
Heir of Gravity

Suddenly kidnapped by a cult, Sebastian thought his young life was about to end. However, after being used as the object of a ritual, Sebastian realized that he was no longer what he used to be... Follow Sebastian Lennox on his adventure to discover the true nature of his newfound power.

Kraken1ac · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Core

After leaving the cafeteria, Sebastian and Sam headed to the large training ground behind the Academy's main building.

A large grassy area with sparse trees was visible. A few arenas of various colors and sizes were dotted around the area.

Arriving on the east side, they entered an arena with red walls and black gates. After walking along a wide corridor for a few meters, an open space with stone floors and wooden seats around it revealed itself.

In the open area, a tall man stood beside a large block of steel. Many students in uniforms similar to Sebastian's were scattered across the seats. They looked at Sebastian and Sam with displeasure.

"You two are three minutes late, but since it's only the first day of school, I won't apply any punishment." In the middle of the stone arena, the magic teacher said with a gentle smile on his face.

Sebastian and Sam quickly apologized and took their seats.

The professor was very noticeable with his head completely shaved and a body covered in exposed tanned muscles. He looked fierce.

"Very well, all of you can call me Dwight. Let's not waste time. I will explain briefly what a magic core is and help you form one, it will be quick." Professor Dwight said and approached the students.

"A person is only able to form a magic core at the age of eighteen, which is the age at which the soul matures. The core is where we store and refine our magic energy. At Iron Rank, it helps to improve the quality of our bodies and, from Bronze Rank, it improves our souls gradually, having a qualitative leap in Silver Rank.

A core can reach six Ranks: Iron, Bronze, Copper, Silver, Gold and Mithril. With Iron being the lowest and Mithril the highest.

There are three levels in each Rank: Low, Medium and High. When the core reaches the Bronze level, it can no longer accommodate other elements, as it only supports one type of energy. The entry of another will have serious consequences.

Young people, the magic core was a gift that the Supreme Burning God bestowed on humanity. Check this out." Dwight grabbed the big block of steel that was next to him, clenched his fists and threw a punch!


Dwight's arm instantly sank into the block.

Ecstatic screams from the students filled the arena. Sebastian's eyes gleamed.

"That's because my level is high. If you guys try to do that, the best result would be to have the bones in your hands broken." Dwight alerted and lifted the big steel block off the ground like a toy and threw it into the middle of the arena.

Suddenly, Dwight raised his hands towards the block and a red fire dragon several meters long flew like a missile towards the block.Boom!

An explosion of fire erupted in the middle of the arena, and a wave of shock and heat quickly spread through the area and hit the students, who were knocked out of their seats.



Sounds of surprise and pain filled the arena. This time, the students couldn't help but stand up in shock.


With an expression of yearning, Sebastian gasped, "This is it, this is what I want!"

He remembered how he was kidnapped by the cultists, they took him like a doll, and he offered no resistance to them. For someone like him who was always safely raised, the kidnapping gave him a major mental shock and stirred his soul.

Having a way of being stronger to prevent this kind of thing from happening again is magnificent! Adding to his newfound power… Sebastian's eyes were burning.

After the fire had dispersed, the students saw that the steel block was completely melted into a bubbling silvery liquid.

Smiling at the youth's reaction, Dwight proudly said: "That's the power a magic core bestows."

"Professor Dwight, at what level can we have this ability?" A student with short, slicked-back blond hair asked.

"Oh, that kind of thing you can do if you can become Silver Mage. It's still too early, you'll have to cross Iron, Bronze and Copper levels before you can do that. Only at Silver Level will you be able to send spells long range." He rubbed his hands over his chin.

The students around were a little disheartened.

"Very well, now that you've seen what a magic core can do, I'm going to help you manifest one. Get together." Dwight clapped his hands.

Sebastian and the other students quickly gathered.

"The method for manifesting a core is simple and easy: I am going to inject magical energy into your bodies, all of you must channel this energy into the center of your chest and imagine that a small gray grape is forming in that area. Imagination is essential because this will help you now and in the future. Okay, now close your eyes and focus." After commanding, Dwight raised his hands and a large burst of magical energy shot out of his body and filled the area where the students were.

Feeling this magical energy enter his body, Benjamin closed his eyes and quickly channeled it to the center of his chest. At the same instant, he tried to mold a small gray grape.

Às vezes a energia mágica tomava a forma de um pequeno círculo cinza e às vezes a energia mágica se dispersava quando Sebastian se distraía. Foi um pouco difícil para ele se concentrar totalmente.

A few minutes passed like this and Sebastian was frowning tightly.

"Damn, this is a little complicated." Sam, who had a little sweat on his face, thought indignantly.

Dwight looked at the youngsters with amusement and thought, "This group seems to be of good quality. I don't think this little test will be able to slow them down much."

He didn't tell the young people a thing, while they were supposed to channel the energy to the center of the chest and imagine a small gray grape, Dwight was supposed to manipulate its energy to help them form their cores.

"But why would I do that? Hahaha, I'm really lazy today." Dwight put his hand over his mouth and yawned.


Ten minutes later, no student was able to manifest their core.

Sebastian's face was full of sweat: "Shit, if this is simple and fast, I don't want to know what is considered difficult."

Another thirty minutes passed, and finally, one student made it. The boy with short blond hair who had asked the teacher a question opened his blue eyes and looked around, when he noticed that the rest of the students had their eyes closed. Enthusiasm appeared on his face, but it was quickly replaced by an indifferent expression.

"Benjamin Neville? Excellent imagination. As expected of the Duke's family." Dwight internally praised.

After another three minutes, a girl with long, wavy red hair also manifested her core and opened her eyes with joy.

"Mila Prowse? Very good." Dwight watched.

Soon after, Sebastian manifested his core. "It's similar to a grape, only grayish. It looks like there's nothing inside."

A boy with short black hair and pale skin also manifested his core.

"Sebastian Lennox and Patrick White. Oh, what a great coincidence, they're from nearby towns." Dwight smiled.

Sam and several other students also manifested their cores in succession, it was as if Benjamin had connected something.

"They all manifested the cores, right? It was simple and easy like I said."Dwight laughed.

The students looked at him with a bit of displeasure on their faces.