
Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

In the ruins of the last human kingdom, Nie Li, a boy with no special powers, was about to give up hope. Just then, a magical status window appeared out of nowhere. [ Notification: Simulation System Activation ] [ Player Selected: Nie Li ] [ Options on the Screen: ] - [ Continue ] - [ Load from a Saved Point ] - [ Start Over ] .... I am also uploading this fanfic on royal road

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter no.54 Dorm Room: Morning

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[ One Day Prior ]

Ye Sheng, the vice principal of the Holy Orchid Institute, felt a wave of confusion as he entered the room to find the principal serving tea to an elderly man.

The old man, with his hair and full beard turned a distinguished shade of gray, exuded an aura of wisdom and venerable knowledge.

Immediately sensing the significance of the guest, given the principal's deference, Ye Sheng's instincts kicked in.

The principal rarely accorded such respect unless the visitor was both strong and influential.

"Ye Sheng, good, you're here," the principal greeted.

Ye Sheng offered a bow to the old man, who seemed more interested in his tea than in acknowledging the gesture.

Concealing his irritation, Ye Sheng inquired, "Sir, did you need something from me?"

The principal handed him a scroll.

"Take this to Teacher Shen Xiu. Our special guest here will be observing her class tomorrow."

Ye Sheng accepted the scroll and departed, leaving the principal to address their distinguished visitor, Elder Ye Xiu.

"Elder Ye Xiu, may I ask why you're here to personally observe Shen Xiu?"

Elder Ye Xiu set down his tea cup, a small smile playing on his lips.

"A little birdy informed me that Shen Xiu had a hand in the death of that sacred family spy; Zheng Pingru," he revealed, fixing the principal with a steady gaze.

"You don't think..." the principal began, trailing off.

"It's all but confirmed. The so-called perfect unity within the Sacred Family is nothing but a facade, and the city lord is displeased. His daughter could become entangled in this conflict," Elder Ye Xiu explained.

The principal was incredulous. "You're joking."

"Not in the slightest. Why else would the sister of the Sacred Family's Patriarch teach here, instead of focusing on her own cultivation? With both Ye Ziyun and Shen Yue in the same class under Shen Xiu, it couldn't be clearer. The Sacred Family seeks to forge a bridge between themselves and the Snow Wind Family," Elder Ye Xiu elaborated, his words heavy with implication.

The principal nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

To outsiders, such an alliance between two powerful families might seem beneficial, a unification of strength and resources. However, those well-versed in the intricacies of Glory City's politics understood the dangers.

An alliance like this could upset the delicate balance of power within Glory City, giving the Sacred Family disproportionate influence.

It could lead to monopolization of resources, stifling the growth of smaller families and potentially sparking a power struggle that could tear the city apart.

Furthermore, merging the ambitions of two such families could exacerbate existing tensions, inviting conflict not just within the city, but with external threats, drawing enemies to exploit these divisions.

In a world where strength dictated order, such alliances were tread upon with caution, for they often led down a path of strife and unrest, making the entire city vulnerable in the pursuit of power.


As Shen Xiu unfolded the scroll from the principal, a sense of dread washed over her. The news it carried was far from welcome—an elder from the Snow Wind Family was set to visit, scrutinizing her teaching to determine whether Ye Ziyun was truly benefiting from her classes, or if a transfer was in order. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, manifesting as a burgeoning headache.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Xiu tried to quell the rising panic.

"I need to ensure Ye Ziyun stays in this class. But how? What can I possibly do to..." Her thoughts raced, searching for a solution, when suddenly, an idea sparked to life. "Oh, right! I can ask Nie Li for help."

The thought of involving Nie Li brought a mixture of relief and urgency. "He could help me prepare an inscription array class that would surely impress the elder," she reasoned, her mind already running through possible scenarios. "Nie Li's knowledge and talent are undeniable. If anyone can turn this situation around, it's him."

The idea blossomed into a plan, and with it, Shen Xiu's confidence began to rebuild.

As the class ended and everyone started to leave, Shen Xiu called out, "Lu Piao, wait up."

Lu Piao turned around with a smirk, looking as if he had just been crowned king.

The other students, curious about what was happening, paused to watch.

Among them, Shen Yue approached his aunt.

"Aunty, I need to talk to you."

Shen Xiu barely glanced at him.

"Not now, I'm busy. We'll talk later."

"But what are you busy with? Talking to a failed noble?" Shen Yue asked, a bit sharply.

Shen Xiu's gaze on her nephew hardened. "Later," she repeated firmly.

When Shen Yue tried to protest, she raised her voice, "Later!"

Understanding his aunt was not to be pressed further, Shen Yue walked away reluctantly.

"Now that he's gone," Shen Xiu began, turning her attention back to Lu Piao, who was fixing his hair in front of a mirror. He quickly put it away as she approached.

"So, what did you want to talk about, baby girl?" Lu Piao tried to flirt, but Shen Xiu looked as if she was on the verge of violence.

"Lu Piao, I'll only say this once. If you don't want to end up an eunuch, I suggest you behave," she warned him sharply. Lu Piao's smile faded as he sat down quickly, visibly sweating.

"Where's Nie Li?" Shen Xiu demanded to know.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since yesterday. Maybe he's in his room, probably sleeping. He mentioned something about not getting enough sleep because of a revolution or something," Lu Piao replied nervously.

Shen Xiu nodded, her expression serious. "Where is his dormitory room? I need to talk to him about..." She paused, unwilling to reveal her true intentions with Nie Li. "...missing my class," she finished, deciding on a more mundane excuse.

Lu Piao smirked again.

"What's in it for me?"

Shen Xiu's response was flat and ominous. "Not getting castrated," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.


As the day's classes concluded, Shen Xiu hurried to her home with a sense of urgency. She was on a mission—to draft an entire lecture plan that might just save Ye Ziyun's position in her class. She poured over her notes, debating every detail, every potential inscription array she could teach.

Once satisfied, or as close to it as she could manage under the circumstances, Shen Xiu made her way to Nie Li's dorm room.

Stealth was key; she couldn't risk being seen. Utilizing her agility and strength, she jumped to his floor from the back, a maneuver that allowed her to enter unnoticed.


In the Holy Orchid Institute, the dormitory rooms were designed like small apartments, each accessible through two distinct doors. The first door opened into a communal hallway, linking all the apartments together. This main entrance was the primary way in and out of the living space.

Beyond this door was a smaller, intermediate room – a sort of antechamber. This space served a dual purpose. It was where residents typically stored their shoes and other outdoor items, keeping the main living area clean and tidy. But more than just a storage area, this antechamber also acted as a transitional space. Here, visitors could pause, preparing themselves to enter the apartment proper.

This thoughtful design not only ensured the cleanliness and privacy of each apartment but also added a layer of security. With two doors between the residents and the main hall, the living quarters felt more secluded, a quiet retreat from the bustling life of the institute.

Inside Nie Li's antechamber, she paused, closing her eyes to sense the insides. It was empty.

"Where are you?!" she whispered into the silence, a mix of frustration and concern coloring her tone.

Resigned, Shen Xiu took a seat, pouring over her lecture plan once more, hoping to refine it further as she awaited Nie Li's return. The hours ticked by, turning her initial annoyance and anger into genuine worry. "Where are you? I've made sure every spy from the Sacred Family and the Dark Guild knows you're an ally. You shouldn't be in any danger," she murmured to herself, the worry evident in her voice.

As night fell, Shen Xiu found herself wrapped in her own arms, her legs hugged close. The room was quiet, too quiet, and her thoughts were filled with concern for Nie Li. "Please, just come back safe," she silently pleaded, the severity of her worry deepening.

Eventually, fatigue overtook her. With her lecture notes as an improvised pillow, Shen Xiu drifted off to sleep right there, infront of Nie Li's dorm room.

Her last thoughts before sleep claimed her were for Nie Li's safety.


As consciousness slowly seeped back into Shen Xiu, she was abruptly pulled from the depths of sleep by an overwhelmingly pungent smell.

Groggily, she opened her eyes, only to find herself in Nie Li's bed.

Her hair was a tangled mess, splaying out in every direction like wild vines. Her eyes, droopy and half-closed, begged for the sweet escape of sleep once more, even as the peculiar aroma invaded her senses.

Pinching her nose in an attempt to block out the invasive scent, Shen Xiu turned her head, hoping to identify the source.

What she saw was so bizarre that she questioned if she was truly awake.

Nie Li, clad in nothing but his underwear, was positioned in a horse stance inside a makeshift tub.

The tub was filled with a liquid so strong in odor that it seemed to physically manifest in the air around him.

Adding to the surreal tableau, Nie Li's body was adorned with acupuncture needles, strategically placed along his arms, legs, and even a few on his shoulders and forehead, turning him into a human pincushion.

Shen Xiu blinked, her brain sluggishly trying to process the sight before her.

The rational part of her mind suggested she should be shocked, curious, or perhaps even alarmed.

Yet, the overwhelming absurdity of the scene, coupled with her sleep-addled brain, led her to only one conclusion.

"Yep, I am still dreaming," she muttered to herself, a part of her accepting the bizarre logic of dreamland.

Without another thought, she turned her back to the spectacle, snuggling back into the comfort of the bed.


[ Nie Li's POV ]

Watching Shen Xiu turn away and snuggle back into bed, I might have laughed under different circumstances.

The usually arrogant and intimidating teacher seemed so much less formidable, almost vulnerable, in her disheveled, sleepy state.

But right now, laughter was the furthest thing from my mind.

I was in my own kind of hell.

I was trying to use Body Cultivation to ascend from the Bronze rank Fighter to Silver rank even though the benefits seemed negligible when simply reaching the silver rank as a demon spiritualist could grant you far greater physical strength than any natural fighter could hope to achieve.

So, why was I subjecting myself to this agonizing process?

First off, I couldn't use the Heavenly Dharma technique to cultivate, cutting off my preferred route to power.

Then, through my alchemical research, I stumbled upon what seemed like the quickest path to becoming a formidable fighter—a method all but forgotten.

I concocted a brew and opened specific acupuncture points—Baihui, Dazhui, and Mingmen among them—to facilitate the absorption of soul force directly into my body.

Now, all I had to do was wait.

Wait for the soul force in the brew to permeate my body, to push me into the silver rank fighter realm.

Sure, I wouldn't be as powerful as a demon spiritualist, but anything was better than nothing.

Plus, there was a certain allure to experimenting on myself, to bypassing the years of arduous training typically required to advance through the fighter ranks.

What would happen to my body?

How would it react to such a rapid ascension?

"At least I had something to look at in my hell," I mused silently, glancing over at Shen Xiu's peaceful, sleeping form.

But then, a strange thought hit me, making me question my own actions.

"Am I a pervert for watching her like this?" No, it wasn't like that—I wasn't deriving some weird pleasure from the situation. It was just... in a way, her unexpected presence here, now, made this torturous process slightly more bearable.

Just slightly.

At least she wasn't speaking.

The thought alone was a relief.

I shuddered at the idea of facing Shen Xiu's usual tirade.

If she had started on one of her arrogant lectures, I might have been tempted to jump out of the window.

But seeing her here, having waited and fallen asleep outside my room just for me... it was unexpectedly sweet.

Not something I would have ever imagined Shen Xiu doing.

Could it be she's actually softening towards me?

Or perhaps she's after something.

Then again, the notes scattered beneath her head were filled with questions and theories—maybe she genuinely wanted to discuss them.

I found myself smiling at the thought.

Maybe Shen Xiu wasn't so bad after all.

But no, I had to remind myself, don't be swayed by her appearance.

She's the same person who made my life difficult for years with her haughtiness. Could someone like that really change overnight?

Just as these conflicting thoughts swirled through my mind, a sudden rush of sensation snapped my focus back to the present.

I could feel the soul force from the brew I had concocted starting to work its magic, seeping into my muscles and throughout my body.

It was like being inside a forge, my physique the metal being tempered and strengthened under the intense heat.

Each muscle fiber felt like it was being pulled apart and then fused back together, stronger and more resilient than before.

The sensation was intense, almost too much to bear, but there was a certain exhilaration to it as well.

I could feel the very essence of my being, my physical form, becoming something more durable, more powerful. It was as if every cell in my body was being imbued with energy, fortifying me from within.

And then, as quickly as it had started, the process reached its climax.

A pulse of soul force radiated outward from the core of my being, a wave of energy that rippled through me and then dissipated into the air.

The pulse of soul force didn't just signify the end of my cultivation; it unleashed chaos in my dorm room.

The makeshift tub I was standing in couldn't withstand the sudden burst of energy, and it exploded, sending the pungent liquid flying in every direction.

The tranquil silence of the room was shattered by Shen Xiu's screams as she jolted awake, her eyes wide with shock and confusion.

I could only offer her an awkward smile.

But her gaze quickly dropped, and following her line of sight, I discovered to my horror that the pulse had obliterated more than just the tub—it had destroyed my underwear as well.

Standing there, completely exposed, I scrambled to cover myself with my hands, my mind racing for an explanation, no matter how ludicrous.

"Would you believe me if I said I was trying to cure my... erectile dysfunction?"

Shen Xiu's reaction was immediate and fiery—quite literally. Her hair seemed to ignite with flames, a manifestation of her fury, or perhaps her embarrassment.

"So... Is that a no?"

[ Name: Nie Li ]

[ Status: Heir of the Heavenly Marks Family ]

[ Cultivation Level: 3 star Bronze rank ]

[ Physique Level: 1 star Silver rank ]

[ Class: Fighter, Demon Spiritualist, Inscription Array Scribe, Alchemist ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Health Points: 11k ]

[ Soul Force: 310 ]

[ Battle Power: 18350 ]

[ Class Features:

- Perception

- Endless Vanguard

- Soul Manipulation

- Third Eye

- Eye of the Scribe

- Array Infuse

- Flame Manipulation

- Nicholas Flamel's Blessing ]

[ Allies: Heavenly Marks Family ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Soul Katar ]

- [ Storage Ring ]

- [ Enchanted Armour ]

[ Description: Born to a farmer in the Heavenly Marks Family, a young boy harbors ambitions far greater than his humble origins suggest, along with a deep secret. He carries the burden of memories from a past life, where he witnessed the destruction of Glory City. Faced with the daunting task of altering destiny, he must navigate his new life's challenges. Will he succeed in preventing the catastrophe he once saw, or is history doomed to repeat itself? ]