
Heavy' love

Lucy opened her eyes and saw a clean room filled with the smell of disinfectant water. Only then did she remember that she had just donated a kidney to her younger sister. The anesthetic has only just worn off. Just then, the door of the ward opened and a slender man walked in. When Lucy saw the man, an excited smile appeared on her pale face. "Smith, you came to see me..." Lucy's tone was weak, but tried to make every word clear. She stretched out her hand somewhat hard, wanting to get Smith Lu's response. But what she could never have imagined was the bad news that followed... "Lucy, did you know that your family is bankrupt?" Smith indifferently ignored Lucy's outstretched hand, and walked to sit on the sofa by the window. "What are you talking about? It's impossible, my family has been going well before, and nothing bad has happened recently. How is that possible? Smith, you have to save my family..." Lucy was so worried that she even could not breathe. And when she asked for help, Smith just watched indifferently. Gradually, Lucy noticed something, tried to calm herself down, and sat up slightly to look at Smith. "I have helped you to acquire your family's company, and your property transfer letter has been notarized. I never thought you would love me this much that you're willing to give up all your possessions, but I am here to divorce you today." Divorce? Property transfer letter? Was that prenuptial agreement actually a property transfer letter? But she didn't know anything about it. Although they had been married for just a few months, not even six months. Even Smith almost never came home, she still cleaned the house every day, made his favorite meals and waited for him to come home. Now she had just gone through surgery and he didn't say a word of concern or a greeting to her. He only set foot in her ward to get a divorce...

NewEraCult · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 15 Go ahead, jump

"You are a bitch for natural! You are not trustworthy at all!" Smith blurted out without thinking about it.

Lucy's face changed, but Smith felt a sense of pleasure. He had never thought that the woman he married would be so despicable and vicious!

Lucy made up her mind, grabbed the divorce certificate in his hand, turned around and ran. Smith froze, also followed her, then stopped until Lucy climbed the railing on the bridge. His face was gloomy and looked terrible.

The wind on the bridge was so strong that Lucy's hair was fluttering messily, even blowing her voice away.

"Are you sure you don't want me anymore?" She seemed desperate.

Smith mocked, "The thing I hate most in this life is when someone threatens me! You have nothing to do with me. Give the divorce certificate back to me, I don't want to reissue it again!"

"Do you really only care about this certificate?" Up to now, he only cared about the little certificate that proved that they no longer had any relationship!

Smith was about to lose patience, so he reached out and grabbed it. Lucy had no intention of making a fuss about it, and gave it back to him directly.

She was so determined and finally uttered her last solution. "If you don't want me, I'll jump from here!"

Smith seemed to have expected it, but he didn't buy it at all!

"Go ahead, jump!" He turned and left. He had warned her that what he hated most in his life was when someone threatened him!

Smith walked fast. How would such a greedy woman be willing to give up this world? But what he didn't know was that at the moment he turned around, Lucy jumped into the water without hesitation!

There was no more Lucy Fu in this world! And Lucy Fu would have no more pain!

Listening to the screams of pedestrians, a sense of foreboding rose from Smith's heart. He suddenly turned his head, and there was no one behind him! He stared at the calm surface of the river in shock. "I'll jump" echoed in his ears, and his heart was beating violently...

Three years later. The city's cemetery.

The sky was gray, but it doesn't rain.

A young man in a suit was sitting on one knee in front of a tombstone.

"Have you always been laughing at me?" With a self-mocking smile on his face, he quietly looked at the photo on the tombstone and muttered to himself, as if the person in the photo would respond to him.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to gently touch the face of the girl in the photo, but it was cold, without a trace of temperature. As far as he could remember, he never seemed to have touched her face like this, but instead he had flung her a slap.

Thinking of this, his heart ached slightly.

"Why can't I find out earlier? I'm always arrogant, why can't I even see such simple things?"

The girl in the photo still smiles sweetly, as if nothing would make her unhappy.

The man still said to himself, "We are all stupid, I am so stupid that I can't what's right and wrong, and you are so stupid that you only know how to please me! You see, in the end even God can't stand it anymore, and punish us in this way!"

The man fell into a trance again. After the incident, he came back to his senses. Only then did he find out all the truth, which caused him pain and distress for three years!

But it's too late! Besides, what's the point?

The man put away his thoughts, stood up, and said softly, "I have been out for too long, and I will see you next time! You're lying about loving me, right? Otherwise, why do?you never come to see me in my dreams?"

He then thought himself?ridiculous, she definitely hated him! He shook?his head, finally left in a hurry.

The man had to pass this bridge every time he?drove back. At first he didn't dare to pass it, and always avoided this place. But then he just wanted to pass it, and was always whimsical and wished he could turn back the clock.

He glanced out of the car window and suddenly saw a familiar figure! But how was it possible? But that person was too much like her for him to be mistaken.

So he hurriedly slammed on the brakes, stopped in the middle of the bridge, then directly opened the car door and ran towards the place where that person appeared just now! However, no matter how he looked, there were only old men and women strolling around, and there was no figure of the girl just now!

He froze in place. Loud noises and the sound of people screaming during the period did not bring him back to reality. Just now he clearly saw a girl who looked so much like his dead wife!

"What's wrong with you! You just park the car on the road like this! Do you know how many cars rear-ended!" The person who came after was very angry.

The other drivers who rear-ended all came to ask for justice, "What's wrong with you! Pay for it!"

The man eagerly wanted to get away and look for that girl again in the distance. He quickly took out a check and pen from his suit pocket and wrote his name "Smith". After he dealing with these drivers, there were not many old men and old ladies left, let alone young girls!

As a result, the chain of rear-end collisions the business giant Smith Lu caused on the bridge created quite a sensation, and the appearance of another character almost made the headlines.