
Heavens Devouring Emperor

Ongoing · 1M Views
  • 283 Chs
  • 4.3
    18 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Heavens Devouring Emperor

Read ‘Heavens Devouring Emperor’ Online for Free, written by the author Saint_of_Harem, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Ye Qinyang, a genius of the Ye family with many rare attributes, began to create a harem of beautiful women, that will s...


Ye Qinyang, a genius of the Ye family with many rare attributes, began to create a harem of beautiful women, that will shatter the earth. He will stand at the pinnacle of the world, and then soar through the heavens, devouring the heavens on his path in becoming the harem immortal.

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Pernikahan yang Ku Sesali

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How to help the poor and needy people

Leaving a life that is meaningful is something that everyone needs. However, it is not something going into a spiritual quest. All the spiritual quests are going away from life. Unfortunately, you cannot find the meaning of life by going away from life. In fact, it can be found only in finding the meaning here in life, not going to some lonely place to meditate. You can find the real essence of life only when you help others because you are living with others and your relationship matters. You are living in this world because there are other people. Can you imagine living on this huge earth alone? Undoubtedly, you will go crazy if you find yourself alone in this world. Life takes place in relation to others. Whether it’s someone from Pakistan or someone from Russia, that does not really matter, it is the same human being. Your idea of separate human is just an idea; otherwise, you all are inter-related and inter-connected. Hence, by helping the poor, you can make this world a better place to live. People would love to be around you and people will bless you. Blessing never comes from the gods, in fat. It can only come from living beings. Hence, you must help people if you want a blessed life. How can you help poor people? If you look at the world closely, then you will see that there is inequality. Governments and other organizations are trying to fix this gap but it will make sense only when you find a way to contribute to the world. There are many people who even don’t not have food to eat. Now, that is something sad because it is a basic thing that every living being must-have. But humans have become the only creatures that are starving. No other animals and birds are starving. You would also find kids without education. A world that is not educated would slowly drift away to a bad state. If you want the growth of the world, then you should and must educate poor kids who do not have money to have a good education. There are people who are also struggling to have shelter and clothes; the world is an utterly depressing place to live now. You must find some way to give shelters to poor people. You might not be able to build a home but you can contribute to the community center to feed and give shelter to the people who live differently in the community. How should you approach? You can help people in many ways. For instance, you can take part in cultural exchange programs or you can simply join awareness campaigns to educate poor people You can help someone having medical treatment and medicines thus giving someone life. There is nothing better than giving life to people You can see help from NGOs and other organizations that are working towards the betterment of the poor community In fact, there are a number of ways and means to help poor people. All you need to have is the compassionate heart and a loving mind. It is time to understand the essence of life by finding the ways to help people because you can only find spiritual satisfaction by h going the people. Poor people might have been born poor but they have all the right to live a rich and beautiful life. You should be instrumental.

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The Child Soldier's Reincarnation

'The Weapon', that was what the soldiers called him. A young boy who ran into battle and simply killed what he was told to. All the higher ups used him as a tool, so calling him a weapon was rather fitting. He was a child who's talent was monstrous, he lived in a world where people produced 'Aura.' And although his Aura pool was rather large it wasn't what made him so monstrous, he possessed a Unique Attribute. The Corruption Attribute, it could stop natural regeneration, make the body and the ground crumble to dust. It made things decay and was like a poison. On top of that, he had a level of intelligence that would surpass even graduates of famous universities. His martial skills were also powerful, he could copy martial arts with a glance. However, he had been brainwashed and drugged to the point where he couldn't disobey. One night he was sent to battle and never returned. The Weapon only had one belonging, a book, it was the book written by the first person that he had killed. And he had reincarnated as a villain... _______________________________________________ All the art, the covers and in the images used in this book belong to their respective owners, I do not claim to own these images. I also recommend getting to around chapter 25 ish before deciding what to do, that's when stuff goes hard, everything before is more backround, information and build up. Oh and I got an Editor, WorthyAdversary, he edits from chapter 43 onwards And the MC won't be 'himself' for the first few chs, he'll be more of a mix between Valier and himself. But as the story progressess he'll start becoming himself again. https://discord.gg/8PS3PYeY Join the disc, it's got other authors and my editor in it!

Ramen_Guy10 · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Important notice!!! I'm Asian who is trying to write in English. There will be mistakes and errors. So bear with me. If you see mistakes, let me know please. ***


The story seems fine. However, despite my vast experience reading poorly translated/trash novels, I could barely make sense of what was going on.


It is an awesome novel I couldn't find anything wrong with the novel Character development ,world background etc is perfect I hope author will continue with the great work


Over all 4.5 /5 The story line is well written and it develops accordingly. Although it's a little bit early. The grammarbis fair enough. The character's are fine. The world background is well designed. And the update rate is excellent so far.


ok let me start by saying I like the idea and the fact there is not too much cliche that's a plus for me but the negative of this book is the fact that I can barely understand what is going on I seriously recommend getting an editor I tried reading it but it was tough like reading a mtl. so my review or constructive criticism is get an editor you need one bad but other than that I enjoyed the book


Get ready to have a stroke reading this. It's full of grammatical errors and typos.


This story has so much potential and is interesting. Every character is flushed out nicely. I have high hopes for author to continue this masterpiece [img=recommend]


At the time of this writing, I am at chapter 8. So far, I am really enjoying it! The world it takes place in is not just our world in the future, which helps to keep things interesting. I'm more excited for the things to come at this point. The story sets up a lot of exciting future narrative plot points and ideas that I'm excited to see explored further! I would definitely reccomend giving this one a shot!


Great novel. Have fun reading it. The author has done a good job as you wont find many mistakes while reading it. Theres a room for improvement though with the quality. I understand the author is Asian and not very good in English nonetheless. Good work.


The characters so far have all been interesting, fun and engaging. The updates have been regular. Story in intriguing and has been developing well so far keeping me interested in what's to come. Only reason I didn't give the world 5 stars is just that there hasn't been enough time to flesh it out yet meaning so far it's been good, but not enough to say if it will become amazing, just stay good or become less good. Definitely interested in learning more about the world though.


Although I am too late, I wish that you win your WPC contest and take away the gold prize. I am your new reader and this novel was my first. I have to say that I am more than impressed. So I will be going to read your other novels. Good Luck and congrats in advance.


i love/like this novel please keep updating i love/like this novel please keep updating


Read to chapter 5 and it's great! I like the mc, and wants to know more about the backstory of the world. Thanks for the work and continue releasing more




Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it.


The author has a creative mind. Editing and proofreading would clear away distractions for readers.


The translation is too bad and the book is not readable. I won't say this if the translation was bad still could understand the story, but the translation makes it so bad that the book changes the name of the same person multiple times.


Comensare aver tu novela se ve muy buena gracias por subir los capítulos espero poder leer rápido todo feliz navidad autor ahhh aún no comiénso la otra pero hay voy mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm


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