
Heaveson University

A school- no not just an ordinary school are Heaveson Academy is. A school that doesn't exist on humans mind, thinking it was just some crazy things that people imagine. How come there's a school where power exist? Where their powers came from? Seventh sense? Oh, that's purely nonsense that only dumb can think of it. But, how about this lady? A normal person from the world of sinners came and see that fantasy school exist. What will happen to her there? Will she survive or be dead? If ever she survive, then she's pretty wise to do that. But if she ain't, then she's dumb and careless. Sabay-sabay nating abangan ang opposite version ng Hell university HAHHAHA! Sabay-sabay tayong mamangha sa mga bagay na dadating sa buhay ng babaeng tinutukoy ko. Please prevail this RRR policy of mine: R-Read R-Respect S-Stop spoiling HEAVESON UNIVERSITY: The rise of seventh prophet. PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME AND A SIN! YOU'LL BE JUDGE SAME THE MEASUREMENT YOU DOES! Goodluck and enjoy reading!

Congospeare · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Cretura Dragon

"You're lucky that the dragon did not kill nor attack you, if ever, well, we will just see each other on your grave," Nash teased. 

I rolled my eyes. He's so noisy, I hate it! 

Why do I'm with him again? Oh! Yeah! We brought the human dragon back on the card again, together with Mr. Malcolm. 

Mr. Malcolm move his gaze on the both of us. 

"If you want to argue with some stupid things, took this knife and kill yourselves straightly. We don't have time just to stop the both of you!" Mr. Malcolm look upset while lending us the little knife. 

He's staring coldly at us and it's so strange. He is not like that yesterday!

We don't move and just watching him suspiciously. 

"What now? Hesitating?" Then, the knives vanish like a sand within his hands.

He smirked and it was chilling. 

All of a sudden, I feel like my mind is shaking. A few minutes it faded and I see Gabrielo instead of Mr. Malcolm. 

I'm still clueless for some bullshiting reason. How could he did that? 

Nash pushed Gabrielo lightly. "Stop using your power in this kind of exposed place. There's a chance that Mr. Malcolm will knew that we disobey school's rule."

What? He used his power? What kind of power is it? It's amazing!

'Illusioning,' He answered inside my mind. 

I mouthed "Wow" without any sound. It's just I'm shocked 'cause he got the coolest ability among the other abilities. 

He smirked evilishly while Nash are staring in the both of us. 

"What's happening between the two of you?" 

We glance at him. "Shut the hell up, jerk!"

He pouted and shut his noisy mouth. 

After waiting for such a long time, the true Mr. Malcolm appeared now. His lips formed some sort of relief. 

"We have been constantly confused about the formation of that Dragon into a human," He gave us the folder. "Base on our research, only 2% percent of creatura can do that stuff." He explained, while we are busy reading the folder. 

"Type A, alpha dragon," I mouthed. It's an alpha dragon! The most coolest! How could my mom get that? 

We closed the folder and turned on Mr.Malcolm who was still puzzled. "Only one blood can summoned the alpha dragon," 

"Then, who is it?" But, he didn't answered. 

"I need to go," Then, he left without no reason. 

We, the remainings were still standing. Until, Gabrielo moved and said; "I better take my way to the classroom, I'm already late." 

I was also about to get out when I realized that I don't know where class am I going. 

Nash jerkly grinned. "Base on what I saw yesterday, I saw your name on class E section," My jaw dropped. 

Why that hecking principle sent me onto that section?

"You belongs with us," My jaw exceedingly dropped. 

"Y-You're also in that section?" He nodded shamelessly. 

What the? It was the most worst section on this school as Roxiene tell me that. 

"Believe it or not, you are now part of that class and don't worry, we'll make you suffer." With his malicious smile, I'm tremendously nervous. 

I took my gained strength. 

"Hell you!" 

Afterwards, I immediately get out of his place. He so damn annoiying! But, now, the problem is I don't know where to go, besides I'm still unfamiliar with this place. I'm so stupid! I shouldn't not let my pride eat me because of Nash annoiyingness. 

There's no person I can ask for, 'cause everybody is already In every class. But, unexpectedly, I saw Ms.Ma'am once again. The woman whom carried me yesterday. 

She's feminine yet strong.

Her face made grateful smile. "O, We see each other once again! Don't tell me you're lost again?" 

I shrugged on boredom. 

"What section are you?" She chuckles lightly. 

"Section E," I rolled my eyes as she hid her mouth who is laughing. 

"Poor little girl, I'm your advisor, didn't you knew it?" I was stunned.

She smiled. "Come with me," 

We passed by the previous building and walk through the white with blue castle. You cannot describe how beautiful and captivating this world is. It's so perfect, like I'm in heaven. 

We enter the wide and majestic door. The hallway is completely covered by a red carpet. And the walls were changing it's color every moment. My jaw dropped because of this place. 

"It's still not enough, we'll improve every inch of this university." What will be needed to improve more? It's already perfect, yet their still not satisfied? Goodness! 

I rolled my eyes once again. "Not enough?! God! It's already perfect!" 

She chuckles and shrugged. 

"In this world, everything is more than perfect. Because this is the duplicated heaven even you're not yet dying. It is why this is called 'Heaveson University' means heaven school. 
