
Heir of the Crazy Necromancer

Wealth, fame, power. The one who climbs to the top of the tower was promised everything that the universe has to offer. The text that weirdly appeared in front of everyone one day, drove the people to climb the Ruined Tower. [You want to be absolute? Climb the Tower and everything shall be yours!] [The one to reach the top shall have everything that the universe has to offer] and so began the herds of people heading to the Tower to gain absolute power for their own reasons. ---- 'How long has it been?' The departure of the death has made the rulers haughty. The fear that once struck their souls was no longer present! ‘It is time to remember them the fear of Death.’ On top of a massive fiend that seemed to be able to devour the world, sat a young man with a striking red eye. 'For his Heir has entered the Tower now' With a bow in his hand and a quiver on his back, he aimed the arrows at the gods. 'It is time for the true ruler of death to emerge again' The Chaos shall begin!!

Twilight_Lord · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Dwarf vs the Hell's child

'How many days has it been?'

amidst somewhere deep in the where there was no one except the young man who was standing on one leg with the other on the knees of his standing leg and two hands clasped together about his head in a 'namaste' position.


<The time limit of 30 days will be over in 5min>

<You will be transported out of the dungeon in 5min>

A familiar notification woke the young man whose eyes were closed shut!

"Is it time to leave already?"

His voice which was coarse as a horse became a melody for ears to hear.

Old Sage: {You have changed a lot you know?}

The old sage interrupted suddenly.

"I guess, It was beyond my imagination"

Shiva who would have normally been throwing tantrums against the Old sage was calm as a flowing river this time.

{ho...I can't call you a brat now! you matured! basta*d}

Shiva smiled hearing him.

He wasn't offended by what the sage said because he himself knew that something in him had changed.

Both physically and mentally.