
Heimarian Odyssey

Locke is a middling officer in the Kingdom of Faustian’s army. He happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective, and happens to save the kingdom’s princess. As fortune would have it, love prospers, but in a world of peasantry and nobility, a middling, peasant-born soldier has no right to love a princess. Locke is nothing if not determined, however, and sets out to become someone worthy of loving the princess, someone her family can accept. But that path is neither short, nor safe, as our hero will soon discover. Tags : Army Building, Caring Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Empires, Evolution, Fan-fiction, Harem, Incest, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms Knights, Knights Level System, Long Separations, Male Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Pregnancy, Slow Growth at Start, Strong to Stronger, Wars, kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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293 Chs


After a long time, it was finally Locke's turn. Monte was the first to vote. "I think this young man is still too young. He should train for another two years," said Monte before he fell silent. Monte didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Young Master Solon was intentionally or unintentionally glancing at him. He had a bad feeling. However, he didn't pay too much attention to it. Maybe it was just an illusion.

The vice-jarl of 1st Platoon was next. He was no stranger to Locke. He had first met him after the bloody battle at Gordon Heights. He was covered in blood when he arrived at the newly built barracks. If it weren't for the Faustian uniform he was wearing, he might have been shot dead by archers before he could even get close to the barracks.

At that time, he was still the jarl of a small squad and happened to be guarding the camp gate with his men. Locke brought a young man who was about his age with him. The first thing he said to the guard was, "Sir, is this the second brigade of Falcon's 2nd Division?" After receiving confirmation, Locke fainted. He hurriedly asked his men to take him to see the medic. He had a good impression of this young man.

Perhaps it was because of the good karma they had forged at that time, but Locke had been very respectful to him since then. He often greeted him and gave him some of the trinkets he had seized. He enjoyed it very much. He remembered the wine and a small Sharlo-style silver pendant that Locke had given him two days ago. Although it wasn't expensive, it was a token of his sincerity.

"I think this young man is responsible. Although he's a little young, he's still very motivated. Let's agree for now," said the deputy jarl of 1st Platoon. He also took Monte's pride into consideration and didn't say too much, but he also expressed his support.

Monte now saw Locke in a new light. He was familiar with his deputy jarl. They were brothers from the trenches. Since he supported Locke, this young man must be extraordinary.

Next, Yoshk and Karl also expressed their support for Locke. No one was surprised. They couldn't let their own platoon be disappointed. However, it was too easy to win the position of platoon jarl. There were only three votes. Even the two people before Locke had obtained three votes. Moreover, the popular candidates Roman and Jersson hadn't started voting yet.

"I think Locke's management skills are still lacking. He should train more." The deputy jarl of 4th Platoon also expressed his opinion. It was obvious that he was voting against Locke. At this point, the voting was over. If there were only three votes, Locke's chances were very slim.

"I think Locke is good. His leadership and strength are not low. He's more than qualified to be a squadron leader." Just as Monte was about to vote for the next person, Solon, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke.

The tent fell into a brief silence. Finally, Yoshk was the first to react. "Yes, I've watched Locke grow up. He's not bad in all aspects. You're right, Master Solon." The rest of the people finally reacted and said, "Yeah, Locke is very strong." "His leadership skills are not bad. His team's casualty rate is the lowest in our battalion." "This young man is not bad." Even those who voted against Locke began to praise him.

Yoshk thought to himself, 'It seems that Locke is connected to Master Solon.' Not only Yoshk, but everyone else in the room thought the same. Cardoj looked at his son in surprise. His son had never participated in this type of voting before. Was this Locke really talented, or … The baron looked at his son thoughtfully. It's time to train him, Cardoj decided in his heart.

After a short uproar, the voting continued. Currently, Locke had the most votes, four. In the following voting, the six platoon jarls all had a balance in their hearts because of Solon's participation. Since Young Master Solon had chosen Locke, then Locke must have occupied one of the two platoon jarls. Therefore, in the following voting, no more than two people could get more than four votes. Solon did not participate in the next three voting, which further solidified the group's understanding.

Although this was a more democratic and fair voting system proposed by the baron, everyone in the room could be said to be the baron's retainers, and it was more likely that they would become Solon's retainers in the future. True fairness did not exist. Since their young master had decided on Locke, they had to go along with it.

The final result of the voting was four votes for Locke, four for Jersson, and only three for poor Naorome. If it weren't for Young Master Zoro's interference, Jersson, who had excellent experience and leadership skills, wouldn't only have four votes, and Rome wouldn't only have three. But since that was the case, everyone could only accept it.

"Then, Jersson and Locke will replace the vacant platoon jarls," Cardoj finally made the final decision. Cardoj looked at the rest of the people in the tent calmly. His aura, which had been honed for years, made everyone afraid to speak loudly. This had nothing to do with strength, but the baron's personal charm. "Next, I'll announce something else. 3rd and 4th Platoons will be merged into 3rd Platoons. All the veterans from each platoon will be transferred to 4th Platoons. Jersson will be the platoon jarl of 4th Platoon, and Locke will be the vice-jarl of 4th Platoon."

After that, Cardoj glanced at Solon and changed his tone. He turned to Solon and said in a slightly calmer tone, "You will lead 4th Platoon from now on. You will also be the vice-jarl of the cavalry squad. Don't let me down." It was only at this moment that the rest of the people could feel a trace of affection from the usually cold and unfathomable baron. This was the baron's fatherly love for his son.

"Yes, Father." Solon bowed his head slightly and said.

"Then, the meeting is adjourned. Will, you will be in charge of imparting impetus to the new platoon jarls. The arrangements for the next attack on Farlans will be held at noon tomorrow, "the baron said as he stood up.

"Yes, Sir." Other than Solon, the other seven people stood up and answered respectfully.

The meeting was over, and the platoon jarls and Solon left the tent. At this time, only Cardoj and the old butler who had not said a word were left in the tent. The guards at the door filed in, moved the conference table to the side, and then retreated respectfully. Two maids also walked in leisurely, poured a cup of tea in front of the baron, and then bowed and retreated quietly.

The baron, who was already in his forties, had become more and more fond of drinking this noble drink of the royal capital, tea. Drinking tea could help the baron relax his tense mood. Cardoj sipped the tea in his hand, his thoughts wandering. After a long time, he finally put down the tea in his hand. "Johann, do you regret following me for so long?" the baron asked.

"This old servant has received the Baron's grace. From a slave to now, I can serve the Baron's steward. I have no regrets." The steward behind the Baron said.

"Sigh, twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye. The children have all grown up." The baron sighed with emotion. The dignified, cold and unfathomable Cardoj was also a father. "You're a mid-rank Knecht. I won't mistreat you if you condescend to be my butler," said the baron.

"Thank you, Baron, for your kindness," the old butler said and knelt down.

"Get up. It's been so many years, but you still haven't changed your etiquette. Don't torture your body when you're old. It's not good for your health to kneel all the time," Cardoj said in an understanding tone.

"I'm still in good health. I can still protect you and share your burdens," the old butler said with his head lowered.

The baron smiled and turned to the butler behind him. "Johann, which of your two sons do you like better? George from the cavalry platoon or Warner from the quartermaster's camp? George is already a peak beginner-rank Knecht. If he has the opportunity to go further, his future will be limitless. "

"George is indeed talented. If everything goes well, he can become a low-rank Knecht by the age of thirty," said the old butler.

"It just so happens that we have another strong general in Cardoj's domain." Low-rank Knechts were already good combat power. Cardoj only had a high-rank Knecht, Wyr, and a mid-rank Knecht, old butler Henry. Monte was the only low-rank Knecht, and the rest of the platoon jarls who practiced impetus were still beginner-rank Knechts.

However, the baron was also a low-rank Knecht. He also had a low-rank Knecht in Cardoj's domain as a deterrent. Due to the drought, bandits were everywhere in the country and the army was at war, so there was no time to deal with them. So, it was necessary to leave a low-rank Knecht behind.

This was all the high-level combat power that the baron had cultivated over the years. One high-rank, one mid-rank, and three low-rank Knechts, including the baron himself. This was already a terrifying force. For comparison, Cashel, who was also a baron, only showed the strength of one mid-rank and two low-rank Knechts. He was much weaker than Cardoj.

A high-rank Knecht was completely capable of defeating and even killing three mid-rank Knechts. So, Wyr alone could kill all of Cashel's high-level combat power. This showed how powerful the baron's military force was.

"Warner is also a smart lad. He took good care of the quartermaster's station," Cardoj commented on the butler's second son.

"Yes, Warner is a good boy." At the mention of Warner, the old butler's calm expression finally changed. Hearing the baron praising Warner, Old Butler Henry revealed a trace of a smile.

Cardoj was a sharp man. He could tell at a glance that his old butler liked his second son more. "Henry, George is obviously more successful. Why do you like Warner more?" asked Cardoj curiously.

The old butler was silent for a long time. "Because he's more filial."

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