
Heavenly Feeling

Asura, a genius kid with a talent in anything he’d try, is filled with the endless boredom of his “reality”. The gods and powerful beings in his universe have chosen to spice things up, rather then existing in their life of solitude and boredom. Throughout the cosmos, beings of all kind are granted true blessings and some even chosen as champions. Asuras life of boredom was now changed. As he’s blessed with many chances and opportunities to have the thrill he’d searched for. I’m new to this whole writing scene, so I’m just writing what I feel like. I’d love to be better, if there’s anyone out there with some good criticism, please give it.

Aizo_sen · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Rooftop or Not?


I feel like every time I write, I always include a bunch of meaning less info. Don't know if anyone can see it in what/how I write, but if you see anything... please point it out.

Thanks a ton to any who read/comment!


A thick vain was protruding from his dark forehead while his fists were clenched with so much strength, it could break a brick easily. Koran liked Eva the moment he saw her and was following her to find the perfect moment to talk to her and get to know her better. Never imagining that the weird dude would try and go after her to.

"Koran right? Do you need something?" Asura held in a chuckle while Eva looked at him with half confusion the other half annoyance. She was having a perfectly good time talking to Asura, he'd felt different to her compared to all her other classmates, it was quite mysterious and new to Eva. It's the sole reason she was following him without looking to suspicious.

"Yea, Koran... uhh, what's your names?" Trying to pry the name of the beauty he missed since he was late.

Holding in a malicious grin, Asura bit his gums, which only made his blood rush a little more. He knew what he wanted and what he knew the most enjoyable way to do it.

'I just can't stop myself anymore!'

Wrapping his arm around Evas waist and bringing her closer to him as her violet eyes went wide, letting out a quick yelp. "Im Asura, and the girl you probably fell for at first sight... is Eva" he said as he watched Koran's face slowly shift to a rage filled expression.

'Now for the ultimate climax'

Asura pulled Eva in, one hand on her perfect hips, the other caressing her cheek, before quickly taking her plump lips in front of Koran.

Standing there stunned for a few moments, Koran didn't know what to think as Asura only pulled her in deeper and deeper. Finally, Koran snapped and his fury was unleashed. "What the hell do you think your doing!" Stomping on the roof top.

Asura pulled away for a second, putting on a wry smile, "what does it look like? I'm taking her for myself right now, so could you please leave? Your ruining the mood."

Eva was confused, every time she touched him she felt so warm and comforted. Pushing him away was so hard but he didn't have her trapped, Eva just didn't have the will to push him away.

Nearly catching her bearings, Eva was pulled in yet again. This time however, Asura pulled her into a deep kiss that made her eyes hazy and her legs feel weak. She couldn't help herself from wrapping her arms around his neck and pull him in closer.

Koran couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing, it's like this weird guy is deliberately trying to pick a fight with him. No one has ever been so bold in front of him before, his height itself usually keep others on edge against him. Asura should be running away and giving Eva to him, so why?

Asura inched his hands from her waist, to her hips, until he cupped and slightly squeezed her juicy rear as she trembled in his grasp.

"ENOUGH!" Koran snapped, "just stop it already! Fight me! If I beat you, you gotta give her to me!" He shouted, the whites of his eyes filled with red veins that also threaten to burst from his head and muscles out of pure rage.

Asura pulled back reluctantly once again, and helped Evas dazed, heavily blushing self down on the roof top pavement. Seeing as her legs were to weak to keep her standing.

"Eva isn't a prize or a trophy" he chuckled as he turned to Koran, with a malicious grin. "Then go ahea-"

Koran interrupted him by charging at full speed, 'wtf?! He's faster then I thought!' For being so big Koran charged at a surprising speed catching Asura off guard and tackling him over the edge of the roof.

'Is this dude crazy!? Does he even think?!'

Instinctually grabbing Koran and thrusting his body in order to not take the full impact of falling off the roof top. Asura quickly realizes that he's got Koran headed for a tree.

Crash! Snap! Snap!

Many branches break and snap, but they slow them down and...


A few students who were on their way out, stopped and looked to see what was happening. Asura stood up and realized, even though they landed in the grass, he might have broken a few bones, looking at Koran who is also standing up. 'I took some damage, but not as much as him. Huh? How the hell did he take that and get up? He definitely took a ton of damage, but it should have been enough to lay him out flat.'

An unknowing ravaging smile was on his face, he charged at Koran who was getting ready to throw a punch. The punch grazed his ear, and gave Asura a chance for a full powered swing to his jaw. Asura was having the biggest rush of his life, he'd never taken that much damage before, tasing the blood in his mouth as he swung his right arm with all his strength.

Boom! Crack!

Knocked him square in the jaw, as he felt his fractured bones crack, which only made him throw more force to end him. Before he was sent back Asura grabbed him with his left hand, brought him in as Koran threw his left with whatever strength he could muster after being hit that hard.


Asura had raised his right elbow to block it and reflect the damage, but they both got hurt for that move. He quickly raised his left leg and kneed Koran in the gut then took a step back and swung his leg to knock him on the side of the head.

Doom! Thud

Koran hit the ground, his vision fading to black, with horrible whispers clouding his mind further.

Asura stayed standing in the same spot panting. His blood was flowing so fast, he had to calm down, or he'd end up killing someone for no reason.

'I wasn't expecting the fight to go that way... but it was fun anyway, so who cares. Heh.' He chuckled as he started heading to his special little area, that's closer to school then his place.

'I heal slightly faster then others, so I'll just sleep it off for now.' He reached a strange abandoned church with its own grave yard. Walking in and taking a seat, then falling and laying on the soft cushion that the seats have.

Asura closes his eyes, and dreams of the stars that he saw from the open roof.