
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Seven.

The male bride case has become the talk of the Capital. The emperor summons the ministers with the aim of solving the case. Emperor Jiang orders the Gu family to produce the man who disguised himself as the bride otherwise the whole family will be implicated. Jie Hong claims the Wen family is in cahoots with the Gu family so they must have assisted them during the plan because Wen Xian is in love with Gu Xiang.

Jie Hong has always been the emperor's favourite minister so the emperor rules out everything in his favour. A young man enters the palace disrupting the meeting. He claims to be from Pearl City but he has been living in the capital for years. He claims he has been in love with Gu Xiang since he saw her at her parents' shop and he couldn't bear seeing her get married to a greedy man like Jie Hong. He confesses how he kidnapped the real bride and disguised himself as her. He confirms his plan has nothing to do with the Wen and Gu family.

The young man is immediately locked up in the dungeon. The devils have a technique of creating a puppet version of themselves. So Cai Heiying created one and disguised its face so the young man that confessed is the puppet version of himself. The case is solved with the Gu family being told to return the betrothal gifts.

A dramatic crying scene occurs when Li Jun comes to officially take Mu Yuxuan as his servant. Wen Xian and Mu Yuxuan cry out but tears won't come out. Li Jun is having a hard time tolerating the dramatic scene in front of him. After a while of waiting patiently,Li Jun's attendant drags Mu Yuxuan away.

It's been a week since Mu Yuxuan became Li Jun's secret concubine. Li Jun has a wife and two concubines. Do they not satisfy him sexually? Mu Yuxuan is only a servant and so he can be exchanged like any other material. He has no choice but to accept his fate. He still dresses like a servant so no one will suspect. The only thing he does as a concubine is washing Li Jun's feet. Li Jun has never touched him. Maybe he doesn't love him romantically. Maybe he's that person who prefers his favours being repaid .These are the assumptions Mu Yuxuan keeps making in his mind as he tosses over on his mat.But this one particular night Mu Yuxuan's assumption are almost proven wrong when he feels someone slip into his quilt. At first his body becomes tense as a hand wraps around his thin waist. He has never shared a bed with anyone,not even his former master.

"My Lord why are you here? According to the schedule you're supposed to sleep at Concubine Ye's house."

"How do you know my schedule?"

Li Jun follows a schedule of when to sleep at each of his wife's houses inorder to be fair.

"My Lord what if someone leaks your schedule and predicts where you will be? Won't it be easy to kill you?"

"I have a schedule but I do the opposite of it."

"So if someone betrays you their efforts will be in vain?"

"The only way to survive in this cruel world is to be unpredictable,"Li Jun says as he snuggles up to Mu Yuxuan sniffing his scent.

"Do you do this to all your concubines?"

"I rarely spend the whole night with them."


"Because they don't smell nice like you."

Mu Yuxuan isn't getting the responses he wants instead Li Jun is flirting with him. He decides to shut up and closes his eyes praying for sleep to take him soon.

"Why aren't you asking more questions?"

Mu Yuxuan stays silent and continues pretending to be asleep. The following day Mu Yuxuan wakes up and finds Li Jun has already left. He touches his chest and sighs in relief.

In the afternoon , the lotus twins secretly visit him while he's feeding the horses at the horse stable. He seems absent minded so they promise to help him solve whatever problem he has. He explains how he isn't used to his new master's acts of intimacy. Cai An Xing advises him to sleep in the horse stable which is a little bit smelly that way Li Jun won't disturb him.

So at night,Mu Yuxuan takes his bedding to the horse stable to sleep there.At first Mu Yuxuan has a hard time trying to sleep because of how smelly the horse stable is but Cai Heiying brings him sleeping pills and he sleeps right away.Li Jun who has been looking for him for a while finally finds him asleep in the horse stable. Li Jun has already figured out he's trying to chase him away or make him give up so he takes the opportunity to prove him wrong by sleeping in the horse stable. The following morning when Mu Yuxuan opens his eyes,he finds himself in the arms of the man he has been trying to run away from.

"Had fun trying to run away from me?"Li Jun smiles mischievously as he slowly opens his eyes.

Mu Yuxuan is embarrassed and so he tries to escape from Li Jun's arms but fails. Li Jun finally decides to get up and leaves without uttering another word.