed feeling her breasts crushing against your chest, her penis became hard as a rock.

He smiled and held her legs and lifted her in the air, Aliya was surprised but felt his dick pressing against her ass and bit her lower lip.

"Let's take a shower ~ you're covered in blood ~" Alexander murmured next to his right ear and walked towards the shower.

Aliya nodded silently and let the evil wolf take her to the slaughterhouse, her heart started to beat very fast imagining the intense exercises the two would soon be doing.

Alexander sat on a stool below the shower and turned it on, the warm water fell under the couple wetting them and cleaning much of the blood from their bodies.

"Let me wash you first~" Aliya stopped him from moving and said with a seductive smile, making him swallow hard.

She took off the towel she was wearing releasing her big breasts which were soon hanging out in the open, Alexander almost lost control when he saw his wife's beautiful wet body.

"Damn! She's so hot!" He said in his mind and tried to contain the great desire to ravage Aliya like a hungry beast.

"Fufufufufu~ don't be impatient~ we have plenty of time to play" Aliya laughed seeing his purple eyes shining with desire and said.

Alexander swallowed and nodded unconsciously, he was very fascinated by the beautiful and seductive elf sitting on her lap.