
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Two.

"Your Highness what is going on?"Ming Yue ,Ning Youlan's attendant asks.

"Don't you see what's going on? Where are my spirit stones?"

"Her Highness took them. She said you're the one who told her to take them."

"What? I'm gonna shatter her immortal bones,scatter her primordial spirit and she will never reincarnate again,"Ning Youlan clenches his fists as he heads out in anger with Ming Yue following him unable to control this angry dog which might bite anyone soon.

Ning Youlan has always wanted to become a carefree wandering martial artist when he goes to the mortal realm for his first tribulation. He has been keeping the spirit stones to bribe the God of Fate to favour him during his tribulation and give him a better fate. He's willing to spend the spirit stones so that he can have a smooth sailing life. That's the extent the Heavenly Prince loves and treasures himself. He believes the immortals are too hypocritical to deserve his love and care.

Once he steps out of his hall,he meets a smiling face and an expressionless face particularly waiting for him. The smiling face belongs to one of the new Divine Lords Min Shan while the expressionless face belongs to Bai Linghu. Ning Youlan rubs his forehead in embarrassment. They probably heard him screaming. Min Shan takes the initiative to examine him. He grips Ming Youlan's hand gently before asking,"Brother Youlan are you alright?"

Ning Youlan chuckles awkwardly before replying,"I'm fine. Divine Lord Min what brings you here?"

"Linghu and I are here to thank you for your presents."

"Are you going to every hall to thank everyone who gave you presents?"Ning Youlan mumbles and chuckles awkwardly.

"Brother Youlan what did you say?"

"Nothing. No need to thank me."

Ning Youlan averts his gaze towards Bai Linghu.

"Your Highness Bai Linghu is here to thank you for the gift,"Bai Linghu says bowing to Ning Youlan.

Unlike Min Shan,Bai Linghu pays attention to honorary titles and etiquette.

"Divine Lord Bai,no need to thank me."

"Brother Youlan we have to go and report at Defensive Hall,"Min Shan says as he walks away.

"I'll visit you if I have time,"Ning Youlan says this casually to make sure the conversation doesn't remaining hanging. He definitely won't visit Defensive Hall. When did they become so close that Min Shan calls him Brother? They were probably here to show off, that's what the petty Ning Youlan concludes.

When the two new Divine Lords reach Defensive Hall,they are assigned two different rooms. They settled in immediately with their attendants. Min Shan is quick witted so he quickly invites Divine Lord Hu to play chess with him claiming it helps in reasoning out on how to attack the enemy and defend yourself. Everyone in the Heavenly Realm knows Divine Lord Hu loves chess and he can never turn down a chess match. He has played chess several times with the emperor. Min Shan is trying to gain his favour as he always did with his former masters.

Bai Linghu on the other hand has locked himself in his room and is busy learning new cultivation techniques. His attendant is guarding the door to avoid someone from disturbing Bai Linghu. Every time he practices a new technique he writes down down notes, it's like he's simplifying the techniques.

The tribulation day is getting nearer so the day before the tribulation day,Ning Bingzhu spends the day at Two Hearts Hall. Apparently Ning Youlan wants to go to the tribulation even though Emperor Ning has approved of it. He wants Ning Bingzhu to help him distract the immortals on the tribulation day so he can enter the Transition Mirror without being noticed .At night Ning Youlan spends time arranging things and keeping his things safe in his Hall. Bai Linghu plans to give Ning Youlan the Cultivation Note Book he has been writing so he asks his attendant to send it over to Two Hearts Hall.

"Your Highness,Divine Lord Bai sent this over."

"What is it?"

Ming Yue hesitates a bit before opening the notebook.

"It contains the cultivation techniques in a simplified form."

"I don't need to cultivate now. I'm going to be an invincible martial artist in the Mortal Realm even if it means fighting against fate,"he declares.

A week later is when the immortals gather at a platform near the Southern gate of the Heavenly Realm. The Transition Mirror is ready. The transition mirror is a passage to the Mortal Realm. The immortals are here to send off the two to the mortal realm. It is believed the Transition Mirror seals memories of those who pass through it.

As Bai Linghu and Min Shan stand before the mirror,Ning Bingzhu creates a dramatic scene secretly by convincing the female fairies to express their feelings for Bai Linghu and Min Shan and claiming they would miss them. Everyone's attention shifts towards the female fairies crying. Ning Bingzhu secretly signals Ning Youlan to move bit by bit closer to the Transition Mirror. Bai Linghu isn't moved by the insignificant fairies' crocodile tears so he takes the initiative to jump into the transition mirror. Min Shan follows him. By the time people regain their concentration on the main agenda Ning Youlan has already jumped into the Transition Mirror.

"Brother,"Ning Bingzhu cries out making everyone realize what has happened. The Transition Mirror has a certain period of time it lingers for so it suddenly disappears after a few minutes.