
Ice Over the Desert [2]

Kuraokami had flung Honō and Misuto backwards, away from her. Their backsides crashing into the frozen snow, grunting in response. Misuto rose up first, however he was quickly struck by a baseball sized sphere of ice, directly in the gut.

Honō shot his Kami no Chikara forwards, making a fireball, however it petered out quickly. Kuraokami let out an amused scoffed, before appearing in front of Honō and grabbing him by the hair, pulling his face up to hers, the yellow of her eyes piercing the firey soul within Honō.

Misuto used the cold mist to arrive behind Kuraokami, thrusting his katana directly at the center of her torso, hoping that her core would be within. However, her tail wrapped around his arm, stopping it.

Kuraokami: "Aiming to break my physical form? That would require power you humans lack."

Kuraokami then grabbed Misuto's hair with her free hand, proceeding to smash the two faces of Honō and Misuto together. She dropped them and Honō rose his free hand to his nose, which was broken from the forced impact. Blood dripped from his nostrils but froze immediately on his face.

Misuto used his techniques of maneuvering through mist with the chilly fog just as he had to get behind Kuraokami. However, this time he would not reveal himself to attack immediately, rather he began instructing Honō.

Misuto: "Honō! You have to weaken her with your fire, push it to the limits!"

Honō grunted and stood, snapping his nose back in place. He raised his katana and channeled his Kami no Chikara to create blue flames, which were barely able to keep alight in the cold. Kuraokami swiftly moved, coating a hand in ice for a punch.

Honō slashed at her icy fist just as her punch began, colliding the fire and ice. Kuraokami used her free and to aim another punch, but Honō slashed for that too. They would repeat this, the fists clashing with the blade. Locked into a cycle of blows, however Kuraokami was quickly gaining ground on Honō.

Then, Misuto appeared from the mist above and drove his katana right between the eyes of Kuraokami. This dazed the Yo-Kai, allowing Honō the ability to connect one of his best techniques. First, he kicked her in the left side of the torso, second he landed a string of slashed with his inflamed katana. Starting with an upwards slash, followed by a triple spiral slash. He then grabbed Misuto and flung him away, before putting a hand to Kuraokami's face, releasing a blast of flames, sending the Yo-Kai back. Honō then charged up to launch himself, and when he finally did, he would skewer Kuraokami on his katana.

Honō: "Eat this, you ice cold whore!"

He channeled all his Kami no Chikara into the katana skewered Kuraokami's abdomen, before rolling away as all of the flames exploded out around Kuraokami. Upon, steadying himself on the iced sand, he gazed at the fried Yo-Kai.

Honō: "Taste my Honō Burst, bitch."

Misuto walked up to his side, looking at him before looking at Kuraokami.

Misuto: "Nice work...but I don't think we're done yet."

The flames petered out, Kuraokami was charred and burnt, however purple essence of Reiryoku healed all wounds inflicted, tossing the katana onto the ground. Kuraokami's eyes looked enraged, frustrated. And so, she began sapping the Reiryoku from the icy husks of Yo-Kai. They frozen spirits still not dissipated like they naturally would at defeat.

Empowered by the influx of Reiryoku, she began pulling all of the mist into herself, the miles of it re-entering the source. Misuto held Honō back from approaching. If they went closer, they would almost definitely become human popsicles.

Kuraokami: "For humans, you are impressive. But I will not be exorcised this day."

Kuraokami's Reiryoku shot up as all of them mist was absorbed into her body. She raised her hands and channeled an ice cold ball of Reiryoku into her palms.

Kuraokami: "Ever since my birth, a day or two ago, I have always thought that death is best served cold. Colder than a void. However, I feel a pull to the center of this world. So, I cannot risk failing here."

The ball increased in size, before being compressed between Kuraokami's hands. She looked at Misuto and Honō, both locking eyes with the Yo-Kai.

Kuraokami: "Sayonara, humans."

Misuto's eyes widened and Honō's too, causing Honō to make a large barrier of fire.

Honō: "Get down-"

The ball blew up, a blizzard of temperature colder than even that which Shimo displayed in the Shinobi Conference, enveloped the entire area around Misuto, Honō, and Kuraokami herself, ice forming on the skin of the two young men, however Honō poured all he had left into the flaming barrier, allowing them to avoid frostbite.

After several minutes, it cleared. Honō collapsed, but Misuto held him up. Looking around, Kuraokami had left. The Yo-Kai had used the blizzard as an escape. The lack of cold mist made the frozen desert easier to see. The frozen sand and cacti, the husks of Yo-Kai that should be disappearing yet are held in physical form by the spiritual ice. Kuraokami had left a frozen hell behind her.

Misuto sighed, beginning to walk whilst carrying Honō. Honō moved his own legs to help Misuto out, the two of them looking ahead.

Misuto: "The Yo-Kai mentioned feeling a pull to the center of Han'ei...I think that's where we should begin traveling next."

Honō: "Yeah...whatever...just get me to a place I can put my body down on a goddamn futon..."

Misuto: "Will do, Udon. You earned it after that combo you pulled off. P-retty impressive."

Honō: "I know. I'm the fuckin' greatest around."

Misuto chuckled, continuing forwards. After Honō got some rest, Misuto knew where they were to head next, the location that Kuraokami, and by extension possibly the other two God Class Yo-Kai, could be heading towards. The center of Han'ei, specifically the large mountain that made up Han'ei's middle. Mt. Doragonhebun.