
new school

The girl of ten feels she is out of place. She silently prayed for a companion and walked pass the class rooms. suddenly a boy popped out of no where. He was sweating and grasping for air.

boy:_ hey..... are you a new comer?

The girl flushed. she replied nervously'....ah...yes '

The boy: which class ?

girl: four..

The boy told the girl to follow him and she did. she is now settled down in the third row. Soon the school assembly starts .

In the first period she finds some difficulty in cummunicating.

she is from manipur who recently shifted to Delhi. she can't speak Hindi well nor English.

soon she found someone who is willing to be her mentor and it's the boy she had met before. She is lucky to find some one who is willing to help her.

Time goes by in flash and soon they become bestfriend. They share same desk and share their lunch box . The boy is a genius ...

...~while the girl is the total opposite . soon the time saperated them . They get enrolled in different college. And slowly their bond faded .