

"Is that so?" for a while Sabrina's face became stale before she smiled again and bid Samael goodbye. Appearing to respect his wishes.

Samael had grown up seeing the hidden scorn his fellow clan members had for him back when he was still a cripple and he could spot the moment she went up to talk to him that this woman was a snake!

When she turned around, Samael caught a quick glimpse of her facial expression and he could quickly tell that she was not pleased and he felt a certain coldness in her attitude.

But for now, he didn't mind it. If this woman were to be stupid enough to try anything then he would be pleased to send her to her maker.

Meanwhile, the examiner came forward. He coughed twice before speaking.

"Ahem, Ahem. Everyone pay attention! The academy officials will now distribute this Talisman."

The examiner raised his hand and everyone could see the golden talisman in his hands.

"This talisman is an 'exit' talisman. It will directly send you out of this space when used. It will also be activated once you receive a certain degree of damage. After all, we wouldn't want there to be any death in these tests."

"Damage? You mean we can get hurt in this test?" Someone from the crowd, asked after hearing what the examiner has said about the talisman.

The examiner heard this and one of his brows rose "Yes. Do you have a problem with it? Or did you all think that the test for the Academy would be easy as a morning stroll?"

When those who had complaints in their hearts heard this, they felt dejected. After all, some of them came from the sheltered environment of noble families, and though they received damage from their training they aren't accustomed to high levels of pain.

"Also! Anyone who gets sent out, fails!" The examiner then hammered the final nail in the coffin.

Hearing this, many participants wanted to voice their complaints but seeing the near-furious face of the examiner, they gulped down and thought twice.

"Any more questions?" The examiner asked, he looked around and saw no one raised any questions but he could see in their eyes were concerned. He sneered in his heart and then he shouted.

"Alright, then the test shall officially begin now! Everybody begin jumping down and as for your landing, that will be solely up to you."


"We're gonna jump with no help from the academy?!"

Suddenly, a few of the participants voiced their fears and discontent with the treatment from the academy. While those who understood the goal of this test sneered at the sight of these 'weaklings'

"No one's jumping?" The examiner started to get irritated when he saw that there wasn't anyone who had the intent of jumping first.

"Why not let the most talented among us go first?" Suddenly a very arrogant voice echoed.

When this voice entered his ears, Samael rolled his eyes. Just how long will this guy be of annoyance to him? It makes the thought of not killing him, really hard to resist!

"You want me to jump first?" Samael spoke, seemingly tired and just plainly wanting to get this over with.

"Why? You scared?" Of course, Dominic wouldn't let this moment pass without trying to insult Samael.

Hearing the two starting to argue, the crowd parted like Moses parted the red sea. Creating a path for Samael towards the ledge, should he take the challenge.

Samael saw this and sighed "Sure, why not."

Then he started to dramatically walk towards the ledge. The crowd's eyes followed his every movement and many of them were bewildered as to why he hasn't used any Physique, combat, or even his cultivation art yet. Even the examiner and the officials were anticipating what this young man had under his sleeves

Samael was only three steps away from the edge. Three...Two...One...

He continued walking till he no longer had any ground to step unto...then he slowly started to fall.

The people who were closer to the edge were all terrified and shocked because they saw that Samael's expression didn't change at all when he started to fall. Like it was the most natural thing in the world and even when he no longer had anywhere to hold on to, he still didn't use any techniques whatsoever!

Samael had closed his eyes when he fell, not because of fear but because he felt unbelievably calm. He remembered the sensation of when he first came to this realm. The feeling when he came down from the sky like a meteor. He felt the wind, blowing to his face, the unmistakable feeling of "falling" this sensation reminded him of that time.

He continued to fall, rapidly reaching the surface. This caused the people who were still up on the floating island to feel even more nervous. Even the examiner and the officials felt the urge to swoop in should he fail to land.

But at that extremely critical moment. Samael opened his eyes and took out his spear.

At this moment, everyone was at the edge of their seats. They wanted to see what would he do next. How was he going to survive the fall?

Suddenly, everybody felt pressure enveloping them. They felt the Natural essences of this independent space being stimulated. Almost every one of them was unable to accept that someone of the body refinement realm was capable to arouse such a reaction from the independent space.

Black Lightning started to crackled and snake around Samael's body. His eyes became focused and sharp, he waved his spear towards his back. The lightning around him started to coil downwards, focusing on his feet. Then...


It was not loud but everyone heard the audible sound of electricity. It was at the same time that they saw that the failing figure abruptly changed its course mid-air. It was an impossible movement for any random cultivator.

Samael was falling vertically but he suddenly traveled horizontally as fast as lightning. There was even a black trail of light when he moved.

Everyone wanted to know how he did it.

From that performance, they could've already guessed that Samael had Lightning element but that alone would allow someone to move so absurdly as he did. So how did he do it?

On the side, the examiner squinted his eyes, he thought to himself "Is that how he did it?" while he had some thoughts about how Samael was able to move the way he did, the examiner didn't want to jump to a conclusion without actual proof.

While most of the participants were wondering how he was able to do that move. Some of them who were from knowledgeable and powerful backgrounds applauded deep inside and thought that he was indeed capable. If he wasn't then the heavens were truly blind to give an idiotic person such talents.

Meanwhile, only Samael knew what actually has happened.

The lighting that concentrated on his feet exploded in a manner that propelled him in a horizontal way. How did he do this? Well, he didn't only use his Lightning element but also his Ice element. Manipulating the two from the very start, Samael had created a small chunk of ice.

He used this ice as a stepping stone which gave him somewhere to step on. From there, the lightning on his feet exploded and gave him a burst of speed to move the way he did.

It was a simple but elaborate move. The ice under his feet went unnoticed because everyone's attention were around the black lightning that was coiling around his body.

Once everything was done, Samael safely landed and climbed a tall tree. Gazing at the participants who were still on the floating island. He pointed his spear at them as if challenging them to show him what they got.

Soon, many of the remaining participants got angry at Samael's haughty attitude and decide to jump one after the other.

Samael smirked, gazing at the numerous falling figures in the sky. Looks like things are starting to get fun!