
Heavenly eyes

When Kade dies and gets reincarnated, he does so to find himself blind. His fate seeming rather bleak in such a cruel world, finds hope in trying times and vows to always control his fate

Dawariboko_James · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"He has been born sire" said by a female dressed in traditional maid clothes.

"That is good news" replied while smiling, a fierce-looking man.

"That is not all sire"

"Then speak" He replied calmly

"We suspect he is blind, he does not respond to light or movement sire".

"Are you absolutely sure? Besides he was born just minutes ago". He said with the beginnings of a frown starting to appear on his face.

"Yes sire, he is blind". She said with a tone that was hard to refute.

"Leave me".

She left

Six years later, a frankly beautiful boy was walking in one of the many hallways in the Astor mansion.

"Look at him, it's just sad you know, the only son of the first madame is blind trash and because of that, her standing in the family is no longer what it was" said one maid to another. 

"I heard that the second madame's son John has awakened the family's raging tiger martial spirit".

"That trash didn't even get the chance to test if he awakened or not"

"Even if he awakes something, it wouldn't be very useful as he can't even see, maybe any one of us maids could beat him"

"If you are done gossiping, get to work before you are punished," said a maid in slightly different clothing than the rest. They rushed out in fear of being punished. 

The maid in different clothing was the Head maid. She was found by his mother in an orphanage when she was little and followed his mom ever since. He recognised her from her steps which he knew as well as all others in the mansion.

He smiled at her act of chasing away the other maids because while she didn't go out of her way to stop the bullying, she didn't necessarily allow it to happen amongst servants, especially in her presence. 

"Thank you," He said to her.

She did not reply 

'I guess even she looks down on me'.

Hello, I'm kazuto.

This is my first book so I hope you guys enjoy it

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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