
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs



The afternoon sun cast a warm glow upon the bustling village. Though the heat hung heavy in the air, a gentle breeze stirred the leaves, creating a sense of peaceful anticipation. Every villager was caught up in the joyous preparations for Mary's birthday – a celebration unlike any they'd ever held. After years of struggling as a settlement of escaped slaves, they had finally blossomed into a thriving village.

Some villagers even whispered about seeking protection from a nearby baron within the Human Empire. With Mary, their vibrant leader, at the helm, they could potentially acquire an official name for their village. This, in turn, would open doors to trade through the acquisition of licenses, paving the way for further growth and prosperity.

However, today's primary focus was on celebrating their remarkable journey and the future that stretched before them. Aether's ingenuity had blessed the village with advanced farming techniques and other helpful inventions. As they worked together, their energy crackled with excitement, a testament to the collective hope that their village would one day blossom into a bustling town.

Ana bustled alongside the women, adding finishing touches to the village's decorations. "There you go, Lily," she instructed, guiding a young woman perched precariously atop a ladder. "Just a tad more to the right… perfect!"Lily clambered down, beaming with pride. "It looks wonderful, Ana, don't you think?" she asked, her voice sparkling with excitement.Ana, holding Lily's waist in a supportive gesture, was about to reply when a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught her eye.

The distant sky, bathed in the afternoon sun, seemed to flicker with a faint, ominous red glow. Tiny dots, barely perceptible at first, grew larger with horrifying speed.Before Ana could even react, a sickening splatter painted her face. A gut-wrenching thud echoed through the clearing as Lily crumpled to the ground, a single, cruel arrow protruding from her neck.

Smoke erupted from the wound, the acrid scent a sickening precursor to the horror that unfolded. A barrage of flaming arrows rained down upon the unsuspecting village, setting fire to the carefully crafted decorations and transforming the joyous preparations into a scene of utter chaos. Panic surged through the air, replacing the festive chatter with screams of terror. The celebration had been ruthlessly shattered in an instant.

Horror contorted Ana's face as Lily's lifeless body crumpled to the ground. Panic clawed at her throat, stealing her breath and voice. Tears welled up, blurring her vision. Her life, and the lives of everyone she cared for, hung in the balance. The village erupted in a cacophony of screams, each one a shard of ice piercing her heart.Then, a spark ignited within her. An image of Aether flashed across her mind, and with it, a surge of determination. She had to find Mary. Mary was like a big sister to her and Aether… Aether was precious.A simple plan formed. Reach Mary, and escape into the woods. Deep down, somewhere beyond the terror, a sliver of hope whispered that Aether would be alright. Right now, her focus was singular: protect Mary, Aether's mother.Fueled by this fierce resolve, Ana tore through the panicked crowd, her eyes scanning for the familiar ash-blonde hair. Every scream fueled her urgency, every burning arrow a grim reminder of the stakes. Reaching Mary, leading her to safety – that was all that mattered.Wooden houses, recently built and filled with hope, now served as kindling for a raging inferno. Arrows embedded in the cabins ignited them with horrifying ease, smoke billowing black and thick into the sky, choking the once-festive air.Leather-clad figures, their faces twisted with cruelty, stormed through the village. Weapons glinted as they cut down any who dared resist, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Screams, both desperate and heart-wrenching, pierced the air as women and children were herded into crude wooden cages like frightened livestock.Ana, fueled by a frantic desperation, reached Aether's house. Her heart hammered in her chest as she saw flames lick hungrily at the wooden structure, consuming their haven in a relentless dance of destruction. Panic surged through her, a cold dread settling in her gut. Mary – where was she? Time seemed to warp and twist, each second an agonizing eternity. She had to find her, now!Just as Ana considered turning back to search for Mary, a vicious crack resonated through the air. A whip, propelled by unseen force, snaked around her leg and ripped her to the ground. The world scraped past her face in a blur as she fell. A deep, menacing laugh, the sound dripping with cruelty, echoed in her ears.Fear constricted her heart, but even in that moment of terror, Ana fought back. She thrashed against the ground as the man yanked her towards him. He was a hulking figure, clad in metal shoulder plates and a menacing leather breastplate. His Caucasian features twisted into a grotesque leer as he stepped on her back, his breath reeking of stale ale. A flicker of predatory hunger glinted in his eyes as he licked his lips."Don't fret, little missy," he rasped, his voice a gravelly growl. "Ol' Jack here'll take good care of you."He leaned down, a predator closing in on its prey. But before he could touch her, a blur of motion sliced through the air. A heavy blow connected with the man's head, sending him sprawling to the ground with a sickening thud.Ana scrambled free, untangling the whip from her leg. As the dust settled, she met her savior's gaze. "Mary!" she cried out, relief washing over her.Mary helped her to her feet, her face grim. "No time for explanations," she said, her voice urgent. "Where's Aether?"

Granting our wish is one of Fate's saddest jokes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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