
Heavy' love

Lucy opened her eyes and saw a clean room filled with the smell of disinfectant water. Only then did she remember that she had just donated a kidney to her younger sister. The anesthetic has only just worn off. Just then, the door of the ward opened and a slender man walked in. When Lucy saw the man, an excited smile appeared on her pale face. "Smith, you came to see me..." Lucy's tone was weak, but tried to make every word clear. She stretched out her hand somewhat hard, wanting to get Smith Lu's response. But what she could never have imagined was the bad news that followed... "Lucy, did you know that your family is bankrupt?" Smith indifferently ignored Lucy's outstretched hand, and walked to sit on the sofa by the window. "What are you talking about? It's impossible, my family has been going well before, and nothing bad has happened recently. How is that possible? Smith, you have to save my family..." Lucy was so worried that she even could not breathe. And when she asked for help, Smith just watched indifferently. Gradually, Lucy noticed something, tried to calm herself down, and sat up slightly to look at Smith. "I have helped you to acquire your family's company, and your property transfer letter has been notarized. I never thought you would love me this much that you're willing to give up all your possessions, but I am here to divorce you today." Divorce? Property transfer letter? Was that prenuptial agreement actually a property transfer letter? But she didn't know anything about it. Although they had been married for just a few months, not even six months. Even Smith almost never came home, she still cleaned the house every day, made his favorite meals and waited for him to come home. Now she had just gone through surgery and he didn't say a word of concern or a greeting to her. He only set foot in her ward to get a divorce...

NewEraCult · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 14 Big trouble at the hotel

The hall was in an uproar. The media were sitting below, and half of them were entertainers, and they had already prepared the equipment within a minute because of their professional characteristics.

"Miss, what is your relationship with Mr. Lu?"

"Are you here to disrupt the wedding?" Lucy's eyes never left Smith, but all she saw was Smith's frown and impatience look!

"Get out!" Smith said immodestly.

Jane was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she still had to maintain her image as a lady. She didn't expect that Lucy would pester Smith like this and embarrassed her so much in public.

Jane opened her mouth and started to act again, "Lucy, my dear sister, please, let us go! I almost lost my life, can't you do me a favor and let me live a good life with Smith?"

Journalists got excited instantly, and it seemed that another woman had stepped in! Not only that, these two women called each other sisters, it's a feud of gentry!

The surrounding chatter began to grow louder and louder, Lucy settled down, picked up a wine bottle on a side table, and smashed it on the ground without hesitation! That sound was crisp but had a powerful deterrent effect, so that the whole hall was silent.

Lily glanced around, her gaze was cold. Perhaps she stayed with Smith for a long time, and was unconsciously influenced by him. Her clear and beautiful voice flowed out.

"Jane, people are gonna know what you've done eventually! You took one of my kidneys and robbed my husband with such a despicable method, and you killed my mother! Even now, you're still slinging mud at me!"

Lucy didn't know where she got the courage, she had never defended herself like this, but felt extraordinarily relieved! Sure enough, Jane, who had never expected it, was stunned.

"Lucy, you've gone too far!"

Lucy gave a self-deprecating smile, "Who has gone too far? I don't even have a home anymore. Now I'm just telling the truth and I've gone too far?"

Her tone was so determined and brave, which made people wonder if she was still the Lucy who only knew to be submissive! Jane got scared for the first time, she could only hold Smith's arm to show her sovereignty.

"Someone get her out of her!" Smith really didn't want to waste his time.

But this time, Lucy was no longer so stupid, she would not wait until she's stupid enough to be thrown out before she woke up. Before the bodyguard approached her, she quickly rushed towards her target!

It happened so fast, and Jane was knocked down by Lucy, her slender neck was also strangled by Lucy! Lucy didn't have time to care the pain from her severed finger. She had nothing left anyway, she just wanted to avenge her mother!

"I want you to pay for my mother's life!" Lucy gritted her teeth and said this, her eyes were bloodshot.

Smith reacted fast, and grabbed Lucy. However, he didn't expect her strength to be surprisingly great, and he didn't pull her away for a while!

"Lunatic, let go!" Smith finally pulled Lucy away with his both hands together with another two bodyguards! Jane coughed violently, and shouted "Smith" with lingering fears. But her voice was raspy, which made her feel even more embarrassed.

Lucy laughed with satisfaction. What a special engagement banquet! It must have haunted Jane for life, and of course Smith!

The two bodyguards looked at her smile, surprisingly felt scared. They also unconsciously pushed harder, but she did not scream!

Smith's tall figure obscured the light, creating a great sense of oppression invisibly. Lucy raised her head. Was this the only way he would be willing to take a good look at her?

He sneered indifferently, "Are you crazy? Don't come out and make a fool of yourself!"

"Why? Are you afraid that tomorrow's newspaper headline is that the business giant Smith has a crazy wife?"

Smith snorted, he gave an eye to the man beside him, and began to appease Jane and the reporters present. Lucy caused him such a big trouble again.

Lucy was taken to a remote and secluded place. Nearby was a long bridge with only passing vehicles. There was a long bridge nearby, with only speeding traffic passing by. By Smith's car, there were only two of them.

Smith took out the divorce certificate from the car, and almost threw it on Lucy's face, and said impatiently, "Can't you understand? We are divorced! I have nothing to do with you! And there is nothing you can do about it!"

Lucy looked at the divorce certificate, she also had one. The letters on it were so dazzling! She shook her head, trying to drive away the uncomfortable feeling.

"Smith." She still liked to call him that, "Why can't you trust me for once? Even if it's just once!"

"Because--" Smith hooked his lips.