
Heir of madness in naruto

this is a fan fiction work. I do not own anything from the original work. I only own the original character (s). I am also a novice writer and this is my first book so please help me in this adventure. do not have high expectations of this book as I can't garantie it quality or if I won't drop it. . . . aegis Lester has always been a wild and troublesome individual in his world. from being a frail young boy to going against one race, destroying planets, competing with primordials being or coming from death multiples times, becoming a true intergalatical emperor. but when he faces an ambush from all the powerful beings at the same time, even he can't win. As he was going to lose his soul, he escaped by using a dangerous spell. Now in the shinobi world, our protagonist don't plan on staying still. how will it end up?

Dorien_crown · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

a way out

Inside a room as white as the clouds in the sky could be seen a giant purple and black but mostly translucide box. Inside that box was a blond haired man on his knees, restricted by numerous red chains coming from the ground and maintaining him in that position.

Even though he was in a pitiful state he never stopped looking straight ahead; as if his stare could unveil the mysteries of the room.

After sometimes, a mighty voice rang out ''..... Why do you always make things more difficult that they are? " It asked

Another voice then continued " Even when you die you always somehow return to the world of the livings.... As if death itself could not affect you''

A third voice continued with the momentum" from the very moment you went ento the double digit age troubles have been you your companions for centuries. Destroying planets, races, civilisations, interacting with parallels worlds under the name of establishing an empire .. "

"You are truly an anomaly Aegis Lester"

"Or should we call you by your titles, scarlet emperor? "

" The prince of blood''

'' heir of madness''

'' king of monsters "

aegis just let his deep red pupils wander around the room as he replied" well personally my mother used to call me sunshine " With a smile.

".... No more jokes, mortal"

"We had enough of you"

" We have prepared a fate worse than death for you"

" Making sure you won't ever return to the realm of livings"

" with the destruction of your soul, you'll be gone forever'' they said together.

then some pressure began to build up. Markings appeared everywhere on his skin which began to turn slightly red.

" Did you finish your monologue ? Then let me tell you something" Aegis replied, no concerned with the markings. " Do you know how I became emperor ? Well it was not by force, but more from charisma, intellect, and most importantly... Deceiving everyone " As he said the last part, another aegis appeared outside the box without marks and the one inside disappeared.

" How?! " The mighties voices asked

" Don't bother" He replied, summoning a staff in his left hand and a red sword in his right hand.

High concentration of mana surrounded him " You'll met your end here!!" The voices said together but aegis didn't bother to listen as he gripped firmly his sword and heavily slashed it downward while saying "Armageddon barrage"

the sword seemed to cut through the fabric of reality creating a huge crack from which huge shapes completely black humanoids could be seen. even though these humanoids were visibly far from the crack, they rushed towards the white chamber.

" THE ENDERS ?!!! AEGIS YOU BASTARD!!" shouted one of the voices but aegis was nowhere to be seen. Only a circle with complexe red and black marking could be seen on the ground..... But it quickly disappeared too.

" This isn't the end aegis ! You two deal with the breach, I'll report that to our Lord " Said the first voice

''Yes!" They quickly replied as the mana gathered around the breach, blocking the way in of those creatures.





On a planet very far from there....

" ... Keuf keuf...damn paragons" whispered a boy as he slowly opened his eyes. " at least "ALTERA" somehow worked... Even I don't know where this spell send me''

" it should be far from that cursed place". He then inspected his surroundings... everything was in ruins. the houses were completely destroyed, people were lying on the ground... some were dead while others were unconscious. all was quiet except for the soft crackle of flames visible in the distance. it was another hell.

'' sigh... War again? " He asked himself. 'Well I need to know at least the general situation' he thought. Then he spread his senses at the maximum but then frowned ' I can only cover this place? I need to fix that later'. '' so there was an attack on this village... The culprit is... A giant fox? Hum.. Okay...it look like I don't need to do anything since they surrounded it" He said as he stopped looking at the battle in the middle of the village.

'' but what is this miserable body ? Yes it was random but still... '' he continued as he then tried to activate his visual capabilities but only veins appeared on his face...

'' 359.7°? That's lame. I want my true eyes ". Then the chakra inside him shook violently and the completely white pupils turned black with the iris red. " That's already much better for the moment''. " Still that's not the common mana... Not even my ether... I can't stand that"

Another violent fluctuation began but this time it was the surrounding chakra the target.

" oh.. You don't wanna submit to my will? ignorant " He said as he exercised more pressure . The chakra stiffened and responded accordingly to his will. '' that's much better...they named you chakra? Not bad'' he commented. Then the chakra inside him reacted and turned deep red while growing in quantity.

After five minutes he stopped and got up. All of the previous injuries of the body healed themselves with his previous black hair becoming blond. Aegis stretched himself and looked again in the direction of the fox" I need to know what is really happening and then making a plan of my next move" Then he disappeared from there.