
Heavenly Equinox

A story of the Main Character Kaida, who has been [Re]introduced into the world of magic and chaos, but having to deal with monsters and even traveling across universes [Again], She decides to change how the world changes, changing it for the better or the worse. Note --> The MC has NO Facial features shown, you can imagine how she looks like yourself

Anastasia_Illya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Higher Entities?

I was sent flying to the wall, which caused it to dent. It also hurt me because I hit the wall. This place was made of something, making it hard to destroy. I used the wall to launch myself closer to the dragon as it was about what seemed to be breathing out something; I landed on the ground and dashed to the side in a flash, making it seem like I had flickered and then grabbed its wing and ripping it off, the dragon screeched loudly which had shattered the glass, It had hurt my ears causing them to begin bleeding and start ringing.


Chanting in a different language, I used Qi to make it less suspect that I was using anything to boost my power. It caused the beast to screech, but I punched it directly in the face with full force, killing it instantly.

"G- Good job on passing. You'll be sent to the Sect Master because of what happened before. Your reward is being the first person to kill a beast above their level alone. Not only that, but it was the first person in the entire world to do this."

I sighed and then used 『Nira』to leave, disappearing and falling into the pocket dimension before closing it. I looked at Tori and Astral, who were asleep. Astral was in bed while Tori was on the bed. I went to Tori and lifted him up. He reached the Foundation Establishment Realm peak while fighting Astral; his growth was phenomenal. I took him to the bedroom, put him next to Astral, and covered them with a blanket.

[The Pinnacle of the Human Mind smiles at Kaida.]

"I didn't know gods could invade my privacy; looks like I should get naked if one appears."

[The Pinnacle of the Human Mind gets flustered and shocked, looking away.]

"Hey, don't worry, I'm just messing with ya, but I'm happy it isn't some robotic and Arrogant god who was watching me."

[The Pinnacle of the Human Mind assures Lilith that Almost All Gods and Goddesses are friendly to humans and other races!]

I smiled hearing this; it wasn't like the guy from before... But I still can't get over killing him, Even though he was the one to directly cause the death of my husband. Even then, it was heartbreaking to kill him and then return to my senses to see the destruction I had caused during that time.

[The Pinnacle of the Human Mind wants to see Kaida fight; The Pinnacle of the Human Mind is happy.]

I can amuse them and have fun with them. Getting off the Couch, I appear in the middle of nowhere inside what seems to be an underground cave filled with moss and dirt. It is. It is clear and ancient, but I'm also weirded out by its old plants. Looking like it was moving, but those were probably hallucinations.


Something hit the cave entrance, making it start closing in on itself as the "Exit was closed though they probably didn't know I could teleport out, but still, I'd rather fight here and gain experience. Just then, I was hit by a creature; it seemed like a swarm of giant bats. 『Primordial Element: Radiance』the area around me had become brighter, and I could see; as I did that, it had caused the bats to be somewhat blinded; I got up, looking at myself as if I was injured, but it was nothing only some minor scratches, I took out a weapon from another pocket dimension using 『Nira』, It took out the sword I had taken from the middle of those fields or something, Looking ahead I slash downwards causing the Cave and the bat to be split in half.

『In a distant Galaxy』

A group of people would explore a singular planet in a distant galaxy. Unbeknownst to them, a slash had cleaved the celestial bodies directly in half, not just the earth but the entire galaxy, including stars and even the black hole at the center. This caused thousands of supernovas and even caused the black hole to collapse, creating an explosion large enough to destroy the entire galaxy.

『In the Cave』

As I Split the open Cave, so did the sky, and the stars were cut directly in half; the power of this weapon was insane, and it wasn't something to be messed with.

"I guess this weapon is getting old. I need to refine it and restore it to full strength.

I went through the dungeon, cutting through the beasts without using too much power. I contained the sword's energy and made it so it didn't do what it did before.

[Lilith has cleared 10% of the Secret Location; please continue, and your Magic Stat will increase by 20 Points. Every 25%, You must also kill every creature inside the Location.]

I looked at my system and continued, paying more attention to what I was doing. Because it took a long time to get through this place, I went back and combined two different types of Magic.

『Tai』Which had forcefully shifted Space and compressed it into a ball, blocking the beast's way towards me. Then I combined the use of Kyo, 『 Kyo』which Ruptured Time, so the attack would go through instantly. This would mean that I had Ruptured the Fabric of Reality itself, causing distortion and the Ball to shoot out like a beam, causing their physical and Spiritual Bodies to completely evaporate, essentially killing them all. Or at least All I could see.

『Tempera』Allowed me to travel far distances without time even passing, though I am probably still affected by the 『Tempera』of other people like me. Once I reached the End, I Noticed more Beasts, which seemingly survived but were highly damaged. Going to them, I cut them up as I walked through the Cave, reaching its End. Seeing that there was nothing else at its End, I sighed in defeat and simply left. I had even used Mana Detection to see if something was there, but it was absolutely nothing; nothing was to my sides, in front of me, under or above me. As I was leaving, I heard footsteps, and a group approached me. They seemed skilled, each one holding weapons while also wearing regular clothes, or at least it seemed normal, but the composition of the clothes was not regular as it was enhanced by Mana and protected by it as well; it was also made by some unknown material, but since they seemed comfortable it didn't matter. I wanted it now, but I should probably be polite to them.

"State your name and what you are doing here; we are the Stellar Bearu of Investigation and want to see what is happening. If you resist, we will begin using force."

"You could've just asked me for my name. But I'm Kaida, also known as Lilith, I came here to get stronger and gain more experience, but these beasts were too weak, though I did use a technique to do that..."

They looked surprised as I said I used a technique to cause this much damage; it made their guard stay up as they gripped their weapons even harder; I looked and sighed, rubbing my hands together since it was starting to get cold.

"Say, shall we hurry up? I must return to my student, so I'll enter the Void soon enough."

They looked even more concerned and now scared that they tried holding up someone at the Void Transcendence Realm—or maybe even someone higher—but weirdly, they couldn't sense my aura. But that was because I condensed my aura inside my body or a shield around me. As they did, they had called for backup while they kept me here.

"And why would you come to such a low-level place with the max of Soul Condensing here."

I sighed and thought of a way to get out of this.

"I came here from the Void, but I don't know exactly where I go; I'm new to entering the Void because it's been a few thousand years since I have; I simply tested it and got here, so I thought it was fit for me to test the capabilities of the technique."

I looked at them, and they looked at me suspiciously but didn't do anything. As I finished speaking, I felt the aura of someone approaching.

[The First Ascender Judges this situation to see what you will do.]

The First Ascender? Whatever, I didn't want to fight them, and I could finish this by talking, so I opened 『Nira』and went into it and closed it as they tried rushing to me to stop me from leaving. But it was too late because 『Nira』had closed, and they could not reach inside, and even if they were, their hands would be cut off from trying to enter this place. I looked and saw both Tori and Astral were awake, so I went over to them and patted Astral's head; as I did, Tori looked over while extremely tired. I chuckled and patted his head before putting him on the bed to make him sleep. After that, I used 『Moru』Which instantly made him fall asleep.

"How have both of you been while I was gone?"

"I've been doing well. He's gotten much stronger and can finally withstand two of my attacks at full force!"

She looked happy and smiled at me while she spoke, but it was humiliating to know that someone had defeated him in two moves. I didn't mind as long as he wasn't dying or taking too much damage to his body.

"Alright, that sounds fun, but have you eaten the furniture around this house? I thought I gave both of you enough food for a month."

She was sweating; I looked at her and noticed this immediately and chuckled at her eating so much of the food I made. Well, my Magic made.

[Realities True Emperor Winks at Kaida, wanting her to do something interesting for her.]

I looked at him and felt exasperated, tired, and unable to do anything; it was probably just my brain acting like that and wanting to rest, but I couldn't do that even if it wasn't healthy for my body to stay awake. I took both of them out of 『Nira』Which would appear inside of Tiangong Academy, which I would let them stay at right now; I knew that Tori could take care of Astral in this place and that he'd be able to get stronger quickly, considering the fact he was clearly a main character in this world.

『Soru』Allowed me to teleport to another location, which was the School I had registered in and gotten into, I assume.

[Lilith has gotten into the Heavenly Sky Sect without using Magic. She will go from Soul Condensing II to Soul Condensing IV]

Cool, a slight boost puts me in the middle of Soul Condensing Now. I walked through the building and saw many people talking with each other, like a typical high school, which made me dread being there because I did not want to attend something like this. But I had to if I needed to get stronger and actually get the Pills that people keep talking about to boost my strength or to cultivate other paths that would be beneficial to me and anyone I had cared for; but I'm still weak at the Soul Condensing Realm, sure I could just use Magic to boost myself to the highest level but then I wouldn't have grown as a person or even done anything notable to reach that level, plus it would be more of a hassle having so many people going to me and trying to be with me or many other things which could hinder my plans for this world, even if it wasn't my own which I was born in, it was still a world with people with different morals and points of views and even differences I could see, or not even they could see.