
Semi-Finals [1]

The Semi-Finals of the Shinobi Conference were about to be underway. The four who qualified were two fight in two matches to determine whom would move on to battle in the Finale. The four contenders were Kei-Kei Mishimura, Gādo Michi, Yuki Shimo, and Honō Udon.

Each of them had interacted earlier after Honō defeated Misuto Ha, however they knew nothing about each other outside of battle prowess. Gādo sat by the left entrance of the arena, waiting for his fight. His opponent would be Kei-Kei for the first Semi-Finals match.

He sat there and thought over what he saw from Kei-Kei's fight with Nami Bāsuto. Gādo actually knew Nami. They had met before on a few occasions thanks to being apart of two major clans in Han'ei's political status. Kei-Kei was outclassed by Nami, however there was a tenacity in Kei-Kei that stumped Gādo.

Gādo: "Kei-Kei Mishimura...a half-Oni who beat Bāsuto. Makes no sense by any stretch."

He then remembered how Kei-Kei seemingly entered a feral state, bolstering his strength temporarily. Plus, his arm came off yet regrew. Gādo realized that the half-Oni genetics of Kei-Kei would truly be problematic. Regeneration no matter how slow is still rejuvenation to his body and Gādo would need to play around that.

On the other side of the arena, was Kei-Kei. Also awaiting the start of the match. With him was a recovered Shintawa, helping him strategize considering Kei-Kei typically improvised and went with the flow of battle. Shintawa opened his mouth, preparing to discuss.

Shintawa: "Gādo can use Lightning Mimicry from the Michi Clan. So, you need to counteract it!"

Kei-Kei: "How do I do that, Shintawa?"

Shintawa pushed the bridge of his nose, as if he was wearing glasses, and a smirk graced his face. Clearly Shintawa had an idea he was confident would grant Kei-Kei victory against a prodigy of the Michi.

Shintawa: "I'm glad you asked! See, he moves extremely quick, however he puts all that into his legs, if I remember the technique correctly. So you're gonna need to slow him down."

Kei-Kei: "Shintawa, to do that I have to actually reach him and hit him."

Shintawa: "Kei-Kei, you are underestimating your strength! You fought one-on-one with an Oni Council member and made it possible for us to win for Dragon's sake!"

Kei-Kei laughed rubbing the back of his head. Frankly, he had forgotten about Barahoshi a bit. However, Shintawa's words rang through Kei-Kei's mind. He was correct, Kei-Kei did have extreme strength when in the heat of battle. He just had to tap into that.

Shintawa: "You got that Kei?"

Kei-Kei: "Yeah...I think anyway!"

Shintawa nodded and walked away, trying to reach the stands. Kei-Kei sighed, struggling to figure out when the strategies should go into effect. However, he also felt something else. He looked to his left hand. Like the rest of his left side, it was a reminder of half-Oni blood.

He clenched it a few times, feeling some Dakuenaji trickling through the limb. During his fight with Nami, and even a bit during the battle with Barahoshi, he felt a dark strength surge through him. His Dakuenaji levels would increase temporarily but then dull. Deep within him, his Oni half would temporarily grow stronger.

Then, he heard the announcers voice, the cheers of the crowd. The match was starting. The doors beside him opened and Kei-Kei made his way out onto the arena. He saw Gādo doing the same, approaching him. In the stands he heard the voices of several people. Friends, strangers, the like.

Nami: "Hey Mishimura! You beat me so you better shove your foot up Michi's ass!"

Gasuto: "Get him back for me little dude!"

Nami and Gasuto, both individuals he hardly knew and never really interacted with for prolonged time, were cheering for him. Their respect for combat and swordsmanship pushing them towards encouraging Kei-Kei. Then, the voices of Shintawa, Dasizai, and Keyati rang to his ears.

Shintawa: "Remember our strategies! Kick his ass!"

Dasizai: "Beat him, cousin! You're dense but you can do it!"

Keyati: "You better win! I don't wanna have sat here for hours to watch you lose, jackass!"

Kei-Kei smiled, touched by their encouragement and whatever Keyati did. He looked forwards to Gādo and the smile dropped from his lips as he was readying up. Gādo locked eyes with him. He grabbed his katana and unsheathed it.

Gādo: "For your sake, I hope you are better than Wind Bitch."

Kei-Kei: "Heh! I'll beat you till your bruises are purple as your hair!"

Gādo got into an offensive position, Kei-Kei did the same. Both of them about to begin their fight. The lightning was building up around Gādo, Kei-Kei could feel it even from several meters away. Kei-Kei tried to focus on whatever could have showed itself in past conflicts, yet nothing. He would need to rely on himself.

The muscles in Gādo's legs clenched, Kei-Kei took notice immediately and preemptively jumped sideways. And, as predicted, Gādo shot forward like a bolt of lightning. He barely missed Kei-Kei, and Kei-Kei was already being tested. Kei-Kei attempted to grab Gādo's leg, however with a lightning step Gādo moved behind Kei-Kei.

He swung his blade downwards towards Kei-Kei, who countered it by placing Mochi in front of his face. Their katanas were pushing against each other, each trying to overcome the other. Kei-Kei then tried to kick Gādo's shin. He nearly made contact, however he stepped away before it could.

Gādo charged more lightning around himself, preparing another attack. He sheathed his katana and got into a pose. He took deep breaths and focused on Kei-Kei. Kei-Kei himself took notice and kicked dust into Gādo's face, before then rolling out of Gādo's way.

Gādo: "Ack! Lightning Multi-Cut!"

Gādo shot forwards with several slashes of lightning surrounding the path he took. However, he couldn't see due to the dust and missed Kei-Kei completely. Kei-Kei used this to his advantage and grappled onto Gādo's back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Kei-Kei was attempting to knock Gādo out via asphyxiation. However, Gādo regained sight and quickly shot up into the sky with Kei-Kei on him. With a quick maneuver, he detached Kei-Kei and ascended slightly higher than him.

Gādo: "Shame to end this so soon. LIGHTNING CRATER!!!"

Gādo quickly shot towards Kei-Kei with extreme speed and power. Kei-Kei raised his left arm and used his right to put Mochi behind his left as extra defense. A desperate bid to block the attack. As Gādo made contact, Kei-Kei felt it. The surging of Dakuenaji. His brown right eye becoming purple like his left. The inner Oni had decided to come out.