
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 2 'cursed child'

"How is he even alive? It's impossible for anyone to survive after having born like this, disgusting…!!" crown prince of Chen royal family with the disgust expression on his face.

Although what he did was wrong but his harsh words were neglected by others because of his status as crown prince of Chen royal family.

Ye also neglected his remark, he looked towards the women who was with Mie and the child, "are they safe?"

Women…. "Yes lord, both young master and madam are out of danger but..."

"Youn… young mas… master he is born disabled, without upper limbs and he has colorless eyes" she was trembling from head to toe.

Without even looking at her he passed through crib and went straight towards his wife.

Although he wanted to hold his child but he knows that he can't show any emotion in front of others.

It was already discussed among the elders that if somehow the child is born healthy then only can he will have privilege as first born of the Li family and the first young master of the family.

But if he somehow failed to change his fate then he'll be hidden from the world and treated as dead.

They were clear that the boy will die within few years, at most ten because at the age of ten every child has to go through blessing ceremony which is also known as awakened ceremony.

The awakening is very painful process that some people even died while trying to awaken their element and only talented one can receive blessing from spirits.

There are some past events when some child even attracts evil spirits and the elders of the family doesn't want to take the risk of attracting an evil spirit.

Soon the news of birth of the cursed child spread like a wildfire and at that very moment the Li's declared him as a castaway.

Some people started calling him castaway young master while some called him 'cursed child'.

He was given a small chamber in the backside of the Li palace which was at least 10-12 miles away from the main palace.

He was given a single old woman to take care and no one was allowed to approach him except his mother Mie and the old lady Vana 'the caretaker'. 

Some people were afraid of approaching him because of his status as cursed child while some deemed him as untouchable and the only remaining people were few late stage body strengthening guards.

Mie…. "I am sorry my child this is not what I wanted but I don't have any choice" with teary eyes she holds 5 years old Kai in her arm.

Kai never spoked a single word even after all these years so others believed that he is unable to speak because of his curse.

"I am about to give birth to your younger sibling so, wait for me, I'll be back soon with him to see you" 

he tilted his head while looking towards the teary eyes of his mother…. "hmmm"

Mie looked in Kai's eyes in an apologetic manner and then left his small dwelling.

Like others she also believed that Kai is mute so she just left the place without looking for response, she knows it very well that it'll be hard to see him from now on.

But they were all wrong because due to the curse his mind matured very fast and he started observing and learning from his surroundings.

there was a time when two guards were scolding the old caretaker of his which gave him clear understanding of his position. 

Guard 1…. "Old bitch, how dare you to even look towards us, you untouchable old slut."

"what if we also got affected by that cursed child because of you approaching us!!!"

"Sir please, call someone the child is having sever strokes, something is wrong with the young master's health."

She was begging to the guards but the guards were unaffected by her pleading.

"ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha" "pitoh" one of guard spited on her while others were laughing.

"You old wench, if the people of main palace really cared about him then they wouldn't have left him here."

Old women Vana…. "sir please call madam Mie, she cares about him, she every day comes here to see him, please at least let her know".

Another guard in an angry tone "You bitch, who are you to talk about madam Mie, she only comes here because of sympathy, when there will be another young master or lady do you think she'll come here to take care of this crippled cursed child, who'll die any moment".

Caretaker old Vana…. "but?" she instantly interrupted by head guard.

"listen woman, we are here by the order of the elders and they have orderd that only his death news can be discussed outside and nothing else"

The he glared towards his subordinates…. "You guys already know the truth so at least give him some respect, even though the palace has abandoned him but if not for him we would have died because of that damn curse".

Guard 1…. "Boss, we didn't ask him to sacrifice his limbs or his life, he was born defected and the story of curses is to hide the shame of lord…."

"palp" head guard slapped the guard who spoked.

"one more word and you're dead, if somehow this was known to anyone that you spoke ill about lord than our heads will be rolling from our shoulder.

Guard 1 tried to argue…. "but we are on the elders' side?"

Head guard…. "Enough" he shouted and left the place.

Head guard was the only person among all the guards who knows the truth and he didn't like the way Li family and the other people treated Kai but he knows that he is powerless and can't do anything about this matter.

When other guards were gone, he came back silently and gave a low-level healing potion to the old caretaker,

"sorry lady Vana for previous actions but I didn't have any choice"

Then he takes out a small bottle which contains green liquid…. "take this and give it to young master, it'll help and don't worry madam Mie will be here in the morning tomorrow"

Old caretaker Vana…. "Thank you, sir, for your help" she went back to Kai who was listening every conversation.

Kai…. 'Am I really cursed? that's why father never came to see me? does he hates me? What if one day mother also stops visiting me?'

Having very heavy thoughts takes toll in his mind and he slept or may be unconscious because of tiredness.

4 years later,

Mie never came back after she left that day.

Kai…. "It's been 4 years since I saw mother, she promised to see me but never came back"

Kai looked towards old caretaker Vana…. "at least mother Vana is with me" he showed a little smile which he hid behind his dull face.

Old caretaker Vana…. "young master, I'll never leave you until I die"

Kai…. "I'll not let you die, even if I have to sacrifice myself"

Old caretaker Vana with teary eyes…. "My poor son, how many times you'll sacrifice your life for others at least now live for yourself…..."

She stops midway because she realize, he didn't have much time to live.

Kai…. "Can you tell me about the people in the main palace?"

Old caretaker Vana…. "this?" she looked at him with worried eyes.

Kai…. "Don't worry and speak" he spoked with a gentle tone.

Old caretaker Vana…. "Young master you have 2 younger siblings, boy and a girl" 

"As for lady Mie after birth of 3rd child she left the palace and now she is back in Chen family, it's been year now"

Kai…. "what?" 

"and" she stops but then continued.

"Lord Ye is going to marry the 2nd princess from the shu royal family".

Kai…. "hmmm"

"why mother left?" he asked with a serious tone.

Old caretaker…. "I don't know young master but I heard some rumours from the head guard that after birth of 3rd child lady Mie wanted to visit you but she was stopped by the council of elders"

"they declared that meeting of lady and your younger siblings with you, can affect their health and future of the Li family"

"and…." she pauses after that. 

Kai…. "And what?" 

Old caretaker…. "And even lord sided with the elders after which she left with them".

Kai with a confused eye…. "Then why didn't she take me with her?"

Old caretaker…. "this...… I am sorry young master but that's all I know" she knows that this news is heart-breaking for Kai so she suddenly apologizes. 

 Kai…. "that's ok mother Vana" he soon lost in his own thoughts.

'So, at the end mother also left me, I am about to turn ten next month which can be consider as my last day because with this half-developed body, I can't even endure first phase of awakening'

'but I don't want to lose hope, I want to live for mother Vana, I don't know how but I want to go outside of this chamber, I want to travel every corner of this world'

He sighs heavily…. "whether there is a God or a Devil, whether you are from the Heaven or the Hell, whether you are a beginning or the End" he closed his eyes.

"whatever power you're if anyone is hearing my pleading then help me" tears started flowing from his eyes.

Even after him pleading nothing happens and because of tiredness he lost conscious.

But unknown to him when he finished his pleading his eyes glowed green and then golden for a few second before he lost conscious. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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