
Heir of Blue Moon Pack

I am Adrian, I am the heir of the Blue Moon Pack. I was going to be the alpha of my pack after my father. But a series of unforeseen events brought me here, to this hideous vault. This is my adventure to get back what is mine. Will I get my pack back, will I find my mate?

My_angel00 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 61 The Hidden Truth

He never dared to tell Kira about the curse. He tried, but Kira always stopped him and wouldn't let him talk about it, and she chose to believe that not having the child was her fault.

For years, Gregor had searched for a solution to the curse, but nothing seemed to work. After he found the ancient records about the Blue Moon Pack, he tried to reach Adrian when he learned about his existence. However, after the duel, he could not find Adrian anywhere, as if he vanished from the world.

The ties between Adrian' mother, and the witches became clear as Gregor further pursued the leads. The witches were descendants of the same ancient warlock line, and they were aware of the curse and its requirements.

Through his beta, he reached Adrian's Beta, Connor, but he never admitted that Adrian was alive. Gregor had no choice but to move on, telling Vlad to spy on Conner. Gregor was disappointed when he learned that Conner lived alone but asked Vlad to keep an eye on him. Gregor was really lucky, after a few years of stalking Connor made the mistake of reaching out to his oldest friend, Morpheus. Morpheus' wife, Lera, was a witch from Dana's clan, but Connor didn't know that.

Vlad told Gregor when he learned that Conner was trying to contact Morpheus via the Moon Valley Pack. Gregor gave him the task of investigating Morpheus. When Vlad learned that Morpheus' wife was a witch from Rising Sun Coven, he started watching Morpheus and Lera closely. When Lera learned from Morpheus that Adrian was alive, she directly connected with the witches Vella and Vall. Vlad was watching her too. He briefed Gregor about the connection between the witches.

Feeling the weight of his discovery, Gregor knew that he had to approach the situation with caution. If the witches were involved, it meant that the stakes were higher than he could have ever imagined. He was dealing with powers that were old, dark, and unpredictable.

Vlad also discovered that Morpheus had persuaded his Alpha to buy himself a servant for his personal use during the auction. Therefore, Gregor's attention was turned to the auction in the Darkness Moon Pack.

The real problem during the auction was that they didn't know who Adrian was. That's why, during the auction, Vlad relayed to Gregor the information he constantly received from his spy in the Darkness Moon Pack. After finally confirming who Adrian was, Gregor started raising the money he had offered for Adrian.

He would never forget Adrian's face when the announcement was made for him. His face turned red and his eyes flickered, but the time was too short to know if his eyes were flickering. Then they suddenly cut the line. For Gregor, it was proof that Adrian was the one he was looking for.

Finally, he would be able to taste the fruit of his patience and research. He was intoxicated with joy. He rushed to his wife's side.

"Kira, my love, how are you?" he said, burying his nose in Kira's neck, inhaling the refreshing scent of spring. It was the only scent that calmed his nerves. Although Kira was a bit surprised, she was happy to know that Gregor needed her. She leaned towards him, tilting her head, and asked, "How can I help you, my Alpha?"

Gregor lifted his head and met Kira's eyes, filled with desire. "Do you know how much I love you?" he said, embracing his wife and carrying her to the bed. "Hey, where did this come from? We'll have to have dinner with our guests soon."

"Is that a problem?" Gregor asked.

"If it's not a problem for my Alpha, then it's not a problem for me," Kira replied, lifting his shirt upwards.

Like a hungry wolf, Gregor devoured Kira's lips. He continued kissing her until they were both breathless.

He woke up early in the morning excited to know that Adrian would come that day. It was a perfect night with his wife. They had really good sex after a very long hiatus.

But nothing went right that day, Adrian never showed up, there was an attack by the rouges and they killed Adrian. Gregor was very close to unleashing the curse. Now he was sitting in the office with empty hands and an unresolved problem of an heir.

When he learned that the attack was on Aida's border, he requested the VC to talk to her. However, as the conversation progressed, Aida's uneasy answers made him think that Adrian was alive, and Gregor realized that he couldn't solve this problem alone.