
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Three.

Immediately the transition mirror disappears the immortals disperse each going back to their respective halls. God Mingyun the god of fate is immediately summoned by Emperor Ning to Heavenly Hall. Empress Zhao is also around. God Mingyun bows before speaking up,"Your Highness may I know why you have summoned me."

"I want you to do me a favour. "

Emperor Ning wants God Mingyun to give Ning Youlan a better fate but God Mingyun says it's better if Ning Youlan experiences a tough tribulation claiming the tougher the tribulation the stronger he will become.

After God Mingyun leaves,Ning Bingzhu is summoned by Empress Zhao. As she enters the hall she can feel her mother's penetrating gaze even without looking up. She already knows why she has been summoned. Empress Zhao is the only one who can see through her tricks so the reason why she has been summoned is because Empress Zhao has already figured out she's involved with Ning Youlan's tribulation.

"Father, Mother,"she bows to each of them at a time.

"Seems like Wuxing Academy gives out less homework nowadays so you have time to laze around,"Empress says in a sarcastic tone."Tell me ,what did you and Youlan plan?"

"I wanted to buy presents for the New Divine Lords and since I didn't have money to buy presents I stole my brother's spirit stones. He asked me to help him enter the Transition Mirror as a way of repaying his spirit stones,"Ning Bingzhu says her gaze sweeping across the floor. She's probably waiting for her punishment.

"There are many spirit stones in this Heavenly Hall why did you have to steal your brother's?"

There is silence for a while.

"Forget it. It has already happened so I won't reprimand you,"Empress Zhao speaks up breaking the silence. She proceeds to order the maids to bring spirit stones.

"I'm giving you spirit stones. Who knows who you will steal from the next time since your brother is not here,"Empress Zhao scolds her yet in an affectionate manner.

"Thank you Empress Mother,"Ning Bingzhu curtseys.

Most immortals fear Empress Zhao more than Emperor Ning. She's known for having a sharp tongue and a strong sense of justice but she's still caring to the people around her.

In the Devil Realm,a purple lotus is placed in a glass like structure in one of the rooms in Invincible Hall. The glass structure is large enough for an adult to stand inside. A lady in a black gown and black gloves is inside the glass structure stroking the lotus petals. Outside the glass structure a young man in black robes is standing there watching the lady's every movement.

"It's been five hundred years and this lotus hasn't bloomed fully,"the lady says a tone revealing disappointment. The lady is Cai Fenhong,the Devil Empress' younger sister. She visits the purple lotus everyday hoping it will transform into human form one day. The lotus shows no sign of being alive and she's slowly losing hope.

"My Lady,be optimistic one day your wish will come true,"the young man standing outside comforts her.

"Wish?"Cai Fenhong laughs sarcastically ,"Xu Feng what do you know about wishes?"

"I don't know much but I have faith that My Lady's wish will come true one day."

"What can your faith do? You all probably think I'm too obsessed with a lifeless lotus," Cai Fenhong says as she gets out of the glass structure.

Cai Fenhong walks away first with Xu Feng behind her. A glowing purple light lights the room. Xu Feng is the first to notice. He looks back and sees the purple lotus glowing. He immediately informs Cai Fenhong to look back. She cannot believe what's she's seeing. The purple lotus divides itself into two. Its petals disintegrate slowly as well as the purple light disappears slowly. Two figures appear in the glass structure. The figures are a teen boy in black robes and a teen girl in a purple Hanfu dress. Cai Fenhong has never been this happy. Xu Feng is happy to see her grinning. Cai Fenhong has never smiled ever since the Devil Empress Cai Cuojue was suppressed by the immortals and lost most of her primordial spirit.

The two purple lotus twins turn around in the glass structure trying to analyze their surroundings. The boy gets out of the glass structure first and the girl follows her. Cai Fenhong rushes over to them and hugs them. After they break from the hug,Cai Fenhong names the boy Cai Heiying and the girl Cai An Xing. Cai Fenhong orders Xu Feng to prepare a banquet to celebrate the transformation of the twins. They didn't expect the Purple lotus would transform into two lovely figures. It's good news to the Devil Realm of course it deserves a celebration.

Many devils turn up at the banquet. Devils have no etiquette during banquets even the commoners can sit beside the empress. Cai Fenhong is the acting empress and she's soft hearted unlike Cai Cuojue who was cold and ruthless. Several drunk men keep pestering Cai Fenhong but Xu Feng chases them away. Cai Fenhong gives an assurance for the banquet to continue even without her presence. She has somewhere to be and someone to announce the good news to. She heads towards the Ice Chamber. Ice Chamber is probably the coldest place in the Devil Realm where the body of the Devil Empress is being preserved in an ice coffin. Cai Cuojue is lying lifelessly in the coffin with her ice cold face shining a bit as if she's just sleeping.

"Jiejie,ever since you disappeared from my life I have never been this happy. We finally have descendants to rule the Devil Realm in the future,"Cai Fenhong speaks proudly.

Meanwhile outside the Invincible Hall the twins have their first fight. The source of their argument is simple. Each of the them wants to be acknowledged as the elder. They are not sure who transformed first.