A.K.A. Qin Bó Diǎn.
of reading
Read books
Not chicken but pheasant.
Rather than picking up, plucking.
Annihilated or destroyed or eradicated would be correct word choices based on the other words in the sentence.
He felt neither cold nor hunger.
Would it not read better to say”he poured in three ladles of water”?
This book appeals to lawyers, students of PRC legal and political systems, people who have lived in or dealt with PRC governmental offices AND to those who want a fun read. The adages and idioms used enhance the story. There is a system, but it is a plot line driver, not a deus ex machina.
Excellent command of English vocabulary in choosing maw for a dragon!
Maybe the author meant sweet corn, contrasted to feed corn or corn for popping.
Fully grown corn stalks are around two meters in height. How is one meter considered tall? Perhaps tall early in the growing season, suggesting growing faster than normal?
Reaction, rather than rection.