
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Android 22 plan

Android 22/Onyx POV

"Wait don't go!" Krillin shouted at the Androids, then runs up to them and stop.

We all stop in place and turn around to face him.

"Is there something we can do for you," 17 ask.

"Yeah there is just one that I need to know. What is it that you are after? Do you wanna kill Goku? Are you trying to take over the world? What is it? Tell me!" Krillin say in a serious tone.

"For now it's beating Goku and once we done that we will have to see" 17 say.

"Why? What did Goku do you? -" Krillin say before 22 step up and bend down to Krillin height.

"What he did to me was that he killed my brother along with many other soldiers when he could have spared them" 22 say interrupting Krillin and surprising everyone except 16.

"Also besides my reasons to beat Goku, we all are playing a game," 22 say.

"Did you say game," Krillin ask

"Yup it make this more fun for us," 22 say making Krillin slightly annoyed.

"Look what if I ask you to forget this game and walk away, would you," Krillin ask to the Androids.

"Negative, I have one purpose. Kill Goku, that is all," 16 say after a few seconds of silence.

"And the machine have spoken," 17 say.

"Krillin how about you help the others before they lose their life," 22 say.

After I said that 18 begin walking to Krillin and he back away from fear but she closes in own him and kiss him on the cheek surprising him.

"This 18 is different from the one in my timeline," 22 thought to himself.

Me and the other androids fly off following 17 who was leading us at the time.

Trunks POV

I begin to regain consciousness and see that Krillin was in front of me. I then begin think about the things that happen to me and the other. With everyone up now we begin gather up to talk even through my father was in our little circle.

What! You're telling me that the androids know about senzu beans too" Piccolo say with shock on his face.

"Doesn't make sense, if these things wanted to kill us, why not finish us off and be done with it,? Is this their way of telling us that we are not worth the effort? I don't believe it" Tien say.

"we already seen the proof they just been toying with us from the start," Piccolo say.

I hear an angry grunt coming from my father and then he powers up and take off flying from up. I start to follow him.

"No use chasing him Trunks. Be best to let him go. Vegeta's whole point in driving himself to become Super Saiyan was to try and win his confidence back. Now o all things the man been soundly beaten by a female android or not the harshest wound to his warrior pride," Piccolo say as Trunks powers down.

"We all got beat. Combined strength wasn't enough to put a dent on those things," Tien say.

Yeah right, sorry guys if I hadn't frozen up I could have jumped in and maybe things would have turned different." Krillin say with a look of regret.

"Not likely and with due respect I don't think you could have done anything to them if they could take down a Super Saiyan in one blow. Not to mention they now have an ally from the future too," Piccolo say.

"Trunks do you know why 22 turned on us," Krillin ask

"While we were fighting 22 said that he regained his memories, and remember why his mission is to kill Goku." Trunks say in gloomy tone.

"What was his reason for joining them to kill Goku," Tien ask.

" He did not say. But I heard his last reason for doing what he did was to see if these androids are the same as the one in our timeline.," Trunks say.

"I know his reason for wanting to kill Goku. It because Goku killed 22's brother and a bunch of solider instead of sparing them," Krillin say surprising everyone.

"For now you three just focus on making sure Goku is moved to a safe location," Piccolo say before he took off.

"22, I hope you know what you are doing," Trunks thinks to himself.

I then take off flying with Krillin to Goku's house.

22 POV

It been a couple of hours that we have been flying and I see a Pink Van.

"Yo Pink Car down below," 22 say

"Nice find." 17 say.

"Why are we doing this again? Why can't we just keep flying," 18 ask in annoyed tone.

" Why not? We got the time," 17 say.

"Why did you tell him? 18 ask.

"Like he said we got time because Goku is sick right now. So let's take it slow on our way to Goku," 22 say with relax tone.

We all changed our course and land down next to the pink van. Looking closer it has the name Lucky Foods on the side of it. 17 opens the back door and stare at the cardboard boxes in the back.

"Hey What are you doing? You can't be back there!" Lucky Foods Driver say.

"Alright,16, we're taking the van," 17 say.

"You can't do that," Lucky Foods Driver say moving closer to the androids.

I move fast lightly chop the man in his back knock him out and drag him to the buildings door. I walk back to the Androids to see 16 lifting up the truck and angle it so the boxes fell out the back. 16 then place the van back down after it was empty. I watch 17 get in the Driver seat, 18 rides shotgun, 16 then gets in back closer to the front of the van and I get in the back closer to the door.

"Alright, Goku's house is next,"

"Nope 18 wanted some new clothes," 22 say and 18 smiles nodding in agreement.

"Alright fine,"17 say as he starts driving.

An hour has passed and I have been going over the information I gather about the Twins and I was staring back at my brother. 17 and 18 seems to act like real teenagers and they don't seem to have any kind of plans on killing humans. I will still continue my plan to watch over the two and make sure their path doesn't go make that world me and Trunks live in.

"You keep saying this is the way to Goku's house, but how do you know? 18 ask looking at he brother.

"Who said I know? I've been driving on pure instinct." 17 say with a smile.

"You're guessing? Oh great. So we'll get there in the next century." 18 say with annoyed tone.

"Goku's home is located in a mountain village in Section 431 East," 16 say.

"Well aren't you smart. Did you get that from the Doctor?" 17 ask

"Correct,. And flying would have been a more efficient way." 16 day with a smile.

"Thank you. At least someone backs me up. But oh no, we had to take the scenic route." 18 say.

"Oh stop complaining. The most inefficient way is usually the most fun. Besides, 16 should have said something before 22 and I did this," 17 say.

"You know in theory it was fun but being stuck in your own head for awhile will make things go boring," 22 say in regretful tone

"Mind if I pick your brain, 22?" 18 ask.

"Go ahead ask. 22 say

"Did doctor Gero turn you into android against your will," 18 ask.

"No I wanted to become an Android to complete my goals and take my revenge," 22 say.

"Who is your brother and how did he die," 17 ask.

"My Brother is Gebo Gero and he died along with a bunch of soldiers by Goku's hands," 22 say with a serious tone.

"How do you and Android 16 know each other and he seems real friendly to you," 18 ask.

"16 was made by Dad. He has built to look exactly like my older brother. I consider him to be my brother because he has Gebo soul in him,"22 say.

"Hmm, interesting," 17 say.

All of a sudden I hear Sirens coming from behind us and 17 press the brakes and put the van in park. 17 &18 hop out the car. Me and 16 look at each and sit still as we wait for the cops to come to us.

"You two in the back come out," Cop yells at 16 & 22.

We both step out and put our hands together in front of ourselves then the cop cuffs us. At the same time we broke our handcuffs and just stare at the cops emotionless.

"Help suspects are resisting! I need assistance!" Cop yells in a panic tone at his partner.

"That's resisting!" 18 say in mocking tone after laughing.

She then walk to the cop car lift it up and throw it off the bridge into the mountain causing it to explode. 17 &18 then broke their handcuffs and we all got back in the Vehicle and got back on the road to Goku.

Hi Im back it's been a while but I'm not sick anymore. And Since I am done with my finals I have more free time. I will be make some new stories and finish this one before my next semester.


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