
Heavenly Jewel Change

Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power. Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same person, the pair is known as Heavenly Jewels. Those who have the Physical Jewels are known as Physical Jewel Masters, those with Elemental Jewels are Elemental Jewel Masters, and those who train with Heavenly Jewels are naturally called Heavenly Jewel Masters. Heavenly Jewel Masters have a highest level of 12 pairs of jewels, as such their training progress is known as Heavenly Jewels 12 Changes. Our MC here is an archer who has such a pair of Heavenly Jewels!

Tang Jia San Shao · Eastern
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848 Chs

are you asking to die? (1)

Zhou Weiqing had pounced at Little Witch with a perverted look, but she dodged it swiftly by turning into mist.

This time, Little Witch could no longer hold her mask, as her eyes blazed in a cold fury. “Zhou Weiqing, are you asking to die?”

Zhou Weiqing did not chase her, instead lounging on the couch, his eyes cold and no longer ‘perverted’ as he said passively: “In the past, Ming Hua and Ming Wu both tried to kill me. I have never thought your Heavenly Demon Sect had any good feelings towards me, nor is the feeling mutual. If I am not wrong, the Kalise Empire is able to send a team because of the support of the Bai Da Empire… or should I say more accurately, your Heavenly Demon Sect is supporting the Bai Da Empire, which in turn is supporting the Kalise Empire? You should know my origin… once I saw you with the Kalise Empire, and the fact that you attacked my companions… there is no longer a need for us to speak.”