
Semi-Finals [3]

Yuki walked out onto the arena. The announcer had just called for the beginning of the last Semi-Finals match, the determining factor of who would go on to the Finale. Honō also walked out into the arena to meet Yuki.

Yuki maintained a cold and unemotional glare as he locked eyes with Honō. Honō was clearly agitated still from the way Misuto got out, it was in his eyes. His Kami no Chikara already channeling smouldering flames around him. And the second he heard the announcer start the match, he dashed towards Yuki.

Honō swung at Yuki's neck, aiming to force him to surrender. However, Yuki immediately dodged and placed a fist into Honō's gut, which was still in pain from his fight against Misuto. Yuki then activated his own Kami no Chikara, letting the subzero ice find its way into the wind.

Yuki stepped back and drew his katana, ice crackled on his skin as it formed shortly before Honō's fire melted it away. Honō ran to kick Yuki, however he was intercepted by Yuki. A hand grabbed Honō's shin, the freezing touch of Yuki Shimo. Ice crept up his leg, the cold overcoming the heat for a moment.

Honō channeled more Kami no Chikara into his leg and melted away the ice, managing to also kick Yuki in the face. Yuki wiped his face, removing a scuff left on it from the kick. He then spat out a tooth, throwing it out after examining it in his palm.

Yuki: "To let someone so sloppy and pathetic hit me is an embarrassment. I must have slipped up on my training."

Honō: "The fuck you call me!?"

Yuki quickly punched Honō's face, now taking it seriously. Yuki would not allow himself to lose to a lesser fighter, who had hardly had to hone his technique because of its power. He then kicked Honō in the teeth, knocking him back.

Yuki: "You are a spoiled Udon. Your clan never had to work for their power. Flames destroy all they touch. Destructive and unrefined is all your technique is. I had to spend days in the freezing chill to simply be able to use my Kami no Chikara."

Honō: "It ain't my problem your clan's pathetic-"

Honō began to cough due to the blood knocked from his gums trickled to his throat. He spat up the blood and breathed heavily. He stood up and charged at Yuki, however he was quickly dodged and hit in the back of the neck by the handle of Yuki's katana. He fell face first into the ground.

In the stands, Dasizai was next to Shintawa and Keyati. He looked at Shintawa, who was to his right. Dasizai reached a hand to Shintawa's shoulder, tapping him to get his attention. When Shintawa looked at him Dasizai finally spoke.

Dasizai: "Looks like Honō's having the same luck as you against Shimo."

Shintawa: "I dunno. Honō's skilled but he heavily relies on his fire. Not really sword skill. I think if things were purely physical, swords but no Kami no Chikara, then he would have gotten destroyed."

Dasizai: "Fair enough thoughts I suppose. Though, I don't really know much about swordsmanship myself."

Kei-Kei was the only person left to watch in the contenders sidelines. And he almost felt bad for Honō. After all, he had heard that the Udon were a very prideful clan. Loss in a public manner like this would likely bring shame to his family. Yuki however, felt no such empathy.

Yuki grabbed Honō's hair, pulling his head off of the ground. He pulled Honō up to his eye level and dropped his katana onto the ground, before raising a fist.

Yuki: "I don't need my katana to beat such a worthless opposition."

He punched Honō's face, knocking him back. When Honō tried to get up, he was met with a chop to the left side of his head. Honō fell to his knees, he coughed up more blood. He clenched his fist on the ground and pumped his Kami no Chikara throughout his body desperately.

He raised a palm, his Kami no Chikara focusing into a ball of flames. He pointed his hand towards Yuki, ready to fire the orb of fire at him.

Honō: "Eat shit..."

The flames amped up in their heat, turning blue and purple. The heat could be felt from the stands, several in the audience sweating like they did in Honō's battle with Misuto Ha. Then, the ball was ready to unleash fire.

Honō: "FAIĀBOMU!!!"

Honō released the orb of flame, the most destructive technique of the Udon Clan, Faiābomu. The ball exploded in all directions in blue flame. The fire burnt all surroundings. As it approached the sidelines and stands, as man stepped forward and clasped his hands together, creating a barrier of Kami no Chikara.

The barrier held back the flames from harming the audience and onlookers. Shintawa was blown away by the sheer firepower Honō unleashed against Yuki. There was no possibility that Yuki hadn't taken that hit. Or so many of the viewers thought.

When the flames eventually died out, Honō sat in the smoke, a smirk on his bruised and bloodied face. He thought he had won, thought that there was no way anybody could take all of that fire. When the smoke began to fade after the blast, an icy chill was felt. It sent shivers up Honō's spine, and then Honō saw a sphere of ice in front of him.

Honō: "W-wha-"

The sphere suddenly shattered, revealing Yuki standing completely unscathed. He approached Honō, grabbing him by the collar and looking him in the eyes. Honō's body wasn't taught to use Faiābomu so his Kami no Chikara was all used up. There was no fight left. Just embarrassment.

Honō: "H-how..."

Yuki: "My ice can resist any flames if I put enough Kami no Chikara into it. It was a grand, even impressive display that you made. But, pathetic all the same. What a welp."

Yuki threw Honō out of bounds, eliminating him. He began to walk out once the announcer called the match, and Honō sat there. Silent and in a state of anger, embarrassment, and shock. He knew his family had watched that from their estate. He knew they witnessed him lose to such a degree.

Honō: "Dammit..."

Honō cursed himself, looking onwards in shame. His clan would certainly punishment him if he ever returned to them after such a display for all of Han'ei to see. He stood and walked out, enraged, embarrassed, and even scared. Of what his clan thought. Of what they would do.

Kei-Kei was in shock as well. He had known Yuki Shimo was a powerhouse from his match against Shintawa. However, he never thought he could so easily destroy someone who damn near exterminated the entire building that hosted the tournament. He got up and began heading towards the left entrance to the arena.

After a certain amount of time, the Finale would happen. And it would be him vs. Shimo. From behind him he heard a voice, Gādo Michi. He turned to look at Gādo's face.

Gādo: "Shimo is damn strong. But so are you since you beat me. Some advice though, I've fought Shimo before this tournament. He is a cold hearted and unflinching force."

Kei-Kei: "No offense but uh...I kinda figured that."

Gādo: "Well no shit, Mishimura. I mean that you shouldn't expect to bring him down with any attack. Treat every attack like he'll get back up. Because he can play long and short games. Good luck. You're gonna fucking need it."

Gādo flashstepped away, leaving Kei-Kei alone to his thoughts. The threat of Yuki was real. He was an efficient fighter who had mastered his ice. Kei-Kei would need to give it everything for the win, and, as Gādo said, treat every blow like it will never knock him down.

The Finale, the battle of Yuki Shimo and Kei-Kei Mishimura, was set to begin. The conclusion of the Shinobi Conference making itself known.