
Heir of Lies

The kingdom looks to a new dawn with the impending coronation of Crown Prince Liam, beloved by the people for his kindness and wisdom. Yet shadows lurk within the royal family, for the prince lives in fear of his own father, the ruthless King. Prince Liam knows many dark secrets of the King: of enemies disposed of through poison, of unnatural forces conjured through sinister ritual. Liam walks a dangerous path, for the King would crush any threat to his power, even a son. With the aid of a few trusted allies - a loyal servant girl, a noble Lady, and a cunning Advisor - the Prince begins to gather evidence that could depose the King. But enemies surround him, reporting his every move to the King. Another attempt on Liam's life seems inevitable. Even the Prince's charming young sister Charlotte may be in danger, for the King has named her heir in a bid to disinherit Liam. The stakes could not be higher as Liam begins a shadowy game of treachery and deceit within the castle walls, plotting to claim a throne earned in blood before it is too late. But can Liam outwit a father who wields the darkest of magics? The fate of the kingdom rests on one prince brave enough to strike against the very throne that made him.

wqwa · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Normal family

The sunlight streamed through the curtains, landing on the face of Prince Liam. He stirred awake, eyes slowly opening. Suddenly, he felt a weight crash onto his stomach.

"Wake up, wake up!" cried his little sister Charlotte as she bounced up and down on him.

Liam groaned. "Charlotte, must you always wake me in such a way?"

Charlotte giggled. "But it's the best way to wake you up, big brother!"

Liam sighed and ruffled Charlotte's hair, smiling fondly at her. As he turned, he noticed his personal servant Elexa standing nearby, a hand over her mouth trying to contain her laughter.

Elexa bowed her head. "I apologize, Your Highness. The young Princess was quite...insistent on waking you herself."

Liam chuckled. "It's quite all right, Elexa. I'm used to Charlotte's energy by now." He turned back to his sister. "Now what has got you so excited this morning?"

Charlotte beamed. "The cook is making cinnamon rolls for breakfast! My favorite!"

Liam laughed and picked up Charlotte, swinging her into the air. "Well then we better get down there quickly before they're all gone!"

Charlotte screamed with delight as Liam carried her from the room, Elexa following behind with an amused shake of her head. Though unwelcome at first, Charlotte's enthusiastic wake-up calls had brought Liam much joy over the years - joy he could not help but share with his sister and loyal servant.

Liam carried Charlotte to the dining hall, with Elexa following behind. As they entered, Charlotte wriggled out of Liam's arms and rushed to the table, eager to eat the cinnamon rolls. Liam sat down with a chuckle, greeting his parents - the King and Queen - who were already seated.

Elexa discretely served Liam and his family their breakfast. As Liam took his first bite of the cinnamon roll, he sighed contentedly. "These are absolutely perfect; Cook has outdone himself again."

The King smiled at his son. "I'm glad to see you in such high spirits this morning, my boy. A prince should approach each day with joy and optimism."

The Queen watched Charlotte devour her food with amusement. "It seems your sister's zeal for life has rubbed off on you."

Liam smiled. "Charlotte has a way of brightening any day, no matter how she wakes me." He turned to Elexa. "I'm grateful to have such a caring sister and loyal servants by my side."

Elexa bowed. "The pleasure is ours, Your Highness."

The family continued their meal in comfortable conversation. Though Liam's duties as prince were many, moments like these - simple yet joyful - reminded him of the true purpose of his position: to serve and bring happiness to his people, starting with his own family. Charlotte's contagious enthusiasm was an important reminder of that, prompting Liam to approach each day with renewed purpose and hope these moments almost made him forget the miss fortunes that occurred in this life and the pervious one. Then he gazed at his little sister smiling as he watched Charlotte happily devour her cinnamon rolls, icing smeared all over her face. Though he acted annoyed by her wake-up methods, the truth was he adored his little sister and her energetic spirit. She reminded him to find joy in the small moments.

As the royal family finished breakfast, the King cleared his throat. "Now Liam, I know you and Charlotte like to spend your mornings playing together, but I'm afraid duty calls today. The ambassador from the Northern Kingdom will be arriving shortly to discuss trade negotiations."

Liam nodded, his smile fading. As crown prince, meeting with ambassadors was part of his training to eventually rule the kingdom.

"I understand, Father. I will prepare to receive him immediately." Liam stood, nodding respectfully to his parents before turning to Charlotte. "I'm sorry, little sister, but playtime will have to wait until this afternoon."

Charlotte's face fell in disappointment. "But you promised we could go riding today!"

Liam sighed, conflicted between his responsibility and his sister's wishes he has missed so much of her early years which was one of the things he regretted most in his current life second only to 'her death'. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Elexa, would you be willing to accompany Charlotte riding while I meet with the ambassador? I know you'll keep her safe."

Elexa bowed. "It would be my pleasure, Your Highness."

Charlotte's face lit up again. Liam smiled; glad he could fulfill his duties without sacrificing precious time with his sister. He left the dining hall feeling optimistic - with loved ones supporting him, even the stresses of being crown prince seemed more manageable.

As Liam left to prepare for the ambassador's arrival, a shadow fell over his face. Though he presented a cheerful front around Charlotte, inwardly he felt a simmering unease.

He knew well the true character of his father, the King. Years ago, when Liam's uncle had refused to uphold a cruel tradition of the kingdom, the King had turned to dark forces to be rid of him. Only later did Liam learn his beloved uncle's sudden illness was no mere happenstance.

And now, Liam himself posed a threat to his father's wishes. As crown prince, he planned reforms to better serve the people - reforms that went against his father's harsh policies. Liam was no fool; he had seen the way the King looked at him lately, the barely concealed contempt.

It was only a matter of time before his father turned his dark gaze upon the prince. Even now, Liam's food was tested by one of his most trusted confidants, a precaution after he nearly fell ill last week from a poisoned meal.

But Liam could not confront the King openly. He had to bide his time, building alliances and support for when he someday took the throne. For now, he could only watch his back and rely on his network of allies, including the one who warned him about the poisoned food.

Liam had survived one attempt on his life thanks to them. But he knew as long as the ruthless King sat on the throne, the prince was not safe. All Liam could do was remain vigilant - and hope good would prevail before it was too late.

For now, he would meet with the ambassador as required. But behind his princely facade, Liam's mind turned with darker thoughts and plans. The kingdom's future depended on it.

Liam maintained a polite smile as he greeted the ambassador, but his thoughts were turbulent. He knew he needed to identify who among the castle staff was loyal to him and who served his father.

Elexa, his personal servant, was one he trusted completely. She had been the one to warn him about the poisoning after overhearing the king give instructions to the cook. But there were certainly others posing as loyal subjects while secretly reporting back to the king.

He would need to speak with his advisor, Lord Harmond, to discuss potential allies. Harmond was instrumental in maintaining the network of informants who kept the prince apprised of his father's sinister motives.

There was also Lady Cassia, daughter of a duke and Liam's would-be betrothed. While their arranged marriage was still pending, Cassia made her disdain for the king well known and offered her resources to aid Liam. Between her father's men and Harmond's informants, Liam hoped to have some insurance against further attempts on his life.

But the prince also needed leverage - something to keep the king in check until Liam could take the throne. There were whispers of the king's association with forbidden magic and contact with demonic forces. If Liam could find proof, he might be able to force his father's cooperation or even abdication.

For now, however, he would go through the motions of playing the dutiful prince while surreptitiously building support. Liam would need to tread carefully in this dangerous game - one misstep could mean his death or Charlotte being left at the mercy of their villainous father. Failure was not an option.

Liam nodded politely as the ambassador droned on, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He needed to speak with two of his most trusted allies - Lord Harmond and Lady Cassia.

After the meeting, Liam made an excuse to slip away to the garden where he knew Harmond would be waiting. As Liam approached, Harmond bowed.

"Your Highness, I may have identified another potential ally within the castle. One of the maids, Clara, is willing to keep her ears open and report anything suspicious she hears about the king and his associates."

Liam nodded. "Good. We need as many eyes and ears around my father as possible." He hesitated before adding, "Have there been any new developments?"

"Nothing concrete yet, but there are whispers the king has been in contact with a man known as The Alchemist. They say this man dabbles in the dark arts and has aided your father before."

"The Alchemist..." Liam committed the name to memory. Evidence of forbidden magic could convince the court to remove his father from power.

"There is one other matter," Harmond said. "I have learned your betrothed Lady Cassia has valuable information about your father. I suggest meeting with her when you can."

Liam agreed. If Cassia knew anything useful, he had to speak with her immediately. After leaving Harmond, Liam made his way to Cassia's chambers under the pretense of a visit. Once alone, Cassia dropped all formalities.

"The king plans to name Charlotte as his heir, disinheriting you," she warned bluntly. Liam reeled - this changed everything. He had to act faster than expected.

Cassia continued, "I also discovered the names of three lords allied with your father against you." She handed Liam a list of those turncoats.

Liam committed the names to memory before burning the paper. "Cassia, Harmond, you may have saved my life again today. I am in your debt."

She touched his arm. "I only wish to see a just king on the throne."

As Liam left Cassia's chambers, his resolve hardened. His father would not succeed while the prince still drew breath. The fight for the kingdom had begun.