
Heavenly Prince Youlan's Twist of Fate BL

Heavenly Prince Youlan's life takes a twist of fate and he becomes attached to people he never expected to.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Four.

Apart from Cai Fenhong,Xu Feng is the only one permitted to enter the Ice Chamber so he gets in to report about the twins' fight.

"Let them fight. Whoever wins will be considered the elder,"Cai Fenhong says with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Yes,"Xu Feng nods obediently,bows and leaves.

The lotus twins are still fighting with a lot of people surrounding them. The people seem to be enjoying the fight. The fight ceases when Cai An Xing falls down and passes out. Cai Heiying tenses as he tries to examine her. He shakes her desperately.

"So you do care about me,"Cai An Xing smiles before opening her eyes.

Cai Heiying is about to hit her but she dodges the attack.

"Let me tell you something. I've had a wonderful dream just now."

"What dream?"Cai Heiying asks impatiently.

"I dreamt of us calling each other buddies instead of brother and sister. Being buddies doesn't define who is the elder and who is younger. How about we call each other buddies?"

Cai Heiying is silent for a while as if he's trying to synthesize her words before agree to it,"Buddies. So be it,"they hug each other.

Xu Feng goes back to the Ice Chamber to report again.

"Who won?"

"They have stopped fighting. They have agreed to call each other buddies instead of brother and sister."

"They say those born of the purple lotus are indeed smarter than other lotus flowers,"Cai Fenhong smiles proudly.

"My Lady,another thing our spy in the Heavenly Realm said the two new Divine Lords have been sent to the Mortal Realm for their tribulation. Even the Heavenly Prince went with them."

"Those hypocritical immortals are really ambitious. We should take the opportunity to kill them while they are in the mortal realm and destroy their primordial spirits,"Cai Fenhong says her gaze turning into a resentful glare.

"My Lady,do you have a plan?"

"Of course,"Cai Fenhong replies confidently.

It's been seventeen days in the Heavenly Realm and seventeen years in the mortal realm since the three started their tribulation. They were all born in the Northern Jade Empire which is under the reign of Emperor Jiang Ying. Bai Linghu is now Li Jun while Min Shan is Jie Hong. The two won first and second place in the imperial examination a year ago and are now the youngest ministers. Li Jun is the Minister of Finance and Revenue while Jie Hong is the Minister of Rites.

The unlucky Ning Youlan was born as Mu Yuxuan a peasant who is now a servant at the Minister of Justice's mansion. Mu Yuxuan is the personal attendant of the first born son of the Wen family,Wen Xian. Unlike other young masters in Northern Jade, Wen Xian is a bit incompetent and low key. He has always been in love with his childhood friend Gu Xiang,the legitimate second born daughter of the Gu family.

The Northern Jade Empire men are known as the most polygamous men ever. Most men especially businessmen and ministers have several concubines. A man's wealth is not only based on materialistic wealth it is also based on the number of wives and concubines one has.Since Li Jun and Jie Hong became ministers they have always competed in the number of concubines each has. They both have one wife and two concubines each. Who knew the righteous immortals would turn to be most shameless mortals. It's more like a hidden version of themselves.

Recently Jie Hong is planning on marrying another concubine. He wants to marry Gu Xiang even though the whole capital knows Gu Xiang and Wen Xian have always been in love with each other. The whole capital is cursing at how shameless he is. He has already sent his betrothal gifts to the Gu family. The Gu family owns various businesses in the capital but recently they have undergone several losses and are on the verge of becoming bankrupt. Jie Hong offered to invest in their business in exchange for a bride so the Gu family had no choice but to accept his offer.

Wen Xian has been stressed lately. He knows he can't win against Jie Hong. He has been on a hunger strike for some days. There is one thing that can make him happy and that is osmanthus jelly. So as a loyal and caring servant Mu Yuxuan is going to the market to buy osmanthus jelly for his master. Mu Yuxuan is quite popular in the market. When he reaches his favourite inn he finds a crowd of people surrounding the inn. He's tiny enough to squeeze through the crowd. When he gets inside he finds the owner of the inn making lots of buns and cakes.

There is only one customer in the restaurant,a teenage girl resting on hammock hanging near the wall. The girl is none other than Cai An Xing who is in her purple Hanfu dress. She is holding cakes and buns on both of her hands and she keeps stuffing them greedily in her mouth . What is shocking the residents is how she appeared in the stall resting in the hammock and the amount of food she is eating.

Mu Yuxuan goes straight to the kitchen fearlessly. The owner of the inn is sweating while making the buns and cakes. He seems to be nervous though he knows he will make a lot of money. He's too nervous and hesitates for a moment,the next time she examines the buns,they are all burnt.

"Little Mu what should I do? That wild girl outside is too demanding and greedy."

The inn owner is panting so hard like someone having a panic attack. Mu Yuxuan tells him to take a break as he starts to bake the cakes himself.

An hour later the buns and cakes are all ready. Mu Yuxuan instructs the inn owner to take them to the mysterious guest.

"Old man, what took you so long?"

"I..."the vendor stutters.

"Forget it," Cai An Xing says as she picks a bun and takes a big bite. She closes her eyes to let the sweetness sink in.

"Hey,these buns taste way better than the ones you baked earlier. What did you add in?" Cai An Xing eyes shine brightly showing the interest in her eyes.

The inn owner hesitates to answer as he's not the one who made them.

"Oh I forgot I have to inform that brat."