

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

Syndrome accumulation

Mo Rongzhan was discussing with the cabinet minister in the Imperial Study Room about Lu Lingzhi's expedition to Longyang to suppress King Qiuliu.

King Qiuliu is a prince of a different surname, because he gave the first emperor a stunning beauty, and the innocent first emperor named him the title of a different surname. Now the first emperor has died, and the prince who is also greedy for female sex takes the throne. As Rong Zhan usurped the throne, King Qiuliu, holding the banner of upholding orthodoxy, raised the pole in the uprising a month ago, and has united with two other clan kings to seize three cities.

"The emperor, Anyang Hou used to fight with you. It's not a problem to be brave and good at fighting, but... now he still has injuries on his body, how can he lead his troops to suppress the rebellion?" Prime Minister Xu frowned, he didn't really appreciate Lu Ling. Therefore, when you hear someone else's proposal, you will naturally raise an objection.

"The emperor, as far as the minister knows, Anyanghou's injuries have healed a lot, and it is not a problem to lead troops out." Another cabinet minister Liu Zongyuan said in a deep voice.

Lu Lingzhi and Tang Zhen represented the upstart forces in Kyoto, and Prime Minister Xu represented the dignity of aristocratic families. However, everyone knows that the emperor did not have a good impression of those centuries-old families, but has been supporting the upstarts who hold the merits of the dragon. , Liu Zongyuan didn't care about the grievances between the family and the poor, he only looked at the meaning of the emperor.

Several ministers in the cabinet argued with each other.Mo Rongzhan hadn't spoken all the time, but just sat silently behind the book case, watching them coldly, you arguing every word.

"Since Anyanghou's injury is almost healed, let him lead the troops on the expedition. As for General Jian...I have other arrangements." Mo Rongzhan said lightly.

"The emperor..." Prime Minister Xu still wants to fight again.

Mo Rong Zhan's cold eyes lifted slightly, so that everyone suddenly did not dare to speak again.

Prime Minister Xu even murmured in his heart that when the former emperor was King Qin, he didn't feel that he had such a domineering power.Since he became the throne, the awe-inspiring and majestic aura suppressed them, old officials, not to be presumptuous.

After the cabinet ministers all withdrew, Fu Fu came in from the outside, "Your Majesty, Fu Ping from the Prince's Office came..."

After hearing Fude's words, Mo Rongzhan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Where is Lu Yaoyao with Ayi?"

Fu Fu bowed his body respectfully, and told Mo Rong Zhan one by one what had just happened to Fu Ping.

"Go and see." Mo Rongzhan smiled faintly, watching a group of old men arguing for a long time here, he has long felt annoyed.

Since knowing that Lu Shuang'er was not the little girl who rescued him back then, he has lost his original affection for her.

He knew that Lu Shuang'er had noticed his indifference, and thought it was because of the upcoming newcomer in the palace. He learned that she was going to enter the palace with Lu Yaoyao. He thought she wanted to use his sister to use his understanding of her. Seeing that Lu Yaoyao looks better than her, Lu Shuang'er shouldn't be happy. However, why did Lu Yaoyao go to the Prince's House? This little girl who looks delicate and squeamish...would she be the same person as Lu Shuang'er?

Ye Zhen, who was still in the prince's office, didn't know that Mo Rongzhan was coming here.She frowned and her hand was still resting on Mo Rongyi's pulse.

"The imperial doctor said that you are suffering from a wind-cold, do you have any other problems?" This pulse is quite like a wind-cold, but you can check the pulse carefully, and Ye Zhen feels that this is not just a wind-cold.

Mo Rongyi clutched his chest and said, "It's because of heart disease, knowing that Liuhua won't give me money, my whole body hurts."

"..." Ye Zhen glanced at him silently, his pulse is like a stubborn pulse, like a light knife scraping a bamboo, it is stagnant and not slippery. This is a manifestation of astringent pulse, and seeing that he always clutches his chest, it should be It's the accumulation of symptoms, that's why it hurts here and there.

Ye Zhen immediately appeared in her mind for various treatment methods for the accumulation of medical records, including the pulse condition and the patient's response, all clearly appearing in her mind.

These were all mentioned in the medical records she had seen before, so she was able to find a cure quickly.

However, she felt that Mo Rongyi might not believe her.

"Little prince, the royal doctor who gave you treatment...who is it?" Ye Zhen asked in a low voice. She thinks that someone who can be a royal doctor must have good medical skills. Why didn't he see that there are other diseases in the little prince's body. What?

"Doctor Qi has other things to do, so Concubine Lu called another imperial doctor to see me. What's the matter?" Mo Rongyi asked absently, and he was still thinking about waiting for Liuhua to give the silver. He sent it back.

The silver represents his face.

Ye Zhen said, "Why don't you ask another doctor to check your pulse?"

"If you can't see that this king is sick, you can't see it, and no one laughs at you." The young Mo Rongyi's immature face carried a triumphant smile.

"I can't see it, I don't know if you believe me or not." Ye Zhen glared at him. "You always hurt here and there. I really thought it was a heart disease, but it's not like this. You are sick. build up."

"Ghost!" Mo Rongyi snorted, making it clear that he didn't believe it.

"Press your lower abdomen yourself to see if there are any lumps." Ye Zhen pointed to Mo Rongyi's stomach and said.

Mo Rongyi saw that she said it as if it were true, and he pressed his stomach dubiously, as if...there was really a lump...and it was very painful.

Ye Zhen looked at the pain flashing on his face, and smiled, "Trust me?"

"It might be a coincidence," Mo Rongyi said stiffly.

"Then I won't bother to care about you." Ye Zhen waved his hand, "You have already taken your medicine, and I have to go and give the queen mother a reply, Little Prince, goodbye."

Mo Rongyi touched his stomach, waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Ye Zhen originally wanted to give him a medicine she developed herself. Although the pill is only for physical fitness, she has added Lingquan in it, although it may not be able to cure his disease, at least before he can cure the disease. , To alleviate his illness.

Now it seems that even if she gives it to Mo Rongyi, he may not eat it, so don't waste it.

Ye Zhen left the prince's office with his forefoot, and Mo Rongyi planned to go out. Before leaving the house, his personal eunuch Fuping came over, "Little Prince, Princess Long and Princess Liuhua have entered the palace."

Mo Rongyi's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"They are about to go to Ci Ning Palace, the slaves hurried over to tell you when they saw it," Fuping said with a smile.

"It's just right, this king still wants to find Liuhua." Mo Rongyi laughed happily, and then thought that Lu Yaoyao hadn't been away from him for a long time, should he meet the mother and daughter on the road?

The eldest princess must be reported for his flaws. If he sees Lu Yaoyao, maybe he will do something.

"Quickly, stop Lu Yaoyao," Mo Rongyi cried, already running out in strides.