

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

Without Them

Ye Zhen followed the young man to a small lake in the backyard. Xu Lao sat on the stone chair in the water pavilion. On the stone table was a white jade chess board, and the black and white pieces showed an endgame. he felt extremely dangerous and full of murderous intent everywhere.

Except for Xu Lao, there are no other people in the water pavilion, and the hospitality he just said is just an excuse.

Old man Xu looked at the three and finally his eyes fell on Ye Zhen's face, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes and he wondered if he had misread it.

This little girl ... seeing how familiar she is to her, have you seen her anywhere?

Ye Zhen generously fell down and greeted, "The girl has met Old Master Xu."

Old Xu came to his senses and looked at Ye Zhen harshly, "Who is your father?"

"The daughter's father's last name is Lu ..." Ye Zhen hesitated for a moment and almost said that his father was Ye Yiqing.

"Who are you in Lu Lingzhi?" Xu Lao suddenly interrupted Ye Zhen, and his voice turned cold.

Ye Zhen looked back at Lu Ling.

"Here's his older brother." Lu Lingzhi bowed to Old Man Xu.

Chief Xu waved his hand, closed his eyes, and said, "Lord Lu Hou, I have been looking up for a long time, I don't know what is important to the distinguished guest?"

One of Lu Ling knew that he was unwelcome, and still had a gentle smile on his face, "I have heard about the old man's name for a long time, and today I specially brought my younger brother and sister to visit."

He did not mention a word about allowing Lu Xiangzhi to stop his master. They didn't say anything yet, Xu Lao had already adopted an attitude of not welcoming them, and if he really wanted to be a trainee, he would definitely kick them. outside.

Old man Xu sneered, "Don't you dare be, I'm a small family here, Master Lu Hou is still please."

"You chase him away, but you can't chase me away, I'm here to break your chess game," Ye Zhen said quietly.

"Aren't you his sister? Since he left, how can you stay? Ruthless and unjust people are also worthy of playing chess with me?" Xu Lao snorted coldly.

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "I haven't finished talking, they have left, I will play chess with you, if I win, you will accept my brother as a student, how do you think?"

Xu Lao angrily laughed at Ye Zhen's simple words: "Why do you think you can win the old man?"

"So let's try." Ye Zhen smiled sweetly and innocently. He could ask Mr. Xu for Lu Xiangzhi, but he definitely wouldn't let Lu Lingzhi use Mr. Xu to gain greater power like in the previous life.

"If you tell me what game this is, I will play against you," Xu Lao said.

Ye Zhen looked at the chess set on the table, "Tianyuan Game."

Tianyuan Game, the trend of the latter, once someone vomited blood due to the inability to break the situation in this chess game. This chess game was created by his father, but nobody knew about it.

Old Xu's eyes lit up slightly and he solemnly ordered the young man standing to the side, "Please ask the two young masters of the Lu family to come forward for tea."

Lu Lingzhi looked at Ye Zhen, although there were many doubts in his heart, it was inappropriate to ask at this time, he winked at Lu Xiangzhi and the two of them walked out of the shore together.

"Sit down, girl," Xu Lao said lightly.

Ye Zhen sat in front of Old Xu and looked at the old man who once treated her like a granddaughter, blinked and showed a narrow smile.

Seeing her smile, Mr. Xu finally remembered who she looked like, "You look like the daughter of an old man."

"Are you talking about Ye Zhen?" Ye Zhen lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"You know?" Xu Lao's eyes were cold, her eyes were fixed on Ye Zhen, "Whose daughter are you?"

"My father's name is Lu Shiming and my mother is Pei. I have lived in the border town for fifteen years." Ye Zhen said in a low voice, "Master, do you think that all the members of the Ye family deserve to die?"

"Some deserve to die, some don't!" Old man Xu looked at her, "Are you Lu Shiming's biological daughter?"

"No, I'm his adopted daughter. Nobody knows about this. Now you know." Ye Zhen looked at Old Xu and said.

Xu Lao stood up abruptly, "Who are your biological parents?"

"Master, then do you think someone from the Ye family deserves to die? Ye Yiqing?" Ye Zhen asked with a smile again.

"Yes, he shouldn't die!" Xu Lao sat down again, his voice turned low, "There are not many good people in the Ye family, he is a rare good person."

Ye Zhen took Heizi in her hand and gently put him down, "But he is dead, and the pair of his sons are dead."

Old man Xu looked at Ye Zhen silently. After a long time, he whispered, "What is the relationship between you and Ye Yiqing?"

"I don't know ..." Ye Zhen shook his head, "Since others say that I look like Princess Qin, maybe it really has something to do with the Ye family."

"The old man never heard Mo Ting say that he still has a daughter, but he is fine with you now, at least you can escape, and you may have a chance to meet him in the future," Xu Lao said with a sigh.

Mo Ting is Ye Yiqing's word, and Ye Yiqing has never told anyone about having twin daughters.

Ye Zhen heard something strange in Xu's old saying, he squeezed Heizi in his hand, "Master, what are you talking about?"

Old man Xu looked down and said, "The old woman originally wanted to collect corpses for her friends. There are 130 people in the Ye family, but there is no father and son Ye Yiqing. They may not be dead!"

"Are you serious?" Ye Zhen wanted to control her emotions, but she still trembled and clasped her hands. "You said ... Ye Yiqing and his son ... weren't dead?"

"The old man didn't find his corpses, so he assumed they didn't die by chance," Xu Lao said, as to whether he was alive, how can he be sure?

Ye Zhen's hands shook violently, her right hand gripped her left hand tightly, tears welled up and she desperately held back, "They must not be dead!"

Dad is so powerful, so omnipotent, how could he die himself!

Yes, she still dreamed of seeing dad, he told her to wait for him ... he must still be alive!

Old man Xu looked at Ye Zhen, who was so excited, that he already knew his identity in his heart, but, considering that the Ye family was still a subject that could not be brought up, he hid all the speculations in his heart. and pretended not to. to know something.

Ye Zhen paced back and forth in the water pavilion a few times, and finally suppressed the emotion in his heart. She looked at Xu Lao, "Master, do you think that if Ye Yiqing is not dead, where will he go?"

"The old man once heard him say that what he wants the most is to go out to sea," Xu Lao said.

"Yes ... he said that." Ye Zhen laughed, remembering what her father had said, took a deep breath, stabilized the rising excitement in her heart, sat back down, and said in a shaking voice. "Old Xu, let's play chess!"

Ye Zhen's heart felt happy and relaxed like never before. In this world, she cares more for her father and her brother. Now that she knows they may still be alive, she seems to see a bit of light in the dark.

That she has expectations in hatred, she wants to find them, for them she will definitely live well.

Dad, brother, you must wait for me to find you.