
Incredibly Strong?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Live broadcasting is... uh..."

Su Yingxue racked her brains while walking around with a frown. For a moment, she suddenly realized that she really couldn't think of an explanation.

She could only say, "Old ancestor, this... this is something young people do nowadays. It's not easy for me to explain—I'll show it to you later. Be good and go to sleep now."

When he heard Su Yingxue say this, it was like she was telling a little kid to go to bed.

But after thinking about it, he was now an old person who needed someone to look after him. He couldn't let his granddaughter think that he could take care of himself.

Otherwise, no one could say for sure if he would be forced to leave.

Thinking of this, he obediently went up the stairs.

When she saw her old ancestor go up the stairs like she had asked, Su Yingxue decided to start her own work.

She took out her phone and called her best friend.

Su Yingxue said, "Meiling, I'm planning on going looking for an apartment tomorrow. I can't stay in this one-room apartment."

"My great-grandfather is already pretty far up in years—I'd like to find a place where it's convenient to take take care of him. Ideally there would be a hospital nearby too. After all, he's too old. I'm worried about his health."

Chen Meiling said, "Then just stay over here at my place. Your neighborhood is pretty good, but if you want to change to the one you mentioned, it'd cost a lot of money."

Su Yingxue said, "That's won't work; my ancestor is a guy."

Chen Meiling said, "What's there to be afraid of? Your family is my family, don't worry about it! Judging by what you said, your ancestor would definitely find it inconvenient to take the elevator too. This is without even considering potential power outages, so you would want to stay at a villa.

"But the price of a villa is also pretty expensive. Your streaming income seems to be quite high, but it's not stable. If your income were to fall, what would you do then?"

Su Yingxue thought about it.

Indeed, what Meiling said made sense, so she decided not to insist on formalities with her friend.

The next day.

Su Yingxue supported Su Ze with her arms and they arrived at a villa in Haizhou.

Different from Su Yingxue, Chen Meiling was a bit more seductive.

She skipped over to greet her best friend.

She saw an old man with white hair fluttering in the wind.

The main thing that caught her eye was that the old man was wearing a robe. This kind of robe was a bit like the clothes from a Xianxia TV series.

He looked like an old immortal with an otherworldly demeanor. It was hard not to notice him.

She turned her head around and hurriedly helped support him too.

"I heard from Little Xue that they are still relying on you to provide for them." Su Ze smiled at Chen Meiling. "I thank you."

Chen Meiling hastily waved her hand and said with a smile, "Yingxue and I are good friends and as close as sisters. It's my pleasure..."

"Old sir, may I call you ancestor like Little Xue?"

Su Ze grinned and said, "Sure."

"Here, as thanks, I'll give you a Yanjing courtyard house land deed," Su Yingxue teased.

Chen Meiling was slightly taken aback and said with a smile, "Really?"

"Look whose name this signature is."

Chen Meiling looked down and saw that the person who signed the deed was Fu Yi. Then, she burst out laughing.

"Okay girl, you fooled me."

Su Yingxue started chuckling too.

She said in a quiet voice, "When my ancestor gave it to me yesterday, I really thought that I was part of some rich family."

"Hahaha," Chen Meiling laughed heartily.

"Let's not talk about this for now and start streaming first. Otherwise, our fans will get impatient and rude."

Su Yingxue nodded and followed her to a room to get set up.

Su Ze looked left and right and sighed, "Things are better like this. I don't need to cultivate, and I can bask in the sun every day and watch over my great-granddaughter. This house is also quite grand."

"That's right. So, ancestor, enjoy your life." Su Yingxue smiled sweetly.

Su Ze nodded. He felt that this girl was not pretty good—she was very caring and respectful to her family.

"Sit down for a bit, I'm going to stream." After finishing speaking, she ran to the room without another word.


Su Ze heard this word again. He had a look of confusion in his eyes, but then he shook his head. He had originally wanted to spend more time with his great-grandchild, but he did not understand the young people's world. So, he did not bother trying to.

Then, he looked at the luggage on the ground. He leaned on his walking stick and nodded, deep in thought.

Su Yingxue walked to a room.

The room was decorated with a huge chandelier and exquisite wallpaper.

At this moment, she had already turned on the computer and started live streaming.

"I'm sorry. Something came up yesterday, so I moved houses today," Su Yingxue apologized.

"D*mn, this living room is awesome. It's so big."

"Hmph, no wonder you're late. Made some money and then forgot who you were."

"Wow, this villa looks extraordinary. It has to be worth at least ten million or so."

Su Yingxue looked at the comments flying across her screen and didn't know what to think.

"Everyone, don't misunderstand—this is my boss's home. She's our union's boss. Everyone knows her, she's Haizhou's little rich lady. I'm her sugar baby. Haha."

Su Yingxue skillfully connected with her audience.

"Eh? Little Xue, who's in the hallway upstairs?"

"An old man?"

"Could it be..."

Su Yingxue saw the messages on her screen. She turned around and saw that the camera was pointed at Su Ze's room.

"Stop, this is my ancestor. He's over a hundred years old this year and his health isn't good, so don't talk ill of him."

Su Yingxue made a cute cross with both hands and made two little, angry, puffed-up faces. They were adorable.

After finishing speaking, and before anyone could react.

Su Ze walked into his room from outside.

However, he had a lot of things on him. He had a hammer, other tools, a quilt, and other daily necessities in his left hand, and a car jack in his right hand.

He looked incredibly strong.

And all of this was seen by the live broadcast.

Most importantly, the comments were in a frenzy.