
The Beast Guardian’s Request

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

If he were so easily defeated, Wutian would no longer be Wutian.

He sent Shishi away while he sat by the lake, summoning the qi to treat his injury. As the vital energy of essence circulated through his body, his injured internal organs rapidly healed.

Two hours later, he rose to his feet. After much thought, he figured that he should not rush in finding his parents. His priority now was to elevate his cultivation base.

"Would you lend me a hand, Shishi? I need to repair the house."

The two started to get busy. Wutian had experience doing this, so the destroyed thatched hut was repaired in no time.

At last light, Chi Yanzi and Little Tian finally returned. Little Tian had multiple injuries to its body. After getting Shishi to interpret, it had gone hunting for food for the three of them.

Of course, Chi Yanzi did not really mean it to be a hunting trip. Judging by how badly wounded Little Tian was, there must have been a brutal fight.

Chi Yanzi left a book to them, instructed them not to go anywhere, then left them alone.

The book contained an introduction to the clan, the maps of the island, and rules of the clan.

Wutian browsed through the book; most of the rules were about prohibitions of harming fellow clansmen, collusion with outsiders and whatnot.

"This is—"

His eyes were attracted by the introduction to the scripture depository.

The depository was a storage of secret manuals and magic maxims. It was a restricted area of the clan guarded by powerful guards. Without the clan master's permission, no one was allowed to enter the depository. Expulsion was the only punishment for those who floated the rule.

But there was another way of getting access to the scripture depository, that was by merits.

Anyone who had contributed to the clan, such as killing an enemy or demonic beast, donating booty or resources to the clan, would get a merit.

Disciples getting promotion also depended on merits.

For example, if a registered disciple was to become an intern disciple, he needed to get not only into the top-50 position on the scoreboard but also have enough merits.

Merit was akin to currency in the clan. It could be exchanged for goods, materials and such.

Of course, this merit was worthless outside of the clan.

So other than getting permission from the clan master, one could use 1,000 merit points for a chance to access the scripture depository. But there was a caveat; one was only allowed two hours in the depository.


Wutian frowned. He joined the Yan Clan for the secret manuals and magic maxims. Little did he expect there were so many restrictions. It seemed that he was going to have busy days ahead.

Not all things could be exchanged with merits. The item must be determined to be useful or valuable to be exchangeable.

"I wonder how much merit points the teeth and legs of the Fiore Scorpion worth." Wutian regretted to have not kept the remaining half of the Fire Scorpion's corpse. Had he known this earlier, he would not have given it to the Mud Beast.

Little Tian was treating its injury next to him. The Mustard Pouch in its claw attracted his attention.

Wutian snatched it over. With the will of his mind, a few massive demonic beasts dropped out of it, blood still oozing out, the pungent smell permeating the air.

"Why are they all donkeys and wild boars? Couldn't you catch something better?" Wutian mumbled.

Little Tian was not too happy at hearing that. It started to wave its claws and cawed.

Here was Shishi's interpretation: "Little Thing says these are only food for us for the time being. If you want better materials, you can hunt for them in the forest. There are a bunch of remnant ancient species in there. That was how it got its injury from."

"Are they nasty?"

Little Tian gestured again.

"It says the weakest one is more or less of the strength of the Fire Scorpion. But it has no idea how nasty the strongest one will look like. It hasn't tried it yet. It asks if you are interested to join it tomorrow."

Wutian nodded. Probably this was the only way to help him get into the scripture depository as soon as possible.

The three chatted for a moment before Chi Yanzi came back in a hurry.

He threw a Mustard Pouch to them. "Here are the clothes for you all. There are also the merit emblems in there. Claim your ownership by dripping blood on them. Ahh, one more thing: Don't mooch around. Stay here and work on our cultivation, or go hunting in the forest so you all could enter the depository as soon as possible."

"Understood!" replied Wutian.

Chi Yanzi swept his eyes over him with a strange look in his eyes. "You have got many treasures with you, huh, kid? Hand me the ring and the God's Left Hand so I can take a look at them."


"Are you worried I will keep them for myself, huh? I am just curious about this ancient stuff. Besides, you have attained the Ninety-Nine Ultimate Realm, the God's Left Hand isn't that useful to you anymore. I will return it to you after I study. Who knows, there will be some surprises?"

Wutian was like, what can I do? Not that I can show you my middle finger!

So he took off the God's Left Hand and the Sikong's Ring of War and handed them to Chi Yanzi. "Since my strength has hit a ceiling which direction of cultivation should I focus on from now on?"

Chi Yanzi was deep in thought.

After a while, he smiled. "Well, you could train your physique and increase your defensive capability. After attaining the Omega stage, withstanding the attack of Ninety-Nine Ultimate Realm and not getting hurt, then you are done. One more thing; never go beyond the Ninety-Nine Ultimate Realm. If you go beyond that and enter the realm of perfection, no matter how badass I am, I won't be able to save your ass."

Wutian nodded. He knew this a long time ago. Going beyond the Ninety-Nine Ultimate Realm into the realm of perfection would make him an Anti-God. If that happened, the entire continent would become his enemy. It had always been like that since the beginning.

"That's it. Do whatever you are supposed to do and don't bother me." Chi Yanzi turned around and disappeared into one of the thatched huts.

Shishi was not too happy. "Grandpa Master is being irresponsible. He duped us into coming here. And now he just leaves alone and does not find me some badass magic maxim. He is so horrible!"

Wutian forced a smile. Who was the one who insisted on coming here? Now she turned around and played her blame-shifting stunt.

Besides, even if she got her hands on a magic maxim, she probably could not practice it.

He opened up the Mustard Pouch and took out a few sets of clothes. He stank because he had not gotten changed for quite some time

After that, he stared at the three white emblems. They were made of some special materials that he had never seen before. It was tough. On the back of the emblems was an engraving: Token of Merit. It was not really a handwriting or engraving but a writing formed by the essence elixir.

Except for the clan master and the great elder, no one could master the essence elixir to such a precise state and make it so long lasting.

Wutian bit his finger and put a drop of blood on the emblem. A soft glow appeared on the Token of Merit, then some text appeared in his mind.

Owner of the Token of Merit: Yan Yangzi

Merits: Nil

He handed the other two emblems to Little Tian and Shishi. Apart from the Token of Merits, he discovered in the pouch another three emblems. He had seen it before. They looked exactly the same as the Plenary Emblem that Han Tian used to show him. It was used for communication between the clansmen.

The same blood ritual was needed to claim ownership.

He kept the Plenary Emblems and tossed the Mustard Pouch to Shishi, who took it in her hand and studied it curiously.

Wutian walked to the lake and jumped into it at once. The water was freezing cold, but he felt refreshed, all his worries disappearing. He could not have felt better.

A bright moon was hanging in the night sky, sprinkling its light down to dress up the earth in a coat of silver.

At the lakeside, a bonfire was burning through darkness, illumining the surroundings.

Hanging above the fire was a wild boar. Its skin was grilled to such perfection that it became golden and crispy, and emanated an aroma that made everyone salivate.

"You have got skill, huh, Wutian? The meat is so tender, and the aroma is heavenly. I will come here every day just for this." While speaking, Han Tian gobbled up a large chunk of meat, nearly biting his tongue off.

Wutian shook his head.

"Not that I didn't want to come last time. Just that the old man wasn't very welcoming. Now that you are here, he has no reason to chase me away!" He picked up yet another wild boar leg and started biting into it. 

Shishi was equally enjoying it. Her mouth was covered in oil stain as she glared at Han Tian. "Don't listen to him, Wutian. He is a bad guy!"

"Caw, caw!" Little Tian nodded its agreement. It disliked those who competed with it for food.

"You all are heartless. Fine. I will finish this."

After the feast and chatting for a while, Han Tian left.

Shishi was yawning big time. She went back into the hut and crashed out. Little Tian was thinking of joining her, but it was informed of the meeting with the beast guardian.

The human and the Gobbler looked up at the moon and sighed. They had gone through so many difficulties and dangers, nearly getting killed. But now, they finally had a place to lay their heads.

"Do you think Grandpa has become a star, Prodigal?"

"Caw, caw!" Little Tian's slender eyes were filled with hesitation. It nodded its head lightly as a sign of comfort.

Time ticked by, and it was midnight.

Wutian got to his feet and headed out quickly.

Everyone was asleep at this hour. Except for the moon and the sporadic lamp lights, the entire island was dead silent.

Before long, he came in front of the beast guardian.

"You are on time, young man. I like you."

Wutian cupped his hand. "What is this midnight meeting about, my elder?"

"No wonder Chi Yanzi has chosen you. You are forthright!" The beast guardian smiled. "Then let me be honest with you."

"I am all ears, my elder."

The guardian beast looked at Wutian. "The purpose of meeting you two here tonight is all about 'it.' I would like it to become the clan's beast guardian, our successor."

Wutian was struck dumb. What is going on here? Aren't you all still alive and kicking? What is the successor for?

"Let me be honest. We have lived for two thousand years, and been guarding the Yan Clan for one thousand two hundred years, going through countless brutal battles and suffering from unhealable trauma. We linger on until now because we still haven't found a successor."

"There is a deal between us and Kong Lingzi: after his death, we were to protect the Yan Clan. After a thousand years, we have been exhausted, and the hidden trauma is starting to rear its ugly head. I'm afraid that our days are numbered!" said the queen beast, a female voice.

"She is my wife who has been guarding the Yan Clan with me all this while. It was me who brought her into this. If not for my stubbornness, accepting the request of Kong Lingzi, things would not have come to such a pass!" The beast guardian sighed.

"Isn't there any cure that could heal the trauma and prolong life?" said Wutian.

"We have missed the boat as the trauma has been there for far too long. It is irreversible, and our lives are coming to an end. Even if there is any panacea, it would only prolong our lives by a bit, but the outcome is still the same."

The beast guardian paused for a second, then continued. "At first, we had given up on finding a successor and were ready to tell Chi Yanzi about it. Little did we expect that he had brought back a Gobbler. That makes us see a glimpse of hope. Young man, we really hope that you would agree."

Wutian was silent.

He could not make this decision; it all depended on the will of Little Tian.

Little Tian scratched its head and could not decide either. So it looked at Wutian, meaning it was up to him.

Wutian was undecided. He did not plan to stay in the Yan Clan forever because he just treated his time here as a transition. He still needed to find his parents. Leaving is inevitable.

But the beast guardian and the queen beast had given up on treating their injuries and stayed here to protect the Yan Clan for the sake of a promise. He could not have more respect for them.

He was hesitating.

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