

hey reader let me tell you something mc is psycho with two other personality but he didn't know that (personality will reveal soon so keep reading)


it me your favorite protagonist (of this novel)

"so where was I yes( let kill this bastard)


but I can't because I died





let look at bright side he will die slowly but surely painfully might have heart attack too

that good for at least

wait I can't kill that bastard myself because I die DIE

may be its time for me deicide

so where should I go hmm

hell or heaven

right I should go there I can meet that Lucifer guy or heaven isn't bad either there will be beautiful Angels

but Lucifer

right I now what to do "

hungun ghrrr* weird noise*

after hearing weird noise somewhere I start to observe my surrounding 'hmm wow I can't see anything but I feel I am inside water and I can hear sounds of water ' as I try to move sound become louder and I started to feel pain

pain yes someone said only by over coming pain you get stronger

*gbubb bubbff gbgbuf*

let's move

this is fun but seriously where am I


: Outside of where I was moving :

morning 2:41 Am

dong Quer pov~ ( thought)

hmm look like Little dragon is kicking well it last month so its about timee ehh shenmi is moving to fast .

I have to wake up husband as I about to turnand Wake him


pain become unbearable


long huo pov~

I was having a great adventure I was about advance next level


a very loud shout came just than I realize it was just an dream but this mother fu*ker has to die '

after opening my eye I see my wife glaring at me she said with some pain "were you thinking something bad about me " what

oh so she was the shouting *cold sweat* appears just as I about say I didn't my wife start shouting again in pain while grabbing my hand

Just than I remember that this is her last month of pregnancy so as fast as lightning I princess carry her and ran to village healer


Time 2 : 47

healer pov~

sighh after healing those group of adventures

from the virus of omni - corona bat I am very tired

seriously that virus spread too fast

well its a good thing supreme pontiff release an order to kill all these omni - corona bat soul beast

*boom* door destroyed #



OK chapter is short I know I will release two big chapter tomorrow

