
Heavenly Riders

Heavenly Riders: Race Beyond the Stars In a universe where speed isn't just a thrill—it's power, the Galactic Glide Racing (GGR) is the ultimate battleground for fame, fortune, and supremacy. When six outlaws, each with a past as mysterious as the cosmos itself, form an unlikely team, the galaxy isn't prepared for the chaos that ensues. Meet the Heaven Riders: Zenith, the genius mechanic with golden strands hiding a dark past; Zephyr, his twin, whose need for speed is only matched by his charm; Lyron, the swindler with a business mind sharper than a starblade; Sol, the flamboyant racer who believes he's the universe's protagonist; Kade, the half-alien tech prodigy with an IQ off the charts; and Astraeus, the alien powerhouse who wears a lion's mantle. Their mission? To dominate the GGR, outwit the oppressive empire-like corporation controlling their universe, and stay one step ahead of their pasts. As they dive into nerve-wracking races, daring heists, and mind-bending adventures, they'll confront inner demons, forge alliances with unlikely allies, and redefine the very essence of space racing. Join the Heaven Riders as they navigate treacherous terrains, battle formidable foes, and race beyond the stars. Because in this game, it's not just about winning—it's about survival, freedom, and rewriting the rules of the cosmos. Join the race now: https://discord.gg/qbJnFF38nc

EclipseInk · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 0 (5 weeks later: THE AFTERMATH)

Week 5

"So, Captain Strider, while under your vigilant watch, how were these heinous criminals able to escape?"

The officer took a deep breath, his eyes filled with apprehension about the consequences of this interview with the reporter. He was uncertain if he might be fired or face something even worse.

"I don't have an excuse for this incident. They were clever, smart, agile, brave, and above all, innovative. We don't often see such attributes in the prisoners here."

Sweat beaded on his forehead, as if he were standing in a rainstorm. The underarm of his coat was drenched, and even a child could discern his discomfort.

"That's quite a compliment for mere criminals, don't you think?" The reporter's sharp gaze bore into the captain, as if she had posed the pivotal question. Perhaps she hoped he would falter or reconsider his response. However, his reply wasn't what she anticipated.

"Do you truly think that ordinary prisoners could achieve this under my supervision? I've captured and battled many of their kind, but these are the first to dare escape on my watch, and in such a brazen manner." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, then fixed a steely gaze on the camera, leaving the viewers at home riveted. This moment was etched in the memories of all who tuned in, as it wasn't merely a statement—it was a challenge, a call to arms for the manhunt he would lead.

"Wherever you are, I want you to etch this deeply into your minds and your twisted hearts. Always look over your shoulders because..."

A thunderous roar from the heavens interrupted him. Raindrops, joining the sweat that had earlier marked his anxiety, streamed down his face. The hunt, accompanied by a downpour, had commenced. He strode up to the camera operator, seized the camera with intensity, and his voice resonated with unwavering determination:

"I... AM... COMING... FOR... YOU!!!"

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