
Heavenly Restriction in Naruto

A Naruto fanfic, where the protagonist Ryota Tekken (you can see him as a take on Toji Fushiguro from "Jujutsu Kaisen,") finds himself judged in the afterlife for his crimes. Ryota will navigates this new world, defying its rules and forging his own path, with his actions shaping his journey towards redemption or further darkness.

MilkywayAndromeda · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Ryota Tekken

Darkness. Thats what many think of when they think of death. But it seems they'd be wrong. Light, blinding light, that is all thats is within my sight.

"Pfff, this shit is annoying," I said as I put my hand in front of my eyes. One second, I'm dying, facing imminent darkness to instantly face the opposite once the last bit of life drains from me.

From the light, a smokey figure appears. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you. Is that what you expect me to say?"

"Seems like there is some asshole judging people up here. You don't seem as godly as I would've thought." as I spoke, the figure slowly approached me. It was as if looking at a shapeless being of light.

"Sadly, few people get to learn that only the worst of the worst come up here after all, beings that have altered humanity, and not for the good, disgusting souls that shouldn't be allowed to join with the batch. That is all. You are simply garbage, and you will be treated as such." the being says, wrapping its hand or essence around my neck, somehow touching me, but as I tried to do the same, my hands simply passed through.

"What do you mean?" I manage to ask, barely able to breathe.

"Throughout your life, you committed multiple massacres for the sake of your survival as the underboss of the dark guild. Like everyone else, you had the potential to do great things but only ever showed extreme indifference; you ignored the suffering around you... No, even worse, you exasperated it, only ever showing a lack of humanity under the guise of listening to orders extending your survival when there were many other potential routes to take. You took the easiest for yourself, even if you could have saved millions. Genocide, the usage of cursed artifacts and forbidden magic, which is akin to torture for the target, mass enslavement, terror tactics, and when all the odds were against you when your death was assured, you released the 100 great demons of the world. All this you did in hopes of extending your pathetic life."

With a disbelieving snort, I eyed the light. "I can't believe it. This is really part of the grand divine punishment the afterlife has set out for me," my voice was laced with a mocking edge. "I Was expecting something more intimidating, not a lecture from a light show."

I waved my hand dismissively through its form, half-expecting to feel something, anything."Evil, huh? You make it sound so simple. I did what I had to, nothing more, nothing less. Well, I guess you wouldn't understand morality's a game for those who can afford to play it. After all, I lived by my rules and survived in the shadows where the lines of right and wrong blur into oblivion. And you? A glowing wisp in this bizarre afterlife, what do you know of survival, of sacrifice? I know, you know shit." I leaned in, a fierce glint in my eyes, "I'd do it all again. In a heartbeat. Because out there, in the real world, it's eat or be eaten. And I wasn't about to be anyone's prey."

"The futility of this exchange is apparent. You, a mere speck in the grand scheme, are undeserving of even this simple exchange. Your fate is sealed, and I confess, there is a certain... satisfaction in knowing what lies ahead for you," the being spoke, its voice echoing with a cold finality.

"You will be cast into a realm where survival is a near impossibility, stripped of the very magic you so arrogantly wielded. Deprived of this 'essence of the world' as we know it, your struggles will be a spectacle of our design. Death will not be your escape but rather a relentless cycle in your new reality. It will be... enlightening to observe if relentless suffering is capable of reshaping something as vile as you into a creature of worth. Now, begone!"

In mere seconds, the blinding light began to fade away; it gave the sensation of one falling endlessly into a bottomless pit, but all of a sudden, this sensation ceased as if I had been snatched from one realm and thrust into another. This space opposed the last in every way possible; it was a suffocating darkness, a void that consumed all senses.

A powerful voice echoed across this expanse, "It seems like I've managed to catch you before your untimely departure from this plane."

"A devil," I muttered, barely recognizing the presence.

"Hahah, perceptive, but not entirely accurate. The devils you've known are mere shadows compared to me. I am a being of true divinity, different from the god you've just encountered, but divine in my own right."

"Why did you pull me in here? You have some problems you need to settle with me, too?" I respond, bored of these godly shenanigans.

And in response, the god laughs at my question, "Problems, no, not one if anything we devils owe you, your acts have brought us much amusement," and with a chilling smile, he continues, "along with power. No, I've come here for something much more interesting than settling any grudges. I want entertainment."

I turn my head slightly in confusion as the devil continues.

"As a divine being myself, I have a good idea of the details of the punishment those gods have decided on for you. I simply wish for chaos, I want to throw a wrench in their plan."


"It simple divinity cant intercept divinity, so I can not change the punishment put in place for you, and even if I could, they would just place another punishment for you, but as you know, we devils are best at"

"Scheming," I reply, finishing the devil's thought.

"Exactly," it replied with a sly tone. "I will convert your sealed and potential essence into sheer physical prowess. This way, I get my amusement, and you aren't just a pawn in their game. They'll be forced to watch, powerless to intervene while possibly humanity's greatest monster lives his life."

"I dont get how this would entertain you. Yes, I may be an annoyance for a couple of years, maybe 100 if im lucky, where they won't be able to intervene with my life, but once I die, they will get their way with me, all that scheming for nothing." I respond, intrigued by the devil's thoughts.

The devil's laughter echoed again, low and knowing. "Foolish human, you think too small, too simple," it said, its tone laced with a mix of amusement and superiority. "My entertainment isn't just about the immediate annoyance you'll cause to those sanctimonious gods. It's about the ripples you'll create in the fabric of reality. Like in your world, your actions, your very existence in this new life, will have consequences far beyond your lifespan; every life you touch and every decision you make will set in motion a cascade of events that cannot be undone, even by divine hands. You would have once again changed the world."

The entity moved closer, and I felt its presence enveloping me. "And as for your end? Mortality is but a plaything in the hands of beings like us. Whether you find a path to immortality or ascend to godhood yourself, it matters little to me. My interest lies solely in the chaos you will cause." He steps away. "Beyond that, escaping the gods' judgment... Well, that's a game you'll have to play on your own, but at the very least, you'd be buying yourself some time."

I sighed, feeling a weariness that seemed to weigh on my very soul. Touching my forehead, I muttered, "Do whatever you want. It's not like my thoughts matter much. A devil like you doesn't ask for permission to toy with lives, at least outside the mortal realm. You wouldn't have brought me here if you didn't already have your plans set in stone."

The devil's laughter resonated through the void, both mocking and triumphant. "Indeed, I just wanted to meet my new instrument of amusement. But I will do whatever I want whether you like that or not. Consider our conversation a courtesy, information about your capabilities. Now, you must depart swiftly. Should the gods sense a delay in your arrival, they might extend their gaze beyond the confines of the mortal realm. So farewell."

As his sinister smile began to take shape, the void around me started to distort once more—the sensation of plummeting returned, a dizzying, endless descent. Suddenly, the darkness shattered, giving way to a fusion of colors. Blinded by the switch in lighting, I found myself staring at a world vibrant and teeming with life, a stark contrast to the two abysses I had just left behind.

But the beauty of this new world was quickly forgotten as a piercing headache suddenly gripped me, sending me staggering towards the wall of a nearby street store for support. It felt as if a

floodgate had opened in my mind, and a wave of memories not belonging to me were released. Images, voices, and emotions, all unknown to me yet familiar, entered my mind.

Gritting my teeth, I managed a smile as the headache slowly receded, leaving a part of someone else's life etched into my own. "I see," I muttered to myself, steadying my footing and pushing away from the wall.

"Are you alright, Ryota?" a concerned voice nearby fully jolted me back to the present.

"Yeah, I'm perfect," I respond to the elderly man as I brush off my clothes. "Just lost my footing for a second there,"

(Image of Ryota)

Before the old man could say anything, I ran to what my new memories would lead me to believe to be my 'home.' The concept of being an orphan in this world struck me as oddly fitting; even in my original world, who would have wanted a child devoid of mana? Well, I guess the closest equivalence here would be chakra, I thought, catching my reflection in a small, dusty mirror of the small home specifically for unwanted orphans.

Black hair, a fit, and defined body, well, at least as defined as a 6-year-old's body could be, I seemed to be about 4 feet in height.

In this world, chakra was the key to power, influence, and respect. I had no such ability, but I should have had something unique granted by that devil. Kids obviously aren't known for their grand chakra pools, but my senses felt unnaturally sharp. The small amount of chakra I would have normally possessed was now seemingly turned into physical prowess. As I grow, any potential chakra I would have acquired should also become physical prowess.

"Now, to test my theory, I guess." I clenched my fist, the muscles in my arm tensing with an unfamiliar but powerful sensation. With a quick and calculated motion, more for the purpose of experimentation than testing of capabilities, I struck a wooden cabinet. The wood splintered with an ease that surprised even me, a clear demonstration show of unnatural strength for someone of my age.

Excitement spread throughout my body. This world, with all its shinobi and chakra, was about to meet someone who defied its fundamental rules. I might be an orphan, unnoticed and underestimated, but that suited me just fine. In the shadows, without the burden of expectations, I'd forge my own path, just as I always had.

This is the first story I am writing on here obviously it is a fanfiction but it is original I would appreciate your opinions on it so far and how you think everything should go.

MilkywayAndromedacreators' thoughts