
Heavenly Divine Dragon Harem System

In the year 5023, a new VRMMO Gamen was realesed. It was the talk of the world and many game industry were willing to invest in it. Live your wildest fanties create your own world, rule it, dominate it, get beauties, get stronger, repeat the process. Nye a poor orphan he and his sister who only had each other to survive, gamers purchased this game he was just an ordinary soldier before he received a mission and got the heavenly bloodline. Ding! [ Congratulations mission success do you want to inherit the bloodline of the Supreme dragon.] [ Yes/No] Died in the war and reincarnated as a dragon in the game. My achievements everything gone, what's real? and what's fake? Sigh! even though I didn't live my life to the fullest I still enjoyed and that's enough. .... Fallen into the pit of the abyss, his pleas reached the ears of the Supreme god abd reincarnated. This new world I shall leave it to the fullest and grow stronger make my wildest fantasies real and protect my loved ones. Heavenly Divine Dragon Harem System has been installed, fuck what the hell is that. Note: Mature Rating, No Ntr, you guys should support me. Other tags: Vampire, Dragon, Angel, Demons, Elves, Beastmen, Draughs, Bloodline. The Mc girls won't be stolen from him, it would be the other way around. A/N: Directly skip to volume 2 it won't affect the plot or anything, volume 1 was a big mistake.

KingRockson · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Hunt[ Final Battle]


[ Host 5 minutes till next wave arrive]

Let the game begin he said as a smirk appeared on his face, ghouls how are they stronger than vampires, aren't they half vampires.

Host don't underestimate them, yes they where weak but that was until their fourth king became king, he defeated most of the undead king and spread his land making a name for himself.

He has never lost a fight before, he is the second strongest king in the undead land, he has never lost a fight that was until he met me, let the games begin he said as an evil grin appeared on his face he released some of his aura some of the ghouls lost their will to fight and started to run away but drake didn't allow them to go, he killed all of them.

Wow your aura is frightening, you know if you had released it before you could have stood a chance to win, sorry mother I forgot he said in a jokingly manner, who is mother your whole family is mother your father is mother, your sister is mother, your brother is mother, your children is mother, you are mother, your mother is mother, technically.

You, she said as she disappeared, wait don't go I was only joking am sorry, I promise I will go to tombs and transfer all their essence to you hmmm looks like you learned your lesson, but I will only forgive you if you call me queen.

Am sorry my queen pls forgive me I won't repeat that mistake again, his majesty is almost here, we don't have to be scared of that dragon again. His majesty will surely beat this dragon, we don't have to be scared of it let's go beat it looks like they are not scared of you.

That's because they haven't seen death, and they don't know they are looking at death right in front of them he said as he burned all the ghouls.

Thirty minutes later

Why haven't I received a notification of me clearing this wave, host that's because you haven't defeated the ghoul king.

Do you think he got scared and ran away, in all my life of fighting I haven't seen an arrogant one like you, I guess it's because you have his bloodline so arrogance runs in the blood, who's bloodline all the kings I have killed all said the same thing, oh so you don't know I guess you will find out that's if you are not dead. And even if you manage to kill me the next king is the strongest and deadly out of us so you better pray you die in my hands.

First of all am not arrogant, and I only say the truth and don't worry about me dying because it's both you kings that will die not me


he muttered all his stats increased, while the ghoul king stats decreased by fifty percent what the he is already dead, host ghouls don't have high hp that's why they need to eat flesh.

Aren't you forgetting something, what is that go absorb his essence so I can ascend into the great emperor realm she said with a greedy smile on her face.

As you wish my queen he said as he absorbed the essence, yay am now in great emperor realm now I can help you fight all your enemies that are stronger than you no one will bully you.


[ Congratulations for defeating ghoul king, you got 2000 celestial points.]

[ Congratulations for completing hidden quest, you learned skill tigers palm, hydra slash, wyvern strike]

[ Congratulations for completing quest survive for more than two weeks you learn Sword of gods art, you got flaming sword and 200 celestial points]

A large amount of information entered his mind he now knew the sword of gods art, tiger palm, hydra slash and wyvern strike.


[ Defeat dark spirit king]

[ Reward: title, random skill.]


[ Final wave arrive in ten minutes.]

A notification resounded inside his head, finally he said now I can get out of this shit hole.

Host don't worry everything will be okay, you have gotten this far am sure you will surely make it out of this place,


[ Final wave is here, get ready for battle]

The entire weather became chilly like a grave yard, dark spirits jessica muttered suddenly his sword became bright red, it started shaking in excitement. You how did you get that sword why are you asking such stupid questions, I don't have all day let's get this over with so that I can get out of this shit hole your call home.

A spirit came flying towards him, trying to possess him but instead turned to ashes. What happened how did that spirit die I didn't even lay a finger on it, host it's because of your special bloodline no spirit can possess you.

This just made my job easier he said charging towards the spirits, with the asura demon axe in his hand. he had changed it back to it's axe form he was busy killing and destroying the spirits as if they where nothing.

His sword kept getting darker and darker, it was regaining it's former glory an evil aura was eminating from it.

He had kill all the spirits except from the spirit queen, how dare you kill my people in front of me and use that unholy sword, you will die for your sins.

the skies kept getting darker and darker, until thousands of spirits kept falling from the skies, charging towards him. He casted a barrier around him while attacking the spirit


[ First form of demon asura ghost axe unlocked ]

Just what I needed, time to end this fight.

[ Soul perisher ]

He muttered a dark void came out of his sword sucking all the spirits into it , destroying them and turning them into it's energy.


[Congratulations for clearing final wave, you get title king of beasts]

[ Quest completed poison strike]

[ Congratulations for destroying undead region, you got

He read the notification, as he was been teleported to a different space.

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