
Heir of the otsutsuki

An almost ordinary guy died from overwork in his sleep. What will he find when he opens his eyes after a very long sleep?

Hellish_Rabbit · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


I collapsed onto the bed and sighed loudly.

"What a troublesome day." - Closing my eyes, I tried to lie down a bit, but an object flying at me from Karin forced me to open one eye and raise my hand.

Catching a small bundle, I instantly understood by weight and by the touch what was there and how much.

"Where's all the rest of the money?" I put it in my pants pocket and lay back down.

"We spent most of it resupplying and upgrading ammunition. The rest was divided among rest, this is your part including the part for supplies. We've already bought the essentials, so don't waste your money."

Nodding, I again tried to relax, but they didn't even let me sleep for five minutes as the door swung open with a loud sound and Jugo entered.

"We're leaving, gathering at the gate."

And here we are at the gate. The last to arrive was a young member of the Hyuuga clan, whom I didn't even recognize. However, judging by the chakra, he was at the level of a Chunin.

The Hokage's escort team had quite a few people, and the three jinchuriki and other strong ninja remained in the village to protect in the absence of the Hokage.

"Let's go." - having commanded Tsunade, she went ahead and soon we were already running through forests and mountainous areas, making loops and changing the path.

Strange opponents were encountered along the way - from bandits who attacked the group in fear, to black-clad people who attacked and retreated in a coordinated manner.

But alas, against the two Sharingan and the eyes of the Hyuuga clan, all their tactics and ambushes failed in one strike. The strangest thing was that no one died at the hands of the group. Everyone died from the seal in their heads that turns their brains into mush when something fails in the plan. It was truly terrifying.

No matter how much I tried to capture even the soul of one of them, they were dying before I even jumped to them trying to get information, as if someone was watching from the air controlling the seals. Standing over the corpse that was about to explode, I quickly incinerated it with Amaterasu leaving not even dust.

Looking up at the sky, I noticed some kind of sparkle, but even with the activated mangekyou, I couldn't find anything.

Finally, we were able to get to the Kage meeting where we were not particularly welcomed. Especially this Ōnoki, when he saw me and Sasuke, there was so much desire in his eyes to kill us that I involuntarily wondered what the innocent Uchiha clan had done to him. An hour later, a meeting began where Ōnoki basically blamed the leaf village and the land of fire for all the sins. By his sliding glance at us standing aside and silent, I knew that sooner or later he would remember about us. However, Gaara and Mei Terumi kept a neutral stance and had little involvement between the disputes between Tsunade and Ōnoki. All this interested me little and I was only focused on finding Obito and taking his head off as soon as possible.

However, Sasuke, on the contrary, stood and examined each of those present with a dead look and analyzed their conversations. As if trying to understand whether they are worthy of life and whether they are enemies.

"And you brought fugitive ninjas to the Kage meeting! They have long been renegades of your village, what right do they have to be here! The Uchiha clan has long since disappeared and it's time for them to leave this room where they don't belong!" - long forgotten about his back, Ōnoki found a new reason to annoy Tsunade.

The attention of all immediately turned to the two of us, as if we were the main problem of this century.

Before Tsunade could break the silence, Sasuke's voice sounded calm and confident. Coldness and indifference, as if sitting in front of a group of clowns, he explained calmly.

"The Uchiha clan is no longer part of the village and we have been hired as protection for this meeting. If a situation arises that threatens the ambassadors of the Hidden Fire Country Village, our group as well as the Uchiha clan will intervene."

"How confident to call yourself a clan when there are only two of you, boy." Mei smiled seductively and squinted into Sasuke's cold eyes.

Before Sasuke could answer, those elite shinobi who had come with their kage immediately jumped forward, feeling chakra rush from me, but that was only the beginning.

Having released the chakra, I lightened the body to the maximum, maintaining strength and jumping forward, concentrating the chakra in my fist and releasing it at the last moment.

For the observers, it was like I teleported, and in the next split second, I broke the entire wall and jumped out into the corridor.

However, only I knew that the one I attacked survived and even more. He almost did not move and watched me with interest dodging the attack without even using Kamui.

"Oh my god! Senpai you scared me so much!!" - speaking hastily like a teenager Toby appeared from the dust.

"Who do you call your Senpai?" - turning around, I slowly started thinking about how to get into Obito's dimension and leave my seals there. It's good that when I arrived, I placed eight seals for telereporting inside the building, which apparently was built only yesterday.

"Of course you Senpai! You so strong and fast!" Toby cupped his cheeks and began to wiggle.

Finally realizing that an unknown and uninvited Kage level ninja had arrived, they all stood up.

"Of course you Senpai Renjiro! Or should I call you Akatsuki member Cat from the shadows? You left our organization in such a hurry, leaving me all alone to be torn to pieces by these monsters." - Toby's voice trembled and he wiped away an invisible tear that seemed towas on his one-eyed mask.

"Dust Element: Atomization!!!" - jumping out from the table, Ōnoki roared with rage, flew up and folded the seals.

The white square engulfed me and Toby, but we didn't even look at this technique and looked at each other with cold eyes. Transferring the whole body, Toby escaped from the technique, and I went to the nearest seal under one of the tables.

The white square dissipated to reveal an untouched Tobi much to the Tsuchikage's shock.

"Old fart why the hell did you try to kill Renjiro!?" Tsunade jumped up and hit the floor, knocking back those who were standing under Ōnoki, but they just took off and hung next to Ōnoki.

The sand rushed towards Tsunade, but did not attack, only blocked her path.

"Please calm down. You also Ōnoki-sama. Since Akatsuki himself has infiltrated here, it means they need something. And the fact that one of the Uchiha turned out to be a former killer from Akatsuki, we can deal with this case later."

Sending sand to me with the intention of capturing capture alive, but apparently wounded, Gaara pissed me off. Activating the eyes, I immediately hit Tobi with a sharp palm and passing through him, the hand took Gaara to the panicked exclamations of the Dollmaker and Temari. Feeling resistance, I clenched my fist with all my might, killing Gaara.

Tsunade tried to stop the bone hand, but even after destroying the floor and creating a rumble through the air from hitting Sussano's hand, no damage was done.

"We have a contract, Tsunade. Do not get in our way and do not interfere with stopping those who stand in our way. This would be a shame if something happens to Hokage." - Sasuke appeared behind her and, with his flaming scarlet sharingan, placed a long blade under her throat.

Having drooped down, Tsunade slowly moved away and she was immediately surrounded by the arriving ANBU protecting her.

"No need to worry so much Gaara is alive." - calmly saying, I opened my fist, releasing the sand that flowed to the ground, pulling out from under the ground a living, but not so calm kage of the sand village.

I canceled Sussano and continued to look at Toby.

"Oho! Keep it up senpai!" Toby waved his arms like a cheerleader.

"And from you, who calls himself Madara Uchiha, I expected something more than that behavior of a clown." I squinted my eyes at Obito.

Toby froze and dropped his hands. The air was cold and fear hung on Ōnoki's side when he heard the familiar voice.

"And how long have you known this, Renjiro Uchiha?" Tobi tilted his head and looked at me in a rough voice showing his Sharingan.

"After I collected information for a year, I learned enough about Akatsuki. About their true purpose as well."

"That's how it is. I have no doubt that you have been spying on us enough that this fouls accepted you even if I was against it, but as for the true purpose, I doubt it. That is why, I Madara Uchiha came to declare war on everyone here!" - coldly announced in a rough voice, Toby looked around at everyone showing the sharingan.

But I just imagined that over Obito's head flashed.

"Actor." - skill level increased.

Pushing my stupid thoughts away, I continued to listen as he spoke about his plan to bring peace to the world, how he need a tailed beast, and so now.. The leaf village is under attack!

Frowning, I realized that he was not lying. Having lured the Hokage out, he hopes that Nagato will manage to kill everyone and take all the tailed ones. I'm sure the others are helping him, right, what about Itachi?

Deciding to end the circus, I attacked him again. Blow after blow, I realized that he wouldn't want to touch me like 4th Hokage and repeat the mistake. Given that he knew how good the reaction of the owners of the Sharingan was, he generally just stood teleporting body parts from attacks even to his soul.

Finally jumping back, I realized that a new plan was needed. He needs to get me inside his dimension.

But for this you need to piss him off a little. Fortunately, I found this blood in a hospital in Konoha after examining it half a year ago. They kept blood samples even of the dead... and her blood was there.

After laying down the simple seals to show them to Obito, I summoned the coffin.

"This technique!? Renjiro what are you doing!? Stop insulting the dead immediately!" - Tsunade rushed forward trying to stop me, but a blow to the solar plexus from Sasuke did not allow her to get close and she flew off again. One of the ANBU attacked Sasuke, but was immediately killed with a water bullet that no one noticed. In fear, looking at the falling body, Tsunade bit her lip from which blood began to flow.

"Hey, I thought we already had a deal." - cheerfully removing the sword and placing it on the floor, Suigetsu blew invisible smoke from his finger.

Meanwhile, no one else dared to leave the eyes of the coffin, and Obito's eyes burned with interest in technology. Ah, what a beautiful expression in his eyes. SOON TO BE CHANGED WITH FEAR. I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM SUFFERING...

Slowly, the nameless lid fell off. And a little girl came out in ordinary clothes.

On her forehead was a bandage of Konoha and her neatly combed hair fell over her forehead. Thin, seemingly the weakest in this room, she did not feel a strong one at all. But knowing that she was summoned by me, everyone looked at her carefully analyzing thinking that she is some kinda hidden weapon. Tsunade recognized her instantly and screamed in shock, closing her mouth. Seeing her reaction, Ōnoki immediately asked.

"She has the sign of your village! Tsunade! It's not the time to keep secrets who she is or why she's such a valuable combat unit that the Uchiha spent so much chakra summoning the dead! Is this the same technique that killed your third? How did the Uchiha know it!!!"

With chakra, he was not mistaken, but I was not planning to explain. The coffin abruptly went underground, leaving the girl alone, panicking, not understanding what was happening.

The eye widened under a mask, mangyōkō activated and filled with blood from rage, and I could clearly feel how an explosion of feelings had taken place inside Obito.

Sharply grabbing her chest, she began to look for a hole in it and, not finding it, got even more excited and scared. Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. Pinning her down to me to prevent her from escaping, I smiled with my sharingan into her wide eyes as she stared up at me with her eyes up in fear.

"Welcome to the world of the living, Rin Nohara. Let me introduce myself. My name is Renjiro Uchiha. This is my brother Sasuke Uchiha. And here is the third Uchiha and his name is ... "